Resident Evil series appreciation thread

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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by nullPointer »

I am as of right now I am playing my very first ever Resident Evil game as part of my Halloween blowout. It's Resident Evil: Director's Cut - DualShock Edition on PS1. I'm seriously enjoying this game y'all! And yes the atmosphere here is thick, heavy and oppressive. I'm loving it! This is one of those stories in which the setting itself serves as an omnipresent character, malevolent and menacing, seeing your every move and countering accordingly. Seriously the mansion in this game is just a masterful creation of atmosphere.

Much has been made about the fixed camera angles, and pre-rendered backgrounds, and yes these things do make the game seem dated, associated with a fixed time and place in the history of gaming. But ... and equally, these stylistic choices contribute to a cinematic flare within the game. I'm not sure I've ever seen a game use cinematography to such a degree and it contributes immensely to the atmosphere. Several of the camera angles employed in various areas are positively twisted and unsettling. When taking this into consideration this actually does lend the game a timeless sort of quality.

I also love that this is a game with stakes. The ability to save is doled out stingily on an infrequent basis. Ammo management is always an issue. And the game is brutal. I don't mean that it's brutally difficult, mind but rather brutal in the sense that it tells the player in no uncertain terms, "I could care less whether you live or die. Deal with it" Especially early on, I could see situations occurring in which it was impossible to continue on due to lack of proper resources. And when you do die, there's no "do you wish to continue from your last save" or anything like that. No it kicks you out to the title screen. "Fuck you. Get out of my house" And I really dig that. Somehow it contributes to a feeling that you are just a minor pawn swept up in events that are beyond your control, and the best possible outcome is to simply make it out alive. Survival horror indeed. It's like the gameplay equivalent of listening to a Cryptopsy album. With the lights off. In a fetid mouldering dungeon.

I'm less in love with the endless loading screens and somewhat bizarre inventory management systems, but I do understand the choices (I think). The loading screens do actually help ratchet up the tension a bit via stretching out that, "OMG what's behind this door" moment, and in this capacity it was actually a very clever concession to the technology limitations of the time. Hey, pre-rendered backgrounds are going to take a while to load. I get it. But after a while ... it's just more and more waiting to actually play the game. Hrmph. The inventory management ... well I feel like it could have been handled better, but it is survival horror (and one of the progenitors no less) and I understand that you're supposed to feel a bit lost and always short on supplies.

I'll probably sum up my thoughts a bit better when I finish it, but I (think) I'm most of the way through Jill's journey, and haven't started the Chis segment yet, so I still have a while to go.

Also ... Barry sounds like they phoned up Adam West and just had him read lines with no context or direction whatsoever. That's not necessarily a dig. :wink:
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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by noiseredux »


Watched the original RE last night - which is the only of the series I had seen already, but it's been a few years. I remembered liking it, but this time I liked it more than I remembered. My initial disappointment was the whole "it could have been Romero" thing. The fact that I wanted a movie like the first game. But instead what we got is interesting in its own way - more in the realm of the 2nd and 3rd games. More exposition on Umbrella. And in fairness we did get some mansion stuff, though it didn't really look like THEE mansion. But it was fun and the zombie dogs looked cool. I'm gonna plan to watch the others.
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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by Anapan »

I saw your post and started watching it, but I already saw it too many times (I even watched through it on my PSP back when I was collecting UMD movies). I am going to watch the 2nd, and hope I'll have time to watch the others. I'm going to skip the CG ones unless someone tells me there's a good reason to watch them.

The last RE game I played was Resident Evil 4 UHD, and when I saw the ingame rendering from the PS2 version during cutscenes a few times I just quit. Not that it wasn't a good game, but the hard cut to SD was too grating to ignore...

Before that I was having a great time with Gun Survivor on a free CRT I got given. I got in trouble for letting my Nephew shoot zombies when he wandered in.

I have many fond memories from 1&2 - My brother and I still say "you, the master of unlocking" when we need a key the other has. I don't know if I could play through the director's cut, but I will give it a try.

I always wanted to try out that Chainsaw controller with the blood splatters. Is it actually useable beyond the gimmick start button being the pull string?
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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by noiseredux »

Anapan wrote:I saw your post and started watching it, but I already saw it too many times (I even watched through it on my PSP back when I was collecting UMD movies). I am going to watch the 2nd, and hope I'll have time to watch the others. I'm going to skip the CG ones unless someone tells me there's a good reason to watch them.

