The Wrestling Thread

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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Key-Glyph »

Really interested to see the thoughts roll in on Fyter Fest.

I'm coming in blind, so all of these wrestlers were new to me. I was super impressed by the acrobatics of Private Party, enjoyed the brohugs, LOVED Nyla Rose's heel charisma (I think she had the best moment of the night), and really dug the Lucha Brothers. The Rose/Riho/Sakazaki and Young Bucks/Lucha Bros. matches were my favorites.

I gotta admit I'm a little confused about the final "lights-out" match, though. From all the talk it's gotten online and the way it was promoted, it seems like this was the main event -- but there wasn't a lot of actual wrestling in it, and neither opponent had any kind of character establishment/development going on in the subtext. Obviously it was going for a different kind of appeal, but I found myself bored. What was it like for the rest of you folks? Is the Moxley/Janela situation representative of what the majority of today's wrestling fans want? Or is there something I don't know about Moxley that is propelling this fervor?

Also, I thought it was really funny that I picked up on the big video game reference from the BGM cue before any costumes were revealed. Pretty sure you folks all did, too. And oh the irony of using a GameCube controller as a weapon! That thing is far too comfortable to be used in such a way. It should have been an NES controller, being driven into someone's back. :lol:

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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

So I am out of the loop, can someone fill me in please?

This AEW are really aiming to compete against WWE?
I thought it was a smaller indie thing like PGW or Total-NonStop-Wrestling, created as a hobby by the son of a rich Indian billionaire.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Markies »

Yes and Yes.

You are right on both accounts.

It is the first legitimate competitor to WWE's throne since TNA tried several years ago and then faded into an unknown channel. They will have their own 2 Hour Programming on TNT starting in October, I believe. But, they are also run by a bunch of indy guys. They got popular in NJPW/ROH and on their Youtube series, Being the Elite.

In it's essence, it is an Indy promotion, but it has the bank behind it of rich billionaire's son who really loves wrestling.

Key-Glyph wrote: Obviously it was going for a different kind of appeal, but I found myself bored. What was it like for the rest of you folks? Is the Moxley/Janela situation representative of what the majority of today's wrestling fans want? Or is there something I don't know about Moxley that is propelling this fervor?

Moxley Vs. Janela was the odd match of the card. I would not call it indicative of AEW going forward or anything like that. AEW is not going to be the next ECW.

I would say the match was in response to Moxley being handcuffed by WWE. Moxley, before becoming Dean Ambrose, was known for his Deathmatches and very brutal indy matches. He then went to WWE and became a joke. People thought he was stupid and he couldn't do anything creatively violent. He leaves WWE and now he has an outlet to be violent with somebody much like him. It's like Mick Foley Vs. Terry Funk back in the day. They got to be violent and had fun watching it.

Blood/violence is a weird aspect in wrestling today. Fans want it, but they also understand more than ever the toll it does to a wrestler. For example, Cody got a ton of heat for taking that unprotected chair shot because of the knowledge of concussions. Fans want violence/blood, but when it happens, they kind of recoil.

And yes, this is me coming out as a closet wrestling fan. :D
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Xeogred »

Worth remembering this was a PPV as well, which let's you take things farther than normal TV usually. I saw an interview with Tony Kahn saying normal TV won't have as much violence. I was kind of rolling my eyes seeing the tacs, barbed wire, etc, when Mick Foley is a living example of the severe damage these kinds of matches can do to someone long term (he's looking awesome lately though thanks to DDP Yoga!) But I guess they've found ways to make these things hurt and cut less according to one of my friends, not that it makes it better haha... but yeah. I'm not shy of blood or gore at all but was skeptical of the main event and I'm not really into the hardcore gimmick match anymore, but it turned out to be more fun than I expected. Moxley seems like a good worker and Joey was cool, made me think of classic younger Jericho in ways. His sagging pants was bugging me though...

I think Markies is on the money when it comes to Jon Moxley / Dean Ambrose. I only caught one match of his in the WWE, it was one of the recent WM's and a "suplex city" match with Brock... ie, it was terribly boring, lol. He had a very cool interview with Jericho recently though, kind of going into detail with just how annoying Vince has become in his old age and all that. So I guess Jon had a lot of carry over WWE fans. Was surprised to see him get the biggest pop of the night.

That makes me want to mention, I'm glad the fans are behind Kenny Omega, but so far his two showings in AEW has been so-so. I think it's only a matter of time before people see this guy is Bret Hart / Shaw Michaels caliber for sure though. His four matches with Okada in NJPW are some of the best I've ever seen.

