Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

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Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by o.pwuaioc »

Abstract (that's tl;dr for you younger folks): What games you played as a kid might influence how you view all games.

I've been thinking a lot about how childhood games impacted might bias my taste with gaming today. I'm not even talking about liking games that I played when I was younger v. playing newer games or games that I didn't have, but even crafting the very taste of what kind of games I like to play.

I'll use the SNES and my childhood as an example. I tend to think that my SNES collection was phenomenal, excepting one or two games. Here was my collection as I remember:

Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Final Fantasy II
Secret of Mana
Contra III
Super Metroid
Super Castlevania IV
Mega Man X
Madden NFL '95
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Demon's Crest
Kirby's Dream Course
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

(As an aside, holy shit, I have to spend a LOT of money to get all these games again... :( )

Additionally, I spent a lot of time playing my friends' games, playing mostly Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter among other games.

Now, of the games I owned, I disliked only Mystic Quest and Lagoon...and Madden (well, only because my older brother was so much better at it than me). I've played many games since then, but when you compare like with what's supposed to be better, I think you find an interesting pattern emerging.

Super Mario World > Yoshi's Island
Donkey Kong Country > Yoshi's Island or DKC2 or DKC3
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past > Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy IV > FFVI > Super Mario RPG
Secret of Mana > Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid > Anything ;)
Super Castlevania IV > Dracula X
Mega Man X > MMX2 or MMX3
Demon's Crest = great game
SimCity > Sim City 2000

When asked what my top 5 favorite SNES games are (in no particular order), I go with:

Link to the Past
Secret of Mana
Final Fantasy IV
Super Metroid
Donkey Kong Country

(SMW, MMX, SCIV, and Contra III all make the top 20 list, and probably the top 10 if I ever decided to make one.)

(I left out Contra III, Pilotwings, Kirby's Dream Course, and Madden because I couldn't think of anything to which I could compare it. I left out Mystic Quest and Lagoon because I didn't like them.)

Does the above profile say anything about my tastes? Clearly I love the games I owned more than the games I played later. Heck, I can't even play some later stuff like Metroid Fusion and Minish Cap because they annoy me so. And simplistic RPGs don't do anything for me. I don't really like Super Mario RPG and I hate Paper Mario, all because I prefer the complexity of Final Fantasy IV (likewise, I played FFIV before I played FFMQ, so I hated the latter). All these games I can go back to and play regularly, except Super Ghouls and Ghosts because it's so freaking hard!

And it works with positive tastes too, not just negative tastes. I picked up and enjoyed FFV. I played FFVI later and enjoyed it immensely. I also tend to like 2D, topdown action-adventure titles like Zelda, so when I went back to play Secret of Gaia, I naturally liked it. And while I find the voice-acting in SotN ridiculous, I do find that it nicely blends Super Metroid, Castlevania, and RPG-weapon and armor collecting, which I like. But even then, all three of those games don't come close to what I had as a kid.

One more example is Super Mario Kart v. Mario Kart 64. I never really played Super Mario Kart as a kid, but I play Mario Kart 64 a heckuva lot. Which do I think is better? Mario Kart 64. I don't dislike the original, I just think the second has made tons of improvements in just about every category (minus some neat items and the lack of a playable Koopa).

Of course, this doesn't mean I can't go backwards. I never really played much on the NES as a kid (except Zelda and Duckhunt), but I do love playing a good many good games on that system: Mega Man series, LoZ, all three SMB games, Abadox, Gradius, StarTropics, etc... When looking at those, they too, with the exception of shmups which I only recently really started to love, are very similar to the kinds of games I had as a kid on the SNES. A test on the Genesis yields pretty much the same results.

I don't like to think that my past experiences with games influenced what kinds of games I enjoy. I like to think that I can like good games. But I'm willing to admit that the games I grew up with generally defined gaming for me.

