Rest in Peace, Boxx (My Cat)

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Re: Rest in Peace, Boxx (My Cat)

Post by marurun »

Let’s all pour one out for the furry family members we have loved and lost, and shower the ones we still have in our lives with all the affection and attention they deserve.
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Re: Rest in Peace, Boxx (My Cat)

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

marurun wrote:Let’s all pour one out for the furry family members we have loved and lost, and shower the ones we still have in our lives with all the affection and attention they deserve.

My dogs are frequently ill-behaved. If I only gave them the affection and attention they deserve, I’d never spend any time with them. :lol:

It’s a good thing I love them anyway, and I’ve given them extra pets this morning!
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Re: Rest in Peace, Boxx (My Cat)

Post by Markies »

Rest In Peace, Boxx.
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Re: Rest in Peace, Boxx (My Cat)

Post by Jagosaurus »

Man, it's rough. Been a year & half since we put Bella (dog) down. Still think about it daily. Wouldn't trade the time with her though. Feel for you brother.

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Re: Rest in Peace, Boxx (My Cat)

Post by Ziggy »

Thanks, everyone.

Wanna hear something that sucks? So during the pandemic they don't let you into the vet offices. They come out and take your pet in, and you stay in your car. But since I was putting Boxx down, they let you come into a small room to say goodbye. You can also be present when they inject the drugs, but I really didn't want to watch Boxx die. So, I only came in to say goodbye to her. Boxx was having trouble breathing (among other things) so she was really freaking out anyway, and then being taken and handled by total strangers probably didn't help. So when I came in to say goodbye to her, she was on oxygen and able to breath better, and that plus me petting her got her to really calm down. I pet her for a little bit, after 17 years I knew exactly how to pet her to turn her into a mush. Then, I turned away to walk out the door. But I made a mistake, as I was walking out the door I looked over my shoulder at Boxx. Boxx was facing away from the door, but turned her head around and we made eye contact. Looking at her face, she was definitely thinking, "Where are you going?" That was the last I saw of Boxx, and I think it will haunt me for a while.

Anyone that has ever bought something from me on this forum, you have almost certainly had at least 1 Boxx hair stuck to the tape that I used to seal the package.

My brother and his wife shared some pictures with me of Boxx when she was a kitten. This was long enough ago that we didn't really have good cameras on our phones (if at all). So these were are actual prints. Here's Boxx with Benny, when they were the same size.


There's about a foot between my TV and the end of the TV stand. Boxx use to like to sit and lay up there, which could be annoying if I was trying to watch TV. But then even more annoying, for a few years Boxx had a problem with sneezing. For a while, she would constantly be sneezing out mucus. So almost daily, I would have sneeze spray all over my TV screen and occasionally some nice boogers too. It was very annoying to clean off. So at some point, I laid out all of my remote controls on the TV stand for some reason (I was organizing them or something, I forget why I did it) and I had them there for a few days. I realized that Boxx wouldn't jump up there if that space was filled, so I ended up leaving my remotes there and some other stuff too (usually game controllers). It's very messy looking, but it was a trade off to have a booger free TV screen. So it's been that way for years now.


I realized that I could finally clean off the TV stand, but it almost seems disrespectful or something to do it so soon. I think I'll leave everything up there for a while longer.

I went to the big box store and picked up a bunch of stuff to make a plaque with...


Lumber is so expensive now, I was going to get a nice piece of wood to make the plaque myself, but they had these plaques there that are preshaped and actually cheaper than the raw lumber. So I got one, along with some fancy carved scroll things. And some stains and clear coat stuff.

I was playing around with it a bit and I came up with this mock up...


I think I'm going to do the letters for Boxx raised, cut out from other wood on a scroll saw. Then the date and rest in peace will be engraved. I never engraved before, but I just picked up a router base attachment for my Dremel and a set of engraving bits. I'll have to practice engraving on some scrap wood first, just to make sure I don't screw up the plaque. I think the engraved letters I will put black paint in. The raised letters I might stain or paint black, not sure yet. The plaque itself and scrolls I got a cherry stain for that I think will look nice. Hopefully it comes out good.
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Re: Rest in Peace, Boxx (My Cat)

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Couldn't really post before but damn your most recent post made me sob. The last look you give to your pet is something that still stuck with me years later. Fantastic tribute you did with the woodwork.

There was one album I heard recently and one song had the most accurate representation of how it feels like for a pet to die. Very emotionally heavy song and it's funny that a song this sad was made by a band that dressing with eyeball masks and top hats lol
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