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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:40 pm
by Raging Justice
RCBH928 wrote:I saw the W2014 game promotion incident that fired JR. I honestly feel its completely stupid. Yes it did not promote the game but I hardly see any problem enough to fire JR after all what he did for the WWE. If they wanted o keep things PG13 yeah maybe they went over the board but this is the same company that used to have wrestlers flash their bottoms to the tv camera. They literally had a striptease show in the ring IIRC.

That's not even the worst they've done. You can find an old Girls Gone Wild show featuring several, very young women going topless and simulating oral sex for a group of judges that included quite a few WWE talents like Stacy Kiebler, Johnathan Coachman, and celebs like Snoop Dog. Tory Wilson even did a striptease dance for the crowd

A think a lot of people don't remember how raunchy that company used to be. I was never offended by any of that stuff they used to do, but it's funny seeing how much the company virtue signals these days expecting us to completely forget what kind of company they used to be.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 10:12 pm
by Raging Justice
Wow. It becomes more obvious every day how much the people in WWE hate that AEW exists. They're not even hiding it anymore ... ht-in-aew/

"WWE came out swinging with stinging comments about AEW in a recent article by The Toronto Star that detailed competition between both companies. The match referenced was Tay Conti & Anna Jay vs. The Bunny & Penelope Ford in a street fight. The match was a bloodbath, but critically acclaimed.

“If you look at the gory self-mutilation that bloodied several women in the December 31 event on TNT, it quickly becomes clear that these are very different businesses,” WWE stated in regards to the match on the New Year’s Smash episode of AEW Rampage. “We had an edgier product in the ‘Attitude’ era and in a 2022 world, we don’t believe that type of dangerous and brutal display is appealing to network partners, sponsors, venues, children, or the general public as a whole.”

AEW has a reputation for edgier matches including a Nick Gage vs. Chris Jericho Deathmatch and a Lights Out Anything Goes Match between Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa.

AEW did not respond regarding WWE’s comment.”

I think they're jealous. I saw a so called "Street Fight" they recently aired on WWE Smackdown featuring the Usos versus The New Day and it was pathetic. It just felt like a regular match, and a boring one at that. I guess that's what little children, sponsors, and network partners like. Meanwhile AEW is giving us stuff like this:






And for all their talk about what a trash company AEW is, the Owen Hart tournament is going to be done by AEW because his wife wants nothing to do with WWE

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:09 pm
by RCBH928
"we don’t believe that type of dangerous and brutal display is appealing to network partners, sponsors, venues, children, or the general public as a whole."

WWE is a business, all they care about is money. Wrestling is just an excuse to them. They know money is where the kids at. Now its much worse since they are a public company and they have to keep a positive PR and keep those stocks rising and revenue increasing.

In the Attitude era when they noticed their larger than life , monster of the week, gimmicks were beaten by more realistic and adult oriented WCW Nitro they switched gears and were stepping on a near p0rnography level.

Money wise they are making the correct decision. If I had a kid I rather him watching WWE than come into the room with him piledriving his brother into the kitchen table. That being said, wrestling historically was not a kids only show. Adults who watch WWE today are closer to adults waiting to see what happens next week on TeleTubbies. The adults market has been picked up by AEW.

I just hate that WWE paints itself as the main wrestling company of the world. They should paint themselves closer to Sesame Street.


I am surprised WWE mentioned AEW. WWE never ever mentions a competition. They act as if they do not exist. I bet they are scared deep inside, really scared. And Hunter is scared AEW pulls a WCW on them, indeed Mr. Khan is richer than Vince. I think he is richer than the whole valuation of WWE not sure. Hunter will not know how to face this competition. Maybe Shane can save the company if they ever drop the ball.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:10 am
by Raging Justice
RCBH928 wrote:"we don’t believe that type of dangerous and brutal display is appealing to network partners, sponsors, venues, children, or the general public as a whole."

WWE is a business, all they care about is money. Wrestling is just an excuse to them. They know money is where the kids at. Now its much worse since they are a public company and they have to keep a positive PR and keep those stocks rising and revenue increasing.

In the Attitude era when they noticed their larger than life , monster of the week, gimmicks were beaten by more realistic and adult oriented WCW Nitro they switched gears and were stepping on a near p0rnography level.

Money wise they are making the correct decision. If I had a kid I rather him watching WWE than come into the room with him piledriving his brother into the kitchen table. That being said, wrestling historically was not a kids only show. Adults who watch WWE today are closer to adults waiting to see what happens next week on TeleTubbies. The adults market has been picked up by AEW.

