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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 4:13 am
by alienjesus
It's the end of June, so I thought I'd check in on these at the halfway point and see how I'm doing!

alienjesus wrote:AJ's 2022 gaming resolutions:

Buy some 'new' gaming hardware
I've bought a PS5, but I really want to try and make this the year I finally buy a Neo Geo.

[Upgrade my set-up[

Here's my progress on all the things I want to do as part of this goal

- Get new shelves built to hold more systems Nope
- Organise my wiring to make it tidier and more manageable Nothing yet, but I've started looking at how to do this
- Get some of my consoles modded for better output. Ideally I'd like PC Engine upgraded to RGB, and my Dreacmast and PS1 upgraded to HDMI. I've had my PC Engine modded for RGB, but those HDMI mods are unavailable currently due to component shortage!
- Find a HDMI switchbox that works with my HDMI modded N64, as my current one doesn't play nice -This one is done
- Buy a good quality SCART switchbox -This one too

Do some more modding

Still no progress on this one!

Focus my game purchases
Some of my ideas are below. Lets see if I stuck to any of them

- 'Complete' a console set. By this I mean buying all the major games I want, not every game for the system. I've started making a little headway on Gamecube, but N64 is probably the easiest to achieve.

- Buy more games in the Klonoa series. I've purchased 2 of these - Klonoa 2 on PS2, and Moonlight Museum on Wonderswan.

- Focus on games for Sony hardware. Bought a few PS2 games and a handful of Vita stuff, but not really done this otherwise.

Stop neglecting some of my consoles
There are some systems I haven't bought a game for in the last 3 years. I would like to buy at least one title for these consoles in 2022. These systems are: Xbox (last purchase: December 2017), PS Vita (Dec 17), Dreamcast (Dec 17), Wonderswan (Nov 17), PS3 (Aug 17), Master System (Mar 17), 3DO (Apr 16) and PS2 (Apr 14!!).

I have purchased games for Vita, Dreamcast, Wonderswan, PS3 and PS2 now. Just Master System and Xbox to go!

Focus my game playing on one console and handheld at a time
Still doing this, and still on PS4 and Switch currently. GBA and DS are my handheld goals next, and SNES, PS2 and Gamecube are on the console list.

I'm still doing pretty well on these. I probably won't achieve everything here as it's probably a bit ambitious and too expensive to fully achieve, but I've stayed relatively focused overall.

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:14 pm
by REPO Man
I don't see myself building an arcade cabinet anytime soon, but if I just get off my ass I could FINALLY finish those molded Playstation Classic consoles.

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 10:59 am
by Anapan
@ Repo Man - Try making the guts first. They're tiny and fully functional so you get instant reward and can fully enjoy it without the shell. They're fun to build and can hook into a real CRT - The reason I ended up building a woodworking shop is because I had figured out how to make almost any consumer CRT accept RGB, and had already made my oldest trash computer output 15khz RGB. Trying to make a cabinet in my dad's shop was unacceptable. Doing it in your own garage or side-room might be possible. As long as you have a shop-vac and patience you can do it.
I always wanted a sit-down Cocktail type cabinet, but my initial idea was and is still unfeasible (just too expensive and badly designed). I made my first working exterior finished cab as a planned failure-check - a clone miniature "Cabaret" style using an old PC monitor and one of those horrible 60-in-1 jamma boards just to see if I could work raw materials into a cabinet. I sold that crap at cost and the buyer was very happy. Positive feedback and a bad knock-off of the old multi-pirate cabs. 0 lag CRT and a variable scanline generator make the project a win.

PM me, or even better, start a topic about homemade arcade cabs. The very easiest and cheapest way is buying a knock-off of the walmart-special arcade 1up and replacing its guts with a good core. Even Raspberry Pi hooked to a CRT is a very good choice now. All LCDs are so bad...

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:15 am
by marurun
Anapan wrote:All LCDs are so bad...

