Podcast #38 - E3 2012

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Podcast #38 - E3 2012

Post by dsheinem »

http://www.racketboy.com/podcast/racket ... 38-e3-2012

...in which we discuss our thoughts on E3 as well as its significance for the Retro Gamer.
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Re: Podcast #38 - E3 2012

Post by Jmustang1968 »

Anyone have any feedback or response to some of the games or topics we discussed?
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Re: Podcast #38 - E3 2012

Post by noiseredux »

"E3 2012: my thoughts on tihs"

I think you guys touched on why I find E3 kind of uninteresting -- basically, there's two kinds of announcements. There's "here's a game you already knew about 6 months ago. It's almost done. Here's some more screens and videos from it." Or there's "here's a game that's going to come out sometime after next year's E3. It probably will go through lots of changes between now and then, or it may even get canceled, so this video kind of doesn't matter."

Of course WiiU was showcased, but I'm not really interested in it. I've got two Wii's in my house, and they're both used for Netflix far more than for games. (Well actually my wife uses them for games a lot. But I don't very often.) And generally speaking, I'm not much of an early adopter of hardware. I tend to want a console after its had a price drop or two, and once it has a year or more to build a library that I can start digging through via second-hand markets.

Some of the indie games excite me (Retro City Rampage for one -- and Dave, was it Jake Kaufman that did the music? That guy is great. But I can't remember if he's the one that scored it or not) but of course that's one I've known about for some time. I'm no more excited about it after E3.

That said, you guys kept the conversation interesting for the full show. So kudos there. And the fact that you secured an interview with Ron Gilbert seems to make the whole trip worthwhile as far as the Racketcast is concerned. I'll be sure to fill the podcast mailbag up between now and then. :D

Question: was the mic setup any different than normal? I felt like Dave kept sort of getting really quiet this time. Like maybe he wasn't facing the mic directly or something? I had a bit of trouble hearing him as opposed to John.

And also, you guys should move the mics away from the clickety-clack of your mouse-hands internet browsing during recording. :lol:
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Re: Podcast #38 - E3 2012

Post by Jmustang1968 »

Thanks for the feedback Noise. I am with you on the WiiU. My Wii doesnt see much play time from me.

Same mic set up. Though Dave is saying I am having some issues with white background noise. I am going to try and play with my mic location and gain on it so maybe it wont pick up that much noise. That also may normalize our volume levels as well.

Yeah I was also thinking about the mouse issue. I normally don't browse much while recording besides looking at our outline. This time however, I was actively looking at E3 coverage stuff to get reminders on all the various games that were presented.
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Re: Podcast #38 - E3 2012

Post by retrosportsgamer »

The white noise could have been rain - sounds like it was pouring during the recording.
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