What was the last movie you've seen?

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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Michi »

Write-ups, write-ups and more write-ups, because I'm horribly behind......

Return of the Beast from Outer Space


A couple goes on a camping trip and gets terrorized by a strange creature. But things aren't exactly what they seem.

This is a nice horror short that tries to subvert your expectations and looks really good while doing so. It's the kind of film I wish was a little longer, because it's a fun premise that works really well.



Lauren's marriage is falling apart and she's willing to do anything within her power in order to save it. But her husband seems uninterested, and as her obsession becomes more and more extreme, it might take an intervention to help her see the light.

A really strong drama short about the dangers of both obsession and denial. It's won a ton of awards and it's easy to see why, because the story is exceptionally strong and the visuals are lovely. I did find the acting to be a bit hit-or-miss, though. But it doesn't interfere with the rest of the film.

Bland Larceny


Sasha and Tom decide they're going to rob a wealthy social media personality. They've got their entire scheme planned out. The only flaw in their plan? They actually really suck at successfully pulling off their criminal enterprise.

This is a comedy short that I actually found highly entertaining, which is actually kinda hard for me, because my sense of comedy doesn't really mesh much with modern humor sensibilities. But this one worked for me with a nice assortment of low-brow humor, sight gags, slapstick, and good timing. I really liked it. It's just long enough to tell a successful story and not overstay it's welcome (it's only 9 minutes.) If you like goofy comedies, then this is a nice, quick diversion.

Blood Lake


Six teens and young adults head off to spend a nice weekend at a lake house. They plan on doing some drinking, partying and water-skiing. Instead they encounter a knife-wielding killer who seems to be holding a grudge towards anyone who gets too close to the lake house.

Well.... this one was painful to get through. To say the film is boring would be an insult to other, better, boring films. The viewer is subjected to long driving scenes, long eating scenes, long poker scenes where you can't even tell what the characters are saying, and an extended water-skiing scene that's accompanied by some very questionable music choices. So basically, just about everything in this film seems to be happening in real-time, and the film is in no way better for it. There's really only enough plot here to fill about half an hour, and what is there isn't all that interesting to begin with. The movie is pretty much as cookie-cutter, plot-wise, as any backwoods slasher plot could possibly be. It doesn't just do precious little to make itself stand out. It does nothing to stand out at all. Add in some truly abysmal and cringe-worthy acting, and this movie ends up being a real slog to watch. I literally couldn't wait for it to be over.
Last edited by Michi on Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

You’re rocking it, Michi. These write ups are great.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Michi »

Thank you!

I'm glad someone gets a little enjoyment out of them :)
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Golgo 14 »

I saw Cyrano last week, and I was the only person in the 750 seat theater. :D for me, :( for the theater. I was kind of surprised how much I liked it. I just went to see it because in the past year I've seen pretty much everything this local theater shows, but I enjoyed it and it has stuck with me in the days since. It's a musical and most of the songs aren't great, but there were a couple that stuck with me. I've been listening to Overcome and Wherever I Fall. I wouldn't disagree entirely if people called them corny, but I liked them just the same.

Also, I'll put in a plug for Drive My Car which I saw a month ago. It's my favorite movie that I've seen in the past couple years. Give it a whirl if you think you'd be up for a 3-hour long Korean film. Some critics complained about the length, but I didn't regret a minute I spent with it. It's streaming on HBO Max now.
marurun wrote: We’re not going to rubber stamp your horrible decisions.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Rewatched Scream last night. Turns out all the Scream films, including the newest one, are all on Paramount+. I decided to rewatch the first four movies before watching Scream (2022).

For some reason it hit differently this time than when I watched it back about 7-8 years ago. It was definitely better than last time.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Rewatched Scream 2 last night.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Just finished Scream 3. Did anyone else Sidney is wearing the Greek letters her boyfriend Derek gave her in the previous film?
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by RCBH928 »

The Sixth Sense , I think its iconic of cinema and DVD era.
I saw it before I know the twist . Nice twist on the story but filled with plot holes, I mean seriously a guy lives for like 4-6 months does not realise no one is talking back to him? They had an escape for it by saying "Ghosts only see what they want to see" but all the other dead ghosts had like shotgun holes meanwhile bruce is walking around without an issue.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Last night I watched Scream 4 for the first time since it came out. I definitely enjoyed it. After work tonight I plan on watching the new one on Paramount+.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by stickem »

Loved the scream series and the new one is on my list of movies I'm behind on. Random question, is the Dewey/Gale "broken arrow" theme just in scream 2 or did it stay their theme in the later releases?
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