I just hate that WWE paints itself as the main wrestling company of the world. They should paint themselves closer to Sesame Street.


I am surprised WWE mentioned AEW. WWE never ever mentions a competition. They act as if they do not exist. I bet they are scared deep inside, really scared. And Hunter is scared AEW pulls a WCW on them, indeed Mr. Khan is richer than Vince. I think he is richer than the whole valuation of WWE not sure. Hunter will not know how to face this competition. Maybe Shane can save the company if they ever drop the ball.

WWE fans have tried denying it for a while now, but there is ample evidence at this point that WWE is very concerned with AEW. It's not because AEW is at WWE's level, but because the amount of success AEW has had in just over two years is nearly unprecedented. They are gaining ground fast and I don't think that sits well with people in WWE. It should be noted that the first time NXT and AEW went head to head and AEW won, WWE issued a public statement telling AEW that "this is a race, not a marathon". So yes, AEW is very much in competition with WWE. Even Tony Khan has acknowledged this

I don't think AEW poses the same kind of threat that WCW least not yet, but WWE clearly is not happy about the company's success. I think it's a pride thing too. AEW regularly puts on better shows than WWE and many people, including WWE alums like Mic Foley acknowledge this publicly. To put it bluntly, AEW makes WWE look bad and has been doing it for over two years now. That little rant in that article I think is WWE reacting to that. I think it legitimately pisses off certain people within the company and probably Vince McMahon himself. WWE is the biggest pro wrestling company in the world, but if you ask a lot of wrestling fans who is the BEST pro wrestling company in the world right now, they'll say AEW. There's quite a few other pro wrestling companies many fans consider better than WWE as well, that's how much of an embarrassment WWE is today, but AEW is clearly the largest and most successful of them.

With so many options for wrestling fans today, and with a major company like AEW having such a good product, it's never been more obvious how much WWE sucks. Also, running shows in Saudi Arabia and firing over 80 people in 2021 (and more people in 2022) has really put the company in a negative light. Also, the company that made such a huge deal about a "women's revolution" a few years ago has been treating their female talent like crap lately. They had a women's Queen of the Ring Tournament that had like 19 total minutes of actual wrestling. They buried one of their most promising stars, Bianca Belair in a squash match where she lost her title in like a 10 second match on one of the biggest pay per views of the year. It doesn't help matters that this was like the second time in the past few years that a black champion lost a title match to a white competitor in matches that didn't even last one minute. Both times on major events (Kofi Kingston lost his title on WWE's premiere on the Fox network after taking only one move from his white opponent). That's just not a good look for your company

I don't understand what goes on in the minds of the people running WWE. Also, Hunter seems to be in the dog house. They fired several people who worked with him, as well as several wrestlers that he had helped within the company. It's like if you were associated with Hunter in any way, you are probably looking for employment right now

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:37 pm
by RCBH928
I am not sure who you mean by other feds that are better than WWE. AEW is the only one to have a full package to go against WWE, they have the money, the talent, and the management. Organizations like ROH have been around for 18 years they have not even scratched the WWE, AEW did more in 2 years than ROH in 18 years.

*I don't know how old you are about back in around 2008/09 TNA had a roster that IMO was better than WWE. They actually had Sting, Flair, and Hogan on the roster. This only happened in WCW MNW era. This is not to mention others like AJ Styles, Team 3D, Jeff Jarrett, Cornette, Bischoff and others. While people did have hope the horrible management ran it to the ground and WWE just watched and laughed at them.

*WWE doesn't care about women wrestling or wrestling, WWE cares about money. Their target market is kids and kids do not care about bikini wearing women. Honestly I believe women wrestling was used as eye candy to attract adult male viewers. They probably keep women wrestling just so no one calls them minsogynsts.

* WWE is worried about AEW because they have seen what they have done in 2 years and could see what could happen in another 8 years. They are afraid to pull the rug from under them. They have the money, management, and talent. WWE no longer can say to wrestlers "Do as I say or else..." because now wrestlers if they do not like WWE can simply sigh up for AEW like back in MNW. There is more, all kids have parents and if those parents start watching AEW their kids might start watching AEW and forgetting WWE. If WWE loses ANY market share their stock will drop and any drop is bad as it will equal less revenue and lower stock value and then starts management firing. Also WWE will take an image damage if people start calling WWE as the kiddies company and AEW is the real pro wrestling company, kids will always want to watch the "cool" company not the kiddie one. Their brand will be tarnished. AEW knows exactly what they are doing and where they are going, meanwhile WWE does not know what to do, do they switch to a more mature shows and upset their sponsors? or do they remain a kiddie show and lose whatever adult still watching their shows.

