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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:28 pm
by strangenova
dsheinem wrote:I ordered this finally now that it is down to about $20. I'm curious to see what I can make of it...

At around the twenty hour mark I realized I only liked riding chocobos and fishing.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:51 pm
by Sarge
strangenova wrote:
dsheinem wrote:I ordered this finally now that it is down to about $20. I'm curious to see what I can make of it...

At around the twenty hour mark I realized I only liked riding chocobos and fishing.

Heh, the two things I didn't give a rip about. Barely touched the chocobos, and I'm not much of a fishing fan in real life, so not much appeal there.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:54 pm
by Fragems
Basically don't get to attached to the story it's a mess. I recommend either A.) rushing through the story and then using the save system teleportation and enjoy the side content or B.) just ignore the main quest line altogether and do whatever feels fun to you.


Also enjoy your product placement hope you enjoy cup noodle, and Coleman.


Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:30 pm
by Sarge
I find it hilarious that we have two groups here that advise sticking to story and side content, respectively. :) (Or maybe I'm the only story guy, dunno.)

Translation: This game is a bit polarizing.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:25 am
by Xeogred
Stick to... neither. lol, play Nier Automata instead.

The only side quests I liked doing were for the Lost Hurley-looking dude in the city, since he gave the best gil rewards. Other than that MMO fetch quests for gil/ingredients isn't very interesting, nor were any of the dungeons I stumbled across since they were all bland caves. The story was a trainwreck and you get the full extent of the side quests a few hours into the game, rinse and repeat them 100x over.

I liked using the Chocobo's a lot myself, since the car was clunky. Another friend of mine also thought the fishing was the best part too.

I was just ranting about this game again in another thread and I'm losing the energy for it, while also don't want to make others jaded about it going in, but ultimately it's an okay average game that doesn't deserve the main Final Fantasy title stamp. And even games more comparable genre wise, I haven't played Horizon but it probably destroys it, and I know Breath of the Wild does. Think that sums it up for me.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:45 pm
by Segata
Very good game. Buy it and decide for yourself. Nier Automata is great but a different kind of RPG. All I ask if you do get Automata..don't get it used. Game deserves support. I like NA a lot more myself tho I would not compare the two as they both aim for something different.

The product placement is a bit odd in FFXV but to be fair Shenmue had coca cola & Timex,Crazy taxi was full of it..same with Sonic Adventure 2 and people never complained about those. I'm not a fan of it but it's easy to ignore in FFXV.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:28 pm
by Xeogred
I know it's not a good comparison for the most part, but I just think it's funny the little "side project" on probably 10x less budget than what FFXV had... Nier Automata completely destroys FFXV in every department for me. The underdog Square Enix staff and Platinum cooking up the real goods.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:32 pm
by Segata
Xeogred wrote:I know it's not a good comparison for the most part, but I just think it's funny the little "side project" on probably 10x less budget than what FFXV had... Nier Automata completely destroys FFXV in every department for me. The underdog Square Enix staff and Platinum cooking up the real goods.


Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:36 pm
by Xeogred
Man all that food looked like ... 10/10.

I still think the four main characters were great. No issues there.

Re: Final Fantasy XV

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 3:10 am
by Alakhami
I thought the game was bad. I stopped playing it after about 15 hours when I realized that the story is basically non existant and that the game is just forcing me to engage in boring and narratively fruitless activities just so that I spend time in the world, which is of course very pretty and sandboxy but doesn't provide any meaningful incentive to do so in the first place.