I got the 2015 Mortal Kombat Sega Genesis Ultimate Portable

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Re: I got the 2015 Mortal Kombat Sega Genesis Ultimate Porta

Post by Tanooki »

I've heard that solitary MK tv game was actually quite good from a few people but I never liked what it retailed for in the day so I didn't get it. I wouldn't pass it up if I found it lying around locally for a few bucks though. Same can be said with another of their gems, the 2nd version (gold sticker face not red) of Golden Tee Golf. Fantastic game and unlike the first saves your progress, it has 3 courses instead of 1, and more options to play other than just jump right in and do 18 holes like the crappy original. It's 2D pixel graphics, SNES/PC of the early era like and not high quality like the arcade cabinet, but it doesn't suffer for it.

Back on the handheld, like he said slightly bigger than the GBA screen. The clarity is really nice on it and you can make out all the nice little details. As I said the only failing is cheap plastic screen protection scratches real easy so I left the clear rubber plastic cover sheath over it. They did cheap out though, when I got the first one of them 5 years back with the SD slot (which isn't as nice as this one) they used to include beyond just the USB cable an ac adapter for it and a video cable to jack into the TV. Good thing I had both on my own to use.
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Re: I got the 2015 Mortal Kombat Sega Genesis Ultimate Porta

Post by jay_red »

So my curiosity got the best of me and I picked up this handheld from Toys R Us. I was immediately impressed with the screen quality, and the controls feel really good...but I decided to return it for a couple reasons.

First, the sound is very bad, I fired up Sonic 2 and the first stage music is almost unrecognizable, its like everything is a higher pitch than its supposed to be, and the sound effects are very harsh. The 2nd thing is that there is no save support! not with the built in games and not with downloaded SD card games. This kills it for me since I was thinking about playing Phantasy Star on it.

There is a lot of potential, and they have got a lot of this handheld right, but ultimately I dont think I can get past the issues I mentioned.
My trade thread, updated 7/14
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Re: I got the 2015 Mortal Kombat Sega Genesis Ultimate Porta

Post by Tanooki »

Well I warned you it didn't save :) I almost didn't keep it too, but given the free time I have, enough of a game backlog and a nearly 4 year old that gets in the way of most my gaming time it's just perfect to have around to mess with randomly in my chair or whatever. If I were taking it in the least bit serious I wouldn't because I'd put PS2 and Alisa Dragoon on there which need a battery....and Mega Man (though there is an online hacked version with the Tower unlocked from the start.)
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