Paper Soccer - Simple Logical Game or Advance Graph Theory?

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Paper Soccer - Simple Logical Game or Advance Graph Theory?

Post by Laubarr »

Hey People,

I'm posting as I found a game that looks like fun. Currently, there is an app for it where people can play versus a computer, but there is possibility of this going on a website/server where 2 or more people would be able to play/tournaments.

I attach github(i'm not the author of the link or the program) where it explains as how the game works. You can also type in "Papersocer" in google, to get more explanation of how the game works on wiki. ...

Anyway, please answer 2 questions below. This will help us in moving forward with developing the game.

1) Have you heard of the game?
2) Would you be interested in playing this game once a week in a tournament? (if website will exist)?

Thank You so much!
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