Long term collecting goals?

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Raging Justice
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Long term collecting goals?

Post by Raging Justice »

Apologies if there's already a thread for this. What are some long term collecting goals you guys have?

Here's two of mine:

An ultimate beat 'em up collection including all the best AND rarest games

Collect ALL Castlevania games CIB, I have some already including Super Castlevania, SOTN, and Aria. I want to get Bloodlines as my next acquisition
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

To calm down with collecting since I am a few hundred a month below minimum wage here lol. I catalogued my collection recently and it's at 400 console games so it would be nice to just go through those unless I find good deals.

I should start saving up for tattoos now that the lockdown should end soon.
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by stickem »

I don't have any goals. If I don't think I'll play it, I wont buy it. I just don't have a goal in mind as far as compete sets, subsets etc. Just add games to the collection I'll play. The only goal I had awhile back was the working designs games for the Saturn that I completed. I just want a good mix/variety for every system I own.
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Here are mine:

A complete set of CIB Arcadia 2001 games. Only 2 to go!

A complete set of Atari 7800 carts. Only 4 to go!

A complete set of CIB NTSC Sega Master System games. Only 18 to go!

A complete set of Atari 5200 carts. Only 23 to go!

A complete set of NES carts. Only 65 to go!

All sorts of random sub-sets (e.g., Sears picture label 2600 games, unlicensed Sega Genesis games, etc.) for all sorts of systems
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Not much really.

I could stop buying retro games altogether and just buy maybe 3-5 Switch games per year and I'd be okay.

I have a sloppy want list that I slowly pick away at, but I feel like I've already obtained most of the "essentials."

Some small sets I did want and now have:
- all the Turbo/PCE CD Falcom titles.
- Original FDS versions of the NES classics (Zelda, Castlevania, etc)
- All North American SNES RPGs
- All North American Saturn RPGs
- All the classic Ys, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest games
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by Note »

Good question -- originally, I started collecting because I sold most of my Genesis stuff in 1996 and wanted to reacquire all the Genesis games I had in the early 90's. I finally achieved that goal about two years ago. It wasn't a lot of games, but it just took me time to come across everything in good condition.

I have a list of games I'm going after, it's pretty expansive, but I'm trying to focus on games that I either played at one of my friend's or cousin's places growing up and have good memories with, or games I was curious about back in the day but couldn't get back then. All the games on my list I actually want to play. I'm not going for any complete sets or specific subsets, but I'm mostly focused on the 16-bit and 32-bit eras, as those are my favorite eras of gaming.

Also, not in a rush to get anything and am slowly crossing games off the list, and limiting myself to a few items each month. Wouldn't mind sharing lists with others in this thread, to help each other achieve collecting goals. Looking forward to being able to check more game stores again too, as things start to normalize.
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by Ziggy »

I had no real goals to collecting, I would just buy games that I thought looked good. Perhaps that's why my collection got so bloated with unplayed games. I finally got to the point where I decided to trim my collection (thread here). And after I really looked into it, I realized that I could part with something like 50-75% of my games. So that's what I've been doing. I'll still buy games, but now it has to be something that I really, really want.

So I guess you can say that now my long term collecting goals are to be super selective about what I add to my collection. Only games that my personal rating would be a 5 out of 5. Or a game that means something to me personally, something I'm sentimental about.

Raging Justice wrote:Collect ALL Castlevania games CIB, I have some already including Super Castlevania, SOTN, and Aria. I want to get Bloodlines as my next acquisition

That's awesome.

One of my biggest DOH! moments in game collecting was the three NES Castlevania games. I owned a SNES before I ever owned a NES, and I had really enjoyed CV4 so after I got a NES I wanted to check out the first three games. In the 90s, the only place around here that you could buy and sell old video games was FuncoLand. Oddly, at one point there were two FuncoLands very close to each other. One in a shopping center, then another in a shopping mall right next to that shopping center. So I went to the one in the shopping center and bought the three NES CV games, cart only. Then I went to the mall next door, and eventually made my way into that FuncoLand. They had all three CV NES games CIB on the shelf! And FuncoLand had the same price for a game no matter what the condition was or what was included. So for the same price I could have had them CIB! DOH!

As frustrating as that still is to think about, I have to remind myself that I had a couple of good scores too.

Some time after the PS2 came out, all of the local Blockbusters around here had a selection of Greatest Hits PS1 games (brand new) at really good prices. So among other games, I was able to score a brand new copy of SotN for $15.

It's sad that Toys R Us went out, and K-Mart is basically gone. For me, these were two staple stores of the 90s. But I guess their own demise was written on the wall, I didn't know it at the time, but those stores weren't very well run. And that worked out to my benefit a couple of times. You know how retailers like these have the games behind a locked glass door? Well I guess as new generations of video games came out, when the old games where taken out of those cases to be blown out at reduced cost, sometimes some games would float to the bottom of the shelf (below the hanging games) and sit there for a long time. Sort of hidden in plain sight.

Anyway, my local K-Mart had a pile of old games below the hanging games. Again, this was some time after the PS2 was out. I remember there being a couple of NES games, Yoshi being one of them. And one day I was able to spot Castlevania 64 in there. I had someone open the case and pull it out for me. It was marked $4.99 LOL. It must have been intended for a bargain bin or something, but some one forgot it in the case and it sat on the bottom shelf for years. YOINK!

And again, sometime after the PS2 was out, I was in a Toys R Us. Being older, I went straight for the video game department. From a distance, before I was even in the department, I was able to spot some lonely games sitting on the bottom of a shelf. When I got up to them, it was a couple of Saturn games and a Genesis game. They were literally covered in dust. Like that cliche movie scene where someone is in a tomb and pulls out an old book and blows the dust off of it, that's what I did with these games. It was three copies of NHL 97 for the Saturn, and motherfucking Bloodlines for the Genesis. Still sealed, and it was hardshell version too! I think to this day that's one of my best retro gaming acquisitions. I forget how much it was, $10 or $15, some where around there. But it was worth every penny!

I might have missed out on those CIB NES CV games, but recently I decided to pick up loose manuals for 1 and 3. I actually still have the CV4 cart that I bought new in the early 90s, but the box and manual are long gone, so I picked up a loose CV4 manual as well. I really want to get those Universal Game Cases for my collection (which is a lot easier with a slimmed down collection) so having those manuals will make it more or a less a CIB copy for my purposes. So that's sort of part of my long term collecting goals. To slim down my collection, then to strengthen what I'm keeping.
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

This video about game collecting is a must watch imo, but it would apply to any of collector.


After seeing this I decided to see if I could "trim the fat" of my collection, but it looks like 99% of stuff is something I wanna play eventually or are too cheap to bother trying to sell that I got in bundles (might donate them).

I did donate a bunch of my old clothes that I haven't worn in 2 years that no worries weren't designer, and it did feel great.
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by bmoc »

I've always wanted to collect all the North American PS1 RPGs. I've got a good chunk of them but with how the pandemic has affected retro prices, I don't know if that will ever happen unless that bubble pops.

While I am still keeping an eye out for good deals on that front, I've mainly shifted my focus to acquiring desirable games from 1-2 generations ago that are under $20 for the most part. So I guess my long term goal is to be thriftier and to get stuff while the getting is good.
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Re: Long term collecting goals?

Post by marurun »

My collecting goals don't involve any complete console libraries or series. Mostly it's just about building a library of games I enjoy or have nostalgia for.
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