Games Beaten 2015

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by dsheinem »

RyaNtheSlayA wrote: Episode 2 though, is absolutely masterful. The base game doesn't make me foam at the mouth for a new installment but man, playing Episode 2 again relit that fervor and I want nothing more than for Valve to complete the series now.

I had the "luck" of hearing this reaction from pretty much everyone who played Episode 2 waaaay back when, and as such have not played it. I played Episode 1, am eager for HL3, but I don't know that I want to experience the cliffhanger that so many people have been frothing about for years. I think, at this point, my plan is to play Episode 2 a week or so before HL3 actually releases.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Xeogred »

You've somehow avoided the details this whole time?
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

dsheinem wrote:
RyaNtheSlayA wrote: Episode 2 though, is absolutely masterful. The base game doesn't make me foam at the mouth for a new installment but man, playing Episode 2 again relit that fervor and I want nothing more than for Valve to complete the series now.

I had the "luck" of hearing this reaction from pretty much everyone who played Episode 2 waaaay back when, and as such have not played it. I played Episode 1, am eager for HL3, but I don't know that I want to experience the cliffhanger that so many people have been frothing about for years. I think, at this point, my plan is to play Episode 2 a week or so before HL3 actually releases.

Spoiler Alert. Snape Kills Dumbledore.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by dsheinem »

Xeogred wrote:You've somehow avoided the details this whole time?

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Ack »

dsheinem wrote:
RyaNtheSlayA wrote: Episode 2 though, is absolutely masterful. The base game doesn't make me foam at the mouth for a new installment but man, playing Episode 2 again relit that fervor and I want nothing more than for Valve to complete the series now.

I had the "luck" of hearing this reaction from pretty much everyone who played Episode 2 waaaay back when, and as such have not played it. I played Episode 1, am eager for HL3, but I don't know that I want to experience the cliffhanger that so many people have been frothing about for years. I think, at this point, my plan is to play Episode 2 a week or so before HL3 actually releases.

I'm actually in the same boat. I've played Half-Life, Half-Life 2, and Half-Life 2: Episode 1 through multiple times, but I have yet to give Episode 2 a go for exactly this reason! Come on, Valve, get Source 2 out and get cracking!
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Blu »

I got 2015 started this morning when I woke up jet lagged at 4:00EST. So, I fired up the old Nintendo 64 and played through my copy of Super Smash Brothers. I consider the game to be finished because I had recently started fresh and unlocked all of the characters this morning, Ness being the last.

1. Super Smash Brothers - N64 (January 3)
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Damm64 »

1- Heavenly Sword (PS3)

I start this year with a wtf is wrong with this game?! Ok the game is not bad overall i have some issues, many actually, that detract from the game and make it less enjoyable.
Let's start explaining the game first i heard, better said read, many people call this "goddess of war" "wor of war clone", etc. They are wrong this game is not GoW it's a much slower with more enfasis with countering attacks and reacting at the exact second to them while you are blocking, now this will be ok if the game didn't throw you 12 enemies at once that constantly cover your visual or make it hard to return attack when they attack in the middle of the animations, now this will be also ok if the game had a estable framerate now im not the best person to judge this but in SURE this game runs lower than 30fps and the games looks choppy as a result, now having SOME framerate issues is OK but the WHOLE game is like this and when then throw you the exesive amount of enemies make's it worse. What also make this worse is that there's a delay on your action and when you press the button, there's about half second and one second delay and since the requires you to press the counter button at a especific moment when you block the whole system goes to hell. The worse part is the final boss, for some reason they though it would "cool" to fill the screen with the largest amount of randon grunts in the arena just to show how "powerfull" is the PS3 this make's the framerate worse and since in order to defeat the boss you must reflect his ranged attacks it takes more time than it should, after you get the pattern you are good. The game uses what it calls fighting stances that are activated with R1 or L1 (being air and heavy respectevly) and your default is "fast attack" your enemies also use this system and in order to block their attacks you must be at the same fighting stance as them but some of them alter their attacks combining the stances, you can also do that, and makes it much harder to block the attacks with the low framerate and the dealy with your button presses.

Now you may think i hate this game... and you're kinda right i don't hate it but i didn't find enjoyable with all these flaws. What is worse is that if they fix and make it play at a steady 30fps or ,even better, 60 fps this game will be MUCH better as a result. If you can overcome this issue you will find a gorgeous game even by today standars, a interest cast of bosses (my favorite is the fight agains the snake women, she and Nariko exchange some cool lines) and a somewhat interesting story line.

Ninja theory seem to improve themselfs since i remember playing enslaved and really liking that despite having some issues, the framerate is back again in the PS3 version, but looks like this developer is style over substance since so far these two game follow a trende they are beautiful but the game itself is flawed is and a bit generic.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Flake »

1/3: Super Mario Bros 2: Lost Levels (Luigi Run) (3DS VC/NES)

I finally beat the Lost Levels NES version using Luigi. This is the first time I've ever put any real effort into this game and boy, do I have mixed feelings about it. The game really is too hard to be any fun and does nothing to reward players that don't want to dedicate themselves to memorizing EVERYTHING. I usually don't allow myself to spam save states but I had no such issues this time.

That said, the game is also a master course in level design even if it does take the difficulty way too far. The concept of teaching you how to play the level through level design carries over from the original Super Mario Bros. and even the most ridiculous moments are generally intuitive, even if they are made wicked hard by requiring precise timing and absolute understanding of the games physics.

I chose to play through the game using Luigi because I generally found him easier to use than Mario in 90% of situations. Pretty much any outdoor area was designed for Luigi's speed and jumping and while he becomes a huge liability in castles where cornering becomes very important, again I was abusing save states and Mario felt kind of boring.
Maybe now Nintendo will acknowledge Metroid has a fanbase?
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Ack »

I really need to get through The Lost Levels some day. It's the only game left in the SNES Mario All-Stars that I have not beat, but I keep putting it off because I don't want to throw my controllers.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

It's about 100000 times easier on the SNES.
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