What was the last movie you've seen?

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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Godard is one of the 3 directors I went through a lot as a teen, and disliked. I feel like after more than a decade I should give them another chance. The other 2 directors are Bergman and Fellini.

For earlier sci-fi, 70s, but still early enough, I definitely gotta rewatch Fassbinder's World on a Wire.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

PretentiousHipster wrote:Godard is one of the 3 directors I went through a lot as a teen, and disliked. I feel like after more than a decade I should give them another chance. The other 2 directors are Bergman and Fellini.

I think he’s hit or miss. Breathless and Band of Outsiders are stupendous, however, and Breathless is one of my very favorite films.

Persona and The Magician are the only Bergman films I really enjoyed. Fellini is a master, though., and I have yet to see a film he directed that I did not at least admire.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Phantom of the Mall, a slasher film from '89 that is based VERY VERY loosely on Phantom of the Opera. Not bad.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

Dragons Forever - Extended cut on blu ray


So here's another movie with Chan, Sammo, and Yuen. It's always interesting seeing the different types of roles Jackie has in these various movies. The last one I watched gave me Tony Hawk Jackie Chan. This one gives me Matt Murdock with Jackie doing double duty as a fighter and lawyer. Some of the courtroom scenes are kind of ridiculous with courtroom logic that really made no sense, but you're not supposed to take stuff like this too seriously in these movies.



I saw some familiar actors from Righting Wrongs/Above the Law in this movie playing very similar roles so I got a sense of continuity from the last movie I watched to this one. There is also an actor in a similar role to one he had in Meels on Wheals with one fight feeling like a repeat encounter from that movie. Yuen Biao is interesting in this one, playing kind of a crazy character with mental issues, definitely the most interesting character of the Chan/Sammo/Yuen trio in this one. Sammo again comes across as something of a bumbling idiot in this movie but with redemptive moments and that sweet, sincerity that he seems to play so well in these movies. Honestly, as I watch more of these movies with him in them I think he comes across as even more lovable onscreen than even Jackie. I also want to say that I enjoyed Pauline Yeung. She has some nice scenes in this including this one:


This isn't as stunt heavy as some movies I've seen with Jackie Chan, but the fight scenes are still on point and impressive, especially with Chan, Sammo, and Yuen all getting in on the action, much like Meals on Wheels. The final battles of the movie are pretty badass. I'm starting to become especially impressed with Yuen Biao. He legitimately fights like a fucking badass in his movies and he's so damn fast and agile.


This movie has some romantic comedy elements to it, actually a LOT of romcom stuff. Initially, I was rolling my eyes a bit as they come off as sappy and kind of cliche. Plus, movies like this don't generally depict romantic courtships in a way that even remotely reflects real life. As the story went on though, the movie did eventually manage to make me feel invested in its romantic elements right near the end of the film, so kudos to it for that. Also, and this is something of a small spoiler for both this movie and some previous ones with Jackie Chan that I covered in this thread:

It's nice to see a romantic story line for Jackie's character actually get resolved. In Armour of God there was a romantic interest for him, but that little story element kind of went nowhere. In Armour of God 2, he's attracted to one of the girls but it's never really made clear if she shares the attraction. I know Jackie has a girlfriend in the Police Story movies, but that's already an established thing when the series started. I'm talking about movies where there is the possibility of him establishing a NEW romantic relationship

There's not much more for me to say. It's a pretty straight forward movie with a good cast (some now being familiar to me), good performances, more great chemistry between the martial arts trio of Jackie and his pals, great action, and a properly detestable villain (though he actually has some cool moments). If there is anything that might turn people off it's that there's not a ton of crazy stunts from Jackie in this one (at least not when compared to some of his other movies) and your mileage may vary with all of the romantic comedy elements. The courtroom scenes are a bit silly too but ultimately I enjoyed this. The romantic story lines eventually did win me over, there were some genuinely funny moments (nowhere near the hilarity of Armour of God 2 though), and the fights were great. This one's pretty solid in my book. On a final note, this part right here is one of the funniest bits in the whole movie