Y'know what's weird? I certainly wouldn't say that the RE movie is "great" or anything, but since I watched it I kept thinking about how much I liked it. I def want to see the sequels now.

I always wanted to try out that Chainsaw controller with the blood splatters. Is it actually useable beyond the gimmick start button being the pull string?

oh wow, I forgot all about that controller. It was GCN-only right? Cuz RE4 was originally part of that batch of Capcom games that was intended to be GCN exclusives? Anyway, funny - I had no idea you pulled it for START. I'd imagine it was really uncomfortable to play with. I'd guess the same thing about the DQ Slime controller, haha.

Anyway, I tried to squeeze in some Revelations 2 time with my coffee Sunday morning, but it just wasn't in the cards. Busy weekend and I kept getting interrupted so really made no progress.

Also, I couldn't pass up the Humble deal so now I've got RE4, 5 and Revelations on Steam. Plus, it came with a 50% off coupon for the rest of Revelations 2 which is nice cuz I only have the first episode.
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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by foxhound1022 »

There is a PS2 chainsaw as well. IIRC, that one is much more elaborate, and has the pull cord which also makes sound effects.

Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by mjmjr25 »

As B and I have discussed in our late night lying in bed chats - the family and decided to play a scary game this year. We really don't have much in the realm of scary games...or even halloween-themed.

Eternal Darkness
RE, RE2, RE3, RE:CV, RE4
Nightmare in the Dark
Nightmare Creatures
Quake, Quake II

The N64 games make me dizzy if I play any lenght of time. Ghostlop and NitD are arcade games and not necessarily the type of game you sit and play with hopes of getting the chills. So, it was the gamecube stuff and ED is just a bit too much for my little ones.

So, we started with RE4 as it was the one that is the one I recalled liking the most. By liking the most I mean, I played each for about 10-15 mins when I got them, then got busy w/something, and back to the shelf they went.

Right away my whole family was digging the intro, it wasn't over the top vulgar, there was semblance of a legit story, and they boys cracked up whent he euro-cop pulled over to pee in the woods. Within 5 minutes you're playing. The scenery is just outstanding - it's drawn in a way that you can tell pretty clearly where you can and can't get to. The animation is fluid and moving area to area is clean (not clunky, jaggedy, hiccupy as happens so often in this type of game).

The detail in the environment, characters, weapons, is done really well. The game mostly pushes you the way you should go, but there is some freedom and you can always go back if you think you missed something.

The music and sounds are just flawless imo. You don't even realize you're gripping your pad and gritting your teeth until you kill the last person in an area and the solemn / comforting background music takes breathe with relief...whenever your heart rate changes and you are not aware of it...until it changes back to normal - something is being done right.

The controls are super easy and feel natural. The game feels designed for wavebirds with the big comfy L and R triggers. They don't over do the buttons and combinations - it's the sort of game someone like me, who doesn't want to spend 15 minutes learning controls, really can appreciate. You are rewarded for accuracy and distance of shooting.

There are small things done right too, like if say you kill the trader...he's...dead, like, dead / dead, as in "dad, we told you not to do that. we needed a rifle!"

We're about 40% through right now and to me - this is game is near perfect.

We took a break after getting temporarily stuck in RE4, and played some RE2 - quite enjoyable, but not as polished (and wouldn't expect it to be being an earlier release). There seems to be more puzzle solving in this one, music not as good, but the scares are there. Some frustration in the lenght of time to backtrack - particularly as there is somethign called "tank controls" that I am really struggling with.
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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by noiseredux »

mjmjr25 wrote:As B and I have discussed in our late night lying in bed chats - the family and decided to play a scary game this year. We really don't have much in the realm of scary games...or even halloween-themed.

RE4... this is game is near perfect.

I'm so glad (and surprised) you guys are digging this so much. You're making me want to fire up RE4 again myself, but I do want to get back into Revelations 2. Ugh... we'll talk about it tonight

Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by mjmjr25 »

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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by ExedExes »

I've played and completed RE3 and CV on Dreamcast. I got 0 and 1 on the Gamecube and I'm looking for the rest.

Nightmare in the Dark was a late NG release but a lot of fun. Monster Bash by Sega and Monsters World are some other good horror arcade games.
Xeogred wrote:The obvious answer is that it's time for the Dreamcast 2.
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Re: Resident Evil series appreciation thread

Post by noiseredux »

ExedExes wrote:Nightmare in the Dark was a late NG release but a lot of fun. Monster Bash by Sega and Monsters World are some other good horror arcade games.

I don't think these are Resident Evil games.
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