Capcom's holding questionnaire Re: Rebooting old IPs

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Capcom's holding questionnaire Re: Rebooting old IPs

Post by Anapan »
10 questions that can sway Capcom to put some resources into one of their past IPs. They are asking which previously established series you'd like to see revitalized.

It was revealed that the low participation in the Mega Man Legends 3 Dev Room community project back in 2010 was the sole reason that MML3 was never greenlit. Community participation/involvement did not reach the numbers required by Capcom's leadership to prove the next game would be successful.

It asks you what your favorite Capcom game is and offers Mega Man Legends & Mega Man Legends 2 as options. As well it asks for your favorite Capcom character. It further asks for three Capcom Series you would like to see sequels to. They only list Megaman for those last two, but it has been quite a while since Mega Man 11 came out.

Nothing against Monster Hunter or Street Fighter, but they come out with a new entry for those series every other year vs. Mega Man only getting ~2 games since 2010.
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