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Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:23 pm
by mjmjr25
Watched a video of the turrets - I still don't get it, I just get owned, that part is just genocide, but i'm getting much better at the last 1/3 of that stage at least.

Just hit stage 5 w/3 lives plus the life I was using (w/no bombs). Got to the boss w/only 1 bomb, the bomb you get right before him. So depressing - but going to feel so freaking good once I take him down.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:12 pm
by mjmjr25
Got the ALL. Never have I been so excited and then depressed. My score was so terrible it isn't on my leaderboards so can't even take a pic. I figured there'd be a clear bonus, but maybe not because I didn't have any spare lives.

I ended up bombing through the turrets. Bombing lasts about 7-8 seconds, whereas just getting hit and auto-bombing lasts about 3-4 seconds, so I probably saved 4 hits, by autobombing twice.

I got to the boss with 5 bombs in stock and felt like it would be a cakewalk. That 2nd form just goes on forever, dropping those can bombs on you, just brutal, got hit 3x on the second form and was getting ready to throw the controller. To get there in such good shape and then get hit 3x in 20 seconds, was rough, but no missed the 3rd and final forms and got through w/one bomb left to spare. Great game, now to go back and focus on score.

This isn't a high for me, but i'm posting anyways.

2,115,198,792 - mjmjr25 - ALL - Green / Power Style - 360 mode

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:22 pm
by foxhound1022
Great job, Mike.

I was in the same situation you were when I originally played this. Just got decimated on Stage 5 between the laser turrets and the boss. I tried and tried, and frustration got the better of me.

Gratz, man.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:36 am
by dunpeal2064
Dude, grats Mike! That came quick.

Scoring in this game is bliss. You gonna go for bees too?

And yeah, that s5 boss 2nd form attack is nasty. The trick seems to be moving left to right quick enough to stay in the rows of pink bullets, so that you don't have to dodge them and can just worry about vertical placement to avoid the canister spray. Its easier said than done though, I often take a hit there.

That attack aside, though, you can skip pretty much every pattern she does by hyper chaining, and using shot while in hyper slows down the patterns in her first form to a crawl. Some of the midbosses and bosses in this game are rough, and then you find out some trick and they are completely trivialized.

I spent 4 hours yesterday playing this... all in training mode stage 5. I managed to nmnb all the way through the stage and up to the boss (where I got cleaned by the canister assault).

I've been hesitant to say this... but I think I like this game more than Futari.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:46 am
by mjmjr25
The bees - eventually, not sure if I want to focus on that, or focus on scoring.

I can get them all consistently on stages 2 and 3. I really struggle on stages 4 and 5, when I get them, it seems more dumb luck at this point.

Stage 1 I usually get 6. For some reason I struggle with the last one on the top left. If I power shot that enemy and then expose the bee, I drop my chain, so I usually spread shot that enemy for the slower kill and to keep my chain through the boss...but I always forget to quick power shot and expose that be before it's too late. The most i've had iirc is 22, so quite a ways from 35, but definitely something to work on as this game is spectacular.

Also, agree on your midboss and end boss assessment. After stage 1, they all seem ridiculous at first, but with time, they are all becoming manageable. I still usually take a hit on 4th boss, and 5th midboss (the first midboss, not the second).

I'm still taking too many hits on stage 4 as well, from not properly recognzing which side the purple lazers are going to come from, so i'll have my hyper activated and playing irresponsibly, and then a solid purple lazer will come from the corner and I don't activate my power shot in time to cancel it. This should come with more play and memorization though.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:55 am
by dunpeal2064
Bees: Getting 35 in the normal route would be pretty tough, since there are only 35. If you can do the trick right at the beginning of stage 1 to enter the alternate route, you get 9 bees per stage. If you can manage to get them all in the first 3 stages (which does take some practice), then you only need 4 in stage 4, and 4 in stage 5. There is a spot near the end of stage 4, right after the backwards scrolling section, with 3 bees in a row, which I relied on pretty heavily to get into the Omote loop.

The downside is, the midbosses get even more ridiculous in the hidden route, and dying (autobomb doesnt count luckily) in the stage kicks you out of the hidden route, which can screw up plans big time.

The 4th boss... there are quite a few tricks for. She was destroying me, but there are some tricky moves you can make to nullify her patterns. It seems like a lot of the midbosses/bosses were designed with hyper abuse in mind. I think its her 2nd form that shoots the pod out? If you know its coming and you hug a wall (you have to use shot to move fast enough most likely, probably lose some hit), the pod will chase you and move off screen. Then you shoot to the other side as quick as possible, and it should chase you back, and end up off screen again. Her first form has a trick too, if you focus on one side of her and destroy the missle, but let the other one stay alive, it will slowly drop off the screen. This causes the boss to very slowly move to her next firing position, which gives you a ton of time to point blank her (tons of damage and a full hyper charge)

....I'm not sure I could handle Power mode honestly. I had a hard time playing Espgaluda just because it had 3 buttons :lol: I like the simplicity of Strong, even though you have to do some off-the-wall stuff to maintain a chain and charge a hyper.

Can't wait to get home from work, gonna play this shit all day.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:21 am
by mjmjr25
Put in 8 runs today. 7 runs to boss's final form, 1 run to 2nd (cannister) form. I'm one less death on those lazers from ALL-ing this every time. My bees are getting better, I get the first 3 stages pretty consistently now. Still a ton of work on the 5th stage - best i've done there is 4.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:36 pm
by mjmjr25
First run today, no miss first 4 stages, never done that before. Died in silly places on stage 5 I usually don't, including once on the way up the corridor, then twice on the midboss, then once on the retreat from the midboss, then probably 7-8x on the spinning turrets, once on the second mid-boss even w/my hyper activated, go to the boss on my last life w/5 bombs, got hit 3x on the cannisters and twice on the final form.




This game will enlarge your heart and make you feel like true lumberjack...and in a matter of seconds will stomp on said heart and tell you to turn off yr system to go have date night.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 3:46 pm
by dsheinem
mjmjr25 wrote:This game will enlarge your heart and make you feel like true lumberjack...and in a matter of seconds will stomp on said heart and tell you to turn off yr system to go have date night.


...and then it will steal your date's heart, usually sometime after you've paid for dinner.

Re: DoDonPachi: Resurrection - High Scores

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:03 pm
by mjmjr25
I can not scream any louder than I just did. I hate this game. I'm done.