Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by RCBH928 »

any one has a method to discover movies he might like? I really find it hard to dig around to find one worth watching for me. I used to go by the "highest rating" method but seems like highest rating method is one that appeals to other tastes, so its a hit or miss.
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by Raging Justice »

There are people on youtube whose tastes I trust. I generally watch things they recommend and avoid things they don't. Occasionally I do disagree with some of them though. I saw one movie recently getting praised on all of the channels I follow, and when I watched it I hated it. Free Guy was that movie. I think it's trash. Those are outliers though, as I tend to like the things they recommend

I think it's useful to find people who tastes match your own and then you can use them as a guide for what to watch.

There was a time when I would rely on sites like metacritic or rottentomatoes, but I don't trust them anymore. Big corporate sites who will rate things based on agendas or who is paying them the most money. Rottentomatoes also is really shady when it comes to how they handle user reviews i.e. the audience score, which is often more telling of how good or bad something is than the critical score.

On youtube I find people just giving their individual thoughts on things and I put more faith in that. Also, I sometimes will see what people on this forum have to say about something and might decide to check something out based on that as well. Basically, I like opinions from PEOPLE rather than corporate media sites
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by RCBH928 »

yeah but am not looking for a 5 min review on each movie, kind of would rather if those reviewers had like a website with their own score for each movie
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by RCBH928 »

I am bringing forward this from the Last Movie Seen thread, I can understand why Hunger Games was popular given the idea of a corrupt society with a reality tv real life battle between teenagers (assuming you didn't see the Japanese battle royale) , but why was Twilight popular? IIRC it was about a girl who falls in love with a vampire? sounds like the oldest story in the book . Wasn't this the plot of like the 4th epsiode of Buffy in 1997? Am I missing something?
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by RCBH928 »

was researching movies and stumbled upon this movie trailer. Interesting how culture morphs around between what is right and what is wrong over time. Movie is Bombardier. Respect for not editing it out though, because I always believe something should be brought forward as intended by the author otherwise its censorship.
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by RCBH928 »

Maybe I have short attention span but I find movies from the 70s and prior very slow to follow for most of them. Once it hits the 80s things seem much faster paced and more modern like Indiana Jones and Terminator. Somehow a strong cultural change happened between the 70s and the 80s.

Maybe things in the 70s were so slow and relaxed that the pace of their movies seemed too exciting for them. Maybe it was just a more pleasant time. I once heard that originally an "action" movie is basically one that has 3 action scenes throughout, now it starts with an explosion :lol:
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by Raging Justice »

80s and early 90s movies hold up really well.
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by Ziggy »

Here's just a few movies off the top of my head that are from the 70's and still hold up today. These movies are full of intense action and/or tension.

Star Wars (1977)
Jaws (1975)
The French Connection (1971)
Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
Gone In 60 Seconds (1974)
The Exorcist (1973)
Halloween (1978)
Alien (1979)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)
Mad Max (1979)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Rocky (1976)

Some of the above movies have that distinct 70's grainy film look to them, which I know some people don't like, but I believe all of the above movies are just as watchable in 2022 as ever. But some of the above movies, if you showed a young fella a recent HD remaster they would never guess it was from the 70s.

I just looked up The Shining and saw it was 1980, but it always felt like a 70's flick to me (and it basically is). Speaking of Kubrick, there's 2001 A Space Odyssey, but that's actually 1968. And although it's somewhat entertaining to watch, it's not exactly a suspense/action/thriller like the above movies. I was going for edge-of-your-seat movies. So although Grease (1978) or American Graffiti (1973) hold up well, they also didn't fit that bill.

Hmm, there's also Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory from 1971. Although that film looks really dated now, fuck you it's Gene Wilder! Speaking of Wilder, go watch Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles (both from the 70s) right now if you haven't seen them! There's plenty of other action or thriller movies from the 70's that I haven't seen yet, so I can't speak first hand about them, but they are known to be good. Like Dirty Harry or the first two Godfathers. Then there's some movies that are still watchable and have decent action, but I can admit they are dated. Like Superman. There's a few that's been on my to-watch list for a while, like Chinatown and Taxi Driver.

I focused on the 70s, but you actually said 70s and prior. Well, there's also tons of movies from the preceding decades that also proved to be timeless. Probably the best example is The Wizard of Oz, which is from 1939!
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Hot take: Pretty much everything except DW Griffith films hold up today
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Re: Movies Talk! Talkin' about movies!

Post by Golgo 14 »

RCBH928 wrote:Maybe I have short attention span but I find movies from the 70s and prior very slow to follow for most of them. Once it hits the 80s things seem much faster paced and more modern like Indiana Jones and Terminator. Somehow a strong cultural change happened between the 70s and the 80s.

As usual, money changed everything. The enormous amount of money that Jaws took in at the box office in '75, followed by Star Wars taking in more in '77, along with even more in merchandise. Summer became a time when spectacle reigned supreme. That was fun, but those movies gradually took over the entire calendar. Now every day is summer, and that's less fun imo.

The idea that the 70s were a relaxed, pleasant time is beyond ridiculous.
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