It's also worth nothing that he's a huge nerd and would interview old Japanese developers. I believe that Cody and the Bucks are kind of nerdy too. So I bet we'll continue to see some fun crossovers, jokes, and memes like we have so far. Kenny even appeared on one of Giant Bomb's talk night shows during E3 a few weeks back haha.


Overall the show was a blast. Not as big or epic as Double or Nothing, but I was surprised by how good this was too for something that sounded smaller. It kind of felt like a WCW Bash at the Beach throwback. I think Riho vs Yuku vs Nyla was hands down one of my favorites and man, it can be hard to make a three way match even good. They put on an amazing show. I'm warming up to the Young Bucks and really enjoyed The Elite vs Lucha Bros too, though it felt like the ref never even cared to try and control those tags haha.

Christopher Daniels and Cima was nice. Cima being an apprentice of Ultimo Dragon. I love when JR drops some history and the connections.

Cody vs Darby was cool but I'm still not totally sold on Darby. JR did a good job building him up though, like this relentless snake that just wouldn't go down. It started off slow but got better as it went. But yeah that botched chair shot... kind of feels like karma knocking on the door to me, head shots should just not be a thing again at all.

I'm absolutely loving MJF. This dude already has so much heat from two AEW shows and a few interviews. He reminds me of heel Corporation Rock in the best ways. He believes in himself and is so awesome cocky. That juke on the crowd for acting like he was going to do a flip out of the ring and then stopped was hilarious. He stole the show on the four way match to me.

Commentary wise, I'm glad they got rid of one of the other guys that was on DoN, didn't seem like he jived well with JR. Excalibur is the guy with the mask and he seems okay but gets a little long winded. I think he's got potential though and maybe JR can polish him up.

Anyways yeah, that's my too technical breakdown of some random thoughts haha... loved it and can't wait for more. AEW AEW AEW!!!
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

Any one subscribed to the WWE network?
Is it true you can see every RAW and Nitro Episode?
They say all the ECW PPVs are in there too, are they censored to be PG13 ?
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by JoeAwesome »

RCBH928 wrote:Any one subscribed to the WWE network?
Is it true you can see every RAW and Nitro Episode?
They say all the ECW PPVs are in there too, are they censored to be PG13 ?

Yes; not quite EVERYTHING (new episodes are delayed, but everything NItro should be there); and afaik, not really censored. Music has been changed around (rights), and in some cases commentary to just Joey, but otherwise, it's typically just as it was.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

JoeAwesome wrote:
RCBH928 wrote:Any one subscribed to the WWE network?
Is it true you can see every RAW and Nitro Episode?
They say all the ECW PPVs are in there too, are they censored to be PG13 ?

Yes; not quite EVERYTHING (new episodes are delayed, but everything NItro should be there); and afaik, not really censored. Music has been changed around (rights), and in some cases commentary to just Joey, but otherwise, it's typically just as it was.

what you mean commentary to just Joey? They took out other commentators off the show? Why?
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by JoeAwesome »

RCBH928 wrote:
JoeAwesome wrote:
RCBH928 wrote:Any one subscribed to the WWE network?
Is it true you can see every RAW and Nitro Episode?
They say all the ECW PPVs are in there too, are they censored to be PG13 ?

Yes; not quite EVERYTHING (new episodes are delayed, but everything NItro should be there); and afaik, not really censored. Music has been changed around (rights), and in some cases commentary to just Joey, but otherwise, it's typically just as it was.

what you mean commentary to just Joey? They took out other commentators off the show? Why?

IIRC, post-Eastern pre-WWE ECW doesn’t have Joel or Cyrus on commentary, but rather it has just Joey as a redone one-man commentator. I haven’t seen too many matches or shows from this era on the network, but if you know Joey, he makes it work.

Why? Same as the music, probably: rights. Jesse Ventura’s commentary got edited early on in the network’s life.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

I decided to drop and look around TNA, its sad to see the production values has fallen to a level of an obscure wrestling fed. from the 70s. Why are they even still around and who watches them? Some ego these guys had going head to head against RAW in another monday night wars attempt.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by JoeAwesome »

RCBH928 wrote:I decided to drop and look around TNA, its sad to see the production values has fallen to a level of an obscure wrestling fed. from the 70s. Why are they even still around and who watches them? Some ego these guys had going head to head against RAW in another monday night wars attempt.

Ever seen Ring of Honor or MLW? The production values are different when you're not WWE. Right now, they're around for fans of wrestling that's alternative to WWE. Any one who was a fan of Lucha Underground's wrestlers doesn't have many options to see them on weekly TV other than Impact.

You'll get no argument on Impact going head-to-head with WWE, though. One of the dumbest decisions in a long list of them Impact has made.
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