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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

I'm finding it increasingly hilarious how these movies with Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, and Yuen Biao never explain their fighting prowess

I've seen Jackie and Yuen play lawyers and food truck operators who inexplicably have world class fighting abilities, crazy parkour abilities, and skateboarding skills that might impress Tony Hawk

I'm waiting for a movie where Jackie has the same kind of boring, 9-5, office job that I do, yet is able to do all of this crazy stuff while I struggle to even touch the floor with my fingertips when I try to do a stretch. :lol:

I guess there is a reason we call movies escapist fantasy.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

The Witch Part 1 The Subversion


So this is sort of a hyper violent (and bloody) comic book style movie from South Korea. The story revolves around a character that was once part of a human enhancement program sort of like Wolverine and Weapon X, except much more disturbing. There's some real suspense and mystery in this movie. I've seen some people say it has horror elements too. I don't know if I'd go that far, but there are definitely moments that make you feel tense and uneasy.

Anyway, the story has a few interesting twists. I feel like anything I say might be spoilerish. Like I said, think Wolverine. The movie is about a character that was part of a fucked up human enhancement program, but where the participants (involuntary participants ) were kids, and she has to reconcile that past with her present (and face the consequences of that), much like Logan. I'd say there's shades of Luc Besson's Lucy too (that Scarlett Johansson movie), but I've never actually watched it. As the title implies, this movie definitely feels like the first chapter of an ongoing series. In fact, I came away from this wishing I had just watched the first episode of a Netflix series instead of a movie as I was ready to see what happens next and it's a bummer knowing how long I'll have to wait. This really has the makings of something that would have been excellent as a streaming series. The story just felt like something that would have worked well in that format in my opinion. I kind of wish they have gone that route instead of making a movie.


The movie stars what seems to be a rather unknown actress named Kim Da-Mi. She does a very good job in this movie as far as her acting is concerned. The rest of the cast is also great and features a few disturbing characters who bring a real sense of menace whenever they are onscreen. There's one actress named Jung Da-Eun who made me think of GoGo from Kill Bill every time I saw her, just that same level of psychotic look in her eyes. Every single time she's on screen she looks like she's thinking about murder and like GoGo the only thing holding her back is that there is someone she takes orders from. It's like the whole movie I was just waiting for that moment when the leash comes off. Just look at these two psychos:


She's certainly not the only character in this film who looks like a psychopath though. There are scenes in this movie where one character delivers some wide eyed, insanity laden smiles that would make The Joker piss his pants.

The movie has some over the top and extremely bloody action, but don't go in just expecting an action fest as much of the movie's runtime focuses on the story. Once the action kicks in though, holy shit do things get wild and brutal.

Pretty cool movie, just wish they could finish the next one as this movie ends with a big surprise, then immediately leaves you hanging and starts playing the credits
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by RCBH928 »

Battle Royale . At least this one had a different story. Not sure if they were inspired by another movie or the tv series Survivor . Also shame on hunger games for stealing the idea right from this movie, I bet they made a lot more money than Battle Royale. I really hate it when they "import" a movie... just watch the original one.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Hunger Games is just a watered down Battle Royale with random Rupaul's Drag Race outfits thrown in. Seriously, what's her face played by Elizabeth Banks looks like a cyberpunk kabuki crack whore.

And Hunger Games' success is why we never got an American remake of Battle Royale.

I heard we're getting a new film version of The Running Man, though I can't recall if it's going to be a new adaptation of the book or a remake of the film. Call me crazy but with the protagonist Ben Richards meant to be "scrawny and pre-tubercular" in the source material, I'd cast Anthony Rapp.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

REPO Man wrote:And Hunger Games' success is why we never got an American remake of Battle Royale.

You write like this is a bad thing. :lol:

Also, The Hunger Games is a fine movie, and the books, I’m told, are quite good. Have you read any of them, REPO?
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

I think I tried, but I couldn't get into it. Same with Twilight.
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