What was the last movie you've seen?

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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Michi »

New write-up of the week:

The House Where Evil Dwells


An American family moves into a cute little house near Kyoto so that the father can do a bit of writing. But what they don't know is that over a century ago the house was the location of a tragic betrayal that left three people dead, and their spirits still reside at the home. But these aren't friendly ghosts. Oh no. These ghosts are held to the house by a curse, one that cannot be broken, and them thus freed, until their bloody fate is recreated in a new generation.

You can tell this is an American-ised version of Japanese ghosts, because the spirits in this movie spend most of their time irritating their house guests instead of just outright killing them (cause Japanese ghosts are dicks). So the film is primarily filled with western haunting cliches in an eastern setting. It also has some confusing visuals, as you're never sure if the characters can see the ghosts, or just the viewer can, because there's no visual differentiation to their appearance in either circumstance. I really had higher hopes for the movie after watching the excellent, and extra bloody, opening scene, but then the movie just spudders into slow paced, uninspired, no frights mediocrity after that point, so it ended up being a bit of a letdown. Not even the surprise crabs could save it. Oh well.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by RCBH928 »

Chain Reaction. They do not make'em like this any more. I much appreciate the special effects back then over now. Maybe I am just biased. 90s was all about catastrophe movies, Is this still a trend?
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Went to theatres for the first time since the pandemic to watch the 4k restoration of Cronenberg's Crash. Phenomenal erotic film that borders on being horror, showing how destructive desires could be.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, which would have benefitted from a shorter runtime and maybe a bit less humor.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

The humour in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was really... not for me. As much as I love the chaotic evil energy of every Dennis Hopper appearance.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »


So I watched Suicide Squad (2021). I never watched the first one. The movie is fun, but it never felt as great as James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy movies. I can't help but make the comparison given that they are also movies based on a relatively unknown super hero team from a major comic book company. Suicide Squad has some genuinely hilarious moments and some decent action scenes, but there are also moments when the jokes fall flat. There's a lot of MCU/Joss Whedon style humor in the movie. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I hate John Cena as a pro wrestler and as a person, but he's pretty good in this movie much like how former wrestler Batista does a good job in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

I'm sick of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn and just sick of Harley in general. DC seems to have a major hard on for her these days and it's getting old. A good chunk of this movie is wasted propping her up as a badass and a feminist icon. There's a whole section of the movie surrounding her that's kind of boring and I felt like the movie just got put on hold until we finally got past this part. It was like, okay now that we're done eating out Harley and convincing you that she is the baddest woman in comic books we can actually get back to the movie. ALL of her jokes were TERRIBLE by the way. She is just NOT funny. I know she's in the Suicide Squad in the comics, so she had to be in the movie, but I just found her annoying. Harley just doesn't work for me when she's not paired up with the Joker. She's not an interesting character and she's not funny. I feel like her whole character is, "I'm about to say something really stupid, and everyone is just going to smile because I'm hot and everyone wants to have sex with me"

Idris Elba is awesome because he's Idris Elba. When is he NOT awesome? Him and Cena have some good scenes and some good chemistry

Rick Flag was a cool character played well by Joel Kinnaman

Ratcatcher 2 is the best character in the movie and her little pet rat is cuter than Groot ever was in the Guardians movies. Every scene featuring him is great

King Shark is wasted in this movie. He has a few cute and funny scenes, but never does anything really useful and doesn't progress as a character at all. He is just sort of...there. Like the simple fact that there is a man eating, CGI, shark is such a cool idea that it justifies him being in the movie even though they never do anything interesting with him. Visually though, he DOES look amazing.

Amanda Waller is a BITCH. I know she's always been a shady, morally grey character in the DC universe, but this movie really goes overboard making her a monster...far from her more nuanced portrayal in other DC related things I've watched. I don't like it personally. Waller is a character who makes tough choices, often feeling that the ends justify the means. She's by no means a saint, but she's not exactly a monster either...but in this movie she very much is. Her portrayal in Justice League Unlimited...even some of her stuff on CW's Arrow is much better IMO. This movie's Waller is like a caricature of the character

Polka Dot Man is a weird-ass character, but he's kind of funny. He's probably the most charming character after Ratcatcher 2

There's a lot of clever visual things the movie does that may feel a bit gimmicky, but I think Gunn was maybe trying to give the movie a comic book like quality. There's a lot of words being put onscreen in clever ways as if to recreate the look of an actual comic book. I found it annoying after a while as it felt overdone, but I think hardcore comic book fans will appreciate it

I hated that the movie
killed Flag
and was mildly annoyed that
they killed Polka Dot Man

Also, the movie needed more action. There's a few good scenes, but it just never felt like enough. Course, that's probably cause they wasted an entire scene on JUST Quinn kicking ass by herself in what is supposed to be a team based movie

Overall, the movie is fun, but it feels like a bargain bin Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Not enough action, comedy that ranges from great to cringy, questionable use of some characters, and way too much Harley, The Guardians movies are sooooooo much better. Can we just kill off Harley in the next movie? Please?

I'd rate it a 6 or 7. By comparison, I'd rate the first guardians movie a 9 or 10 and the second one probably an 8.5. I loved those movies. The reception I'm seeing for this in some circles I follow reminds me of the first Wonder Woman movie with Gal Gadot, a decent comic book movie that people said was fantastic. Suicide Squad is decent, but not great.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

I saw a few Marvel films and they were legit torture for me, so no thanks lol.

I loved how James Gunn said that Scorsese talked shit just so that he could promote The Irishman, but James Gunn saying this right before the release of his film isn't publicity as well?
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

PretentiousHipster wrote:I saw a few Marvel films and they were legit torture for me, so no thanks lol.

I loved how James Gunn said that Scorsese talked shit just so that he could promote The Irishman, but James Gunn saying this right before the release of his film isn't publicity as well?

I personally don't like James Gunn, but I've enjoyed some of his work. I've had to do a lot of separate the art from the artist in recent years.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

I remember he did some fun yet edgelord sketches called PG-Porn I think. It was parody of porn scripts. They were actually quite fun. I'm not into his films at all though, even Super was pretty bad to me.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by MrPopo »

PretentiousHipster wrote:I saw a few Marvel films and they were legit torture for me, so no thanks lol.

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