Jobs you originally liked/got burnt out/when to quit?

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Re: Jobs you originally liked/got burnt out/when to quit?

Post by racketboy »

Thanks, guys!

And yeah, I do freelance work -- all by referrals so far.
You may have missed the recent update, but I reached out to a couple of past one (some that changed organizations since I worked with them last)
I do need to put together a formal portfolio of work so I can court some clients that don't yet know me/my work.

I appreciate the encouragement and tips!

Anapan wrote:All the most enjoyable jobs I had were low paying, and I miss the carefree aspects and rewarding end result - labor complete and picture-perfect product. All the best jobs were, and are very challenging, but require experience and responsibility. Having the experience from the jobs I did, I was recognized and given more responsibility. Now I'm a lead-hand, and usually positioned in what my employers call "critical path". I train and guide other union brothers and sisters to help us all get the most difficult parts of the job done safely and efficiently. I'm not cut out for management, I cannot tell people to do things well, and I would not be able to deal with unproductive, ornery, angry non-workers. My foremen do that. They're payed a lot more than I am. I know how to do the things they ask me to do.

When I took this job 5 years ago, I was hoping to take a break from being "in charge" so I could get more hands-on. I was a great learning and growing experience.
I wouldn't mind doing management again, but it's much more natural when you grow the business from the ground up -- you know the ins-and-outs of the processes and you know everyone that joins as the company grows. Completely different if you're being dropped into an existing organization.
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Re: Jobs you originally liked/got burnt out/when to quit?

Post by Anapan »

Usurp your boss. Unless the position is granted by familial bonds, you will easily be the better candidate and the transition will be cheered on by everyone!
If it was a delusion, you still have a job
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Re: Jobs you originally liked/got burnt out/when to quit?

Post by racketboy »

Anapan wrote:Usurp your boss. Unless the position is granted by familial bonds, you will easily be the better candidate and the transition will be cheered on by everyone!
If it was a delusion, you still have a job

Lol. I actually thought about applying for the opening when my old boss was forced out, but I actually don't want that position. Involves too much schmoozing and focusing on fundraising. Although I don't get the feeling she does much of that effectively.... and I've learned through all of this you still have to report to the board of directors, who also irritate me constantly. So there are no green fields there in the foreseeable future.
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