WWE has no problem switching gears as they did before and hypocritically drop their PG shows for a new "ATTITUDE" era but Tony Khan is 40 years old and Vince is near 80 I do not think he has it in him any more. Tony is actually richer than the McMahons, and everything points that he is in it for the long term.


In previous argument with you, you presented a data set that showed most WWE viewers are adults which is a head scratcher since that means WWE should be a non PG show but somehow WWE concentrates a lot on kids and keeping this PG which still I can't figure out why. I have only one explanation, that data is wrong, and indeed most WWE fans are sub-18.... or the adults that are watching WWE actually want a "kiddie" show?!

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:05 am
by Raging Justice
RCBH928 wrote:I am not sure who you mean by other feds that are better than WWE. AEW is the only one to have a full package to go against WWE, they have the money, the talent, and the management. Organizations like ROH have been around for 18 years they have not even scratched the WWE, AEW did more in 2 years than ROH in 18 years.

I was talking about quality. It's not who is the biggest or richest company that is the best, it's the one that puts out a higher quality product. AEW is not the only company offering a better product than WWE. You can watch any show from NJPW, Stardom, NWA, GCW, and lately, Impact Wrestling and you'll more than likely get a better show than whatever WWE puts out that week. We even had a new company debut recently called Terminus, which has its own unique set of rules for wrestling matches. You've also got MLW generally offering better shows than WWE, and interestingly enough, they have sued WWE for actively sabotaging the company by getting a certain network to reneg on their TV deal with MLW. This was supposedly Stephanie McMahon's doing. WWE is actively trying to destroy other companies like some kind of mafia boss. AEW is their biggest concern, but they are not above sabotaging other companies too. It really makes WWE look bad because a lot of wrestling companies are actually working together these days. AEW has featured wrestlers and even titles from NWA, GCW, NJPW, and other companies and even allowed their world champions to make appearances and wrestle on Impact Wrestling. I've seen AEW wrestlers perform on shows run by other wrestling companies too. WWE though, rarely works with other companies, and just sort of sits alone on their island, metaphorically speaking. It does sometimes seem like they don't even want people to know other companies exist.

RCBH928 wrote:

In previous argument with you, you presented a data set that showed most WWE viewers are adults which is a head scratcher since that means WWE should be a non PG show but somehow WWE concentrates a lot on kids and keeping this PG which still I can't figure out why. I have only one explanation, that data is wrong, and indeed most WWE fans are sub-18.... or the adults that are watching WWE actually want a "kiddie" show?!

I don't really understand it myself. WWE does seem to try and target younger audiences, but statistics show that the majority of their loyal viewers are 50+ idiots who don't know any better. The younger demo of 18-49 seems to be watching AEW or simply watching something other than pro wrestling. AEW usually wins the ratings battle in that demographic. AEW's overall viewership has had some big spikes in 2021 as well, going over the 1 million mark a few times which is high enough for the folks at WWE to take notice. I think that started happening after AEW brought in CM Punk, and later Daniel Bryan and Adam Cole. I believe there was one week where AEW's viewership went higher than one of WWE's shows, but it might have been a week where WWE had to move the show to a different network and time slot if I remember correctly. That naturally brings your numbers down

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:20 am
by PretentiousHipster
I just assume the 50+ that are still WWE are watching it for the nostalgia...

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:05 am
by prfsnl_gmr
PretentiousHipster wrote:I just assume the 50+ that are still WWE are watching it for the nostalgia...

I’m just over 40, and I do t recognize anyone in the WWE today! Accordingly, I’m not sure it’s nostalgia (which is what keeps me at least somewhat interested in this topic today).

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:08 am
by PretentiousHipster
Fair, but I'd assume its title would be enough for a nostalgic rush. I recognize a few names in the roster when I was obsessed with it as a kid though.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:10 pm
by RCBH928
not sure how old you are but about the only wrestlers in the WWE roster that old enough to be from your Childhood is John Cena and Lesnar who debuted early 2000s. So you kind of have to be around 27 year old if those are your childhood stars.

Unless you mean none wrestlers at which point will only be Booker T, Jerry Lawler(not sure if he even does any shows now), and Paul Heyman