Honestly, the key going forward will be to use 4k LCDs of smaller sizes with filters. Given how well the Analogue Pocket approximates varied old screen tech, I think that may be the answer as CRTs die.

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:05 am
by alienjesus
I forgot to do an update last month for the three quarter mark, so I'm going to review this now and see if I kept to any of these!

alienjesus wrote:AJ's 2022 gaming resolutions:

Buy some 'new' gaming hardware
I picked up a PS5 and a Neo Geo this year, so this is a success

[Upgrade my set-up[

Here's my progress on all the things I want to do as part of this goal

- Get new shelves built to hold more systems Nope
- Organise my wiring to make it tidier and more manageable This one has been done and whilst it's not perfect it's a big improvement!
- Get some of my consoles modded for better output. Ideally I'd like PC Engine upgraded to RGB, and my Dreacmast and PS1 upgraded to HDMI. I've had my PC Engine modded for RGB, but those HDMI mods are still unavailable currently due to component shortage!
- Find a HDMI switchbox that works with my HDMI modded N64, as my current one doesn't play nice -This one is done
- Buy a good quality SCART switchbox -This one too

Do some more modding

I built my consolised Neo Geo, although it was very simple. Done a few repairs on other bits too.

Focus my game purchases
Some of my ideas are below. Lets see if I stuck to any of them

- 'Complete' a console set. By this I mean buying all the major games I want, not every game for the system. Not really. I made a dent on Gamecube stuff at least.

- Buy more games in the Klonoa series. I've purchased 2 of these - Klonoa 2 on PS2, and Moonlight Museum on Wonderswan. The latter ended up being fauly though!

- Focus on games for Sony hardware. Bought a few PS2 games and a handful of Vita stuff, but not really done this otherwise.

Stop neglecting some of my consoles
There are some systems I haven't bought a game for in the last 3 years. I would like to buy at least one title for these consoles in 2022. These systems are: Xbox (last purchase: December 2017), PS Vita (Dec 17), Dreamcast (Dec 17), Wonderswan (Nov 17), PS3 (Aug 17), Master System (Mar 17), 3DO (Apr 16) and PS2 (Apr 14!!).

I have purchased games for Vita, Dreamcast, Wonderswan, PS3 and PS2 and Xbox now. Just Master System to go!

Focus my game playing on one console and handheld at a time
I did this for quite a while this year, but for the last few months of the year I'm focusing on playing some pickups I made recently that I want to get to.

Overall I'm doing way better on this then I usually do most years!

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:32 pm
by ElkinFencer10
ElkinFencer10 wrote:For me, I'd like to:

1. Stop buying so many games at launch. They all get price drops SUPER fast these days, and I let my excitement get the better of me. I don't even end up playing most of them for months after launch anyway.

2. Beat more games than I buy. I say this every year. I've never been successful. I doubt I will be this year either.

I have been partially successful with #1. Like, 20% success. As always, #2 has been a complete and utter failure.

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:44 pm
by REPO Man
Have you used Deku Deals?

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:43 pm
by ElkinFencer10
REPO Man wrote:Have you used Deku Deals?

That would make me even farther from accomplishing that resolution lmao

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 3:55 pm
by REPO Man
I use it to keep track of games I want and I can track PS4 and Switch prices, and XB1 if I had one, and see it's pricing history and in the case of the eShop and PSN it shows how much longer it's on sale.

I hardly buy a game at paunch unless it's a decently priced indie or an impulse.

Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:29 pm
by REPO Man
Update on my gaming resolutions:

* Putting off finishing the PlayStation Classics until I can upgrade the flash drives to 512GB and swap out the basic as hell standard controllers with something wireless. Either a pair of Retro Fighter PlayStation-style controllers OR a pair of 8bitdo controllers and wireless receivers for each console. I plan on trying to throw in some Dreamcast and PSP games, as well as Half-Life.

* Arcade cabinet didn't happen.

* Kinda lost steam on making custom cover art.