What do you think? I also hypothesize that it works the same with movies, music, books, and more, too.
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by Xeogred »

o.pwuaioc wrote:Secret of Gaia

This sounds incredible, can you tell me more about it? :lol: :roll:

As for the topic... I don't have much to say. I'm not a one way ticket and always trying to expand my tastes, whether it be games, music, movies, anime, TV, whatever. And I'm sure there's been some kind of "evolution" with my gaming, but that's 20 years right there so I wouldn't know how to break it down without my brain melting.
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by o.pwuaioc »

Xeogred wrote:
o.pwuaioc wrote:Secret of Gaia

This sounds incredible, can you tell me more about it? :lol: :roll:

As for the topic... I don't have much to say. I'm not a one way ticket and always trying to expand my tastes, whether it be games, music, movies, anime, TV, whatever. And I'm sure there's been some kind of "evolution" with my gaming, but that's 20 years right there so I wouldn't know how to break it down without my brain melting.

Oops, Illusion of Gaia. :oops:

And of course people's tastes expand, change, etc... I'm just wondering if there's some sort of direction that the early years give... I might just be the odd one of the bunch.

Btw, this wasn't supposed to be posted. I thought I clicked off before it went through. Guess the server slowdown tricked me. I wanted to change the direction to less about me before I showed it off here... :oops:

And any thoughts or directions or comments about how to keep on investigating this would be appreciated too.
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by dsheinem »

Are you trying to figure out how to do some kind of actual research? I am not sure what you're asking...
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by o.pwuaioc »

Well, a few things. I'm wondering if a) anyone has thought critically about their own tastes and how it might be influenced, b) if anyone has a similar experience, and c) general thoughts. :)
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by J T »

I don't like when people use the word "nostalgia" to describe the old games I still love. The word "nostalgia" is this mean, nasty little word that subtly implies that whatever it is that you're nostalgic about isn't actually good on it's own merits, but is good by virtue of being attached to pleasant childhood memories. Like, I'm nostalgiac about Spaghetti-Os. They taste objectively terrible, but they remind me of my childhood.

Admittedly though, it can be a challenge to tease apart what aspects of a game you like because it is a legitimately good game and what aspects you like because it brings back fond memories. There are a few questions I aske myself on a regular basis:

What do video games do that evoke different emotions in us?
What is it that determines whether something is fun or not?
How does interactivity aid in good storytelling?

With most every game I play, these questions are sort of in the back of my mind because I think a good video game should either expertly evoke emotion, be fun to play, or in some way tell an interesting story that takes advantage of the medium. I think by doing this all the time, I have a better sense for which games I actually like for their own merits and which games I like simply for the nostalgia.
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by Flake »

The games I played as a kid have hardwired my tastes as an adult. I noticed awhile back that with very few exceptions, there are practically no IP's created after 1999 that I have enjoyed fully.

As a result, my library is a testament to gaming in the 80's and 90's and how it has evolved. Megaman, Metroid, Sonic, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and Zelda games make up about 80% of my entire gaming collection.

This is not an indictment of new franchises, mind you. I just seem to have filled my dance card already.
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by RyaNtheSlayA »

I have no doubt that the games I played as a child have effected my interests. I'm always looking for something new to try as well though. Gaming would be boring if I only kept playing the same games over and over. :)
I'm still not sure whether I'm a kid or a squid now.
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by o.pwuaioc »

J T wrote:I don't like when people use the word "nostalgia" to describe the old games I still love.

Yeah, I realized that I really wasn't thinking of nostalgia. It's more of a first dip then a reminiscing. Thanks for the thoughts, too!
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Re: Nostalgia, Bias, and Taste: Retro Games

Post by BoringSupreez »

Actually, I have the opposite reaction than the OP. I don't prefer the games I used to play when I first started gaming. With one exception, the Sonic series, I'm completely sick of every game I touched before 2006. Regardless of quality. I've played them too darn many times. I could never bring myself to play through the original Medal of Honor for PS1. Why bother putting the disc in anyway, I can play the stupid thing from memory. Not that I don't like games made back when I was younger, it's just that I'm only interested in the ones I didn't get to play way back when.
prfsnl_gmr wrote:There is nothing feigned about it. What I wrote is a display of actual moral superiority.
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