Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

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Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by opa »

I couldn't find a dedicated FFVII remake thread so let's have one! To respond to Popo in the gaming thoughts thread:

MrPopo wrote:I ended up doing the demo on Classic mode (which puts it on Easy mode as well, unfortunately) because I don't want to be mashing the attack button. I had mixed results; it's hard to tell if the AI is taking it easy or if there's a cooldown that needs to be respected that you aren't seeing. But I never felt threatened. As for dodging attacks, I don't think it's actually intended that you can Paper Mario your way through and dodge everything. I think it's there to give players a sense of agency, and the main things you want to dodge are large attacks like the laser (and if you had trouble dodging that then you are going to have a ROUGH rest of the game).

I never got hit by the big tail laser; it was the missile barrage that always got me. Dodging didn't work so I tried guarding and that lessened the damage but not consistently. I was playing on normal mode. Maybe I'll try classic and see how that goes.

There's one very "important" part of the game I am not seeing people discuss online: Don Corneo. Will we get HD cross-dressing Cloud?! That will be hilarious if so.
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by bmoc »

opa wrote:There's one very "important" part of the game I am not seeing people discuss online: Don Corneo. Will we get HD cross-dressing Cloud?! That will be hilarious if so.

You should watch this trailer.
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by MrPopo »

My recommendation would be don't try to treat it like an action game where you can dodge all the things. I started up the original game last night to do a playthrough before this releases and Cloud came out of the fight at half health because enemies tended to attack him prior to and during the fight. You're going to take damage, that's why they're spamming potions at you. But action combat makes people want to think like they can avoid damage. You can't. Just dodge the "fuck you" moves. I imagine there will be things like "boss is setting up a giant cannon/charge across this area" and you get out of that path.
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by dsheinem »

I played the demo on the default ("Normal" )- and found it to be pretty easy. I dig that the combat has a couple of different approaches, but the idea of hacking and slashing my way through the full game really appeals to me. I enjoyed it quite a bit and now plan to preorder the game, something which I never would have done before playing.

I really love the original (it is probably my favorite FF title), but I was quite dubious that this would be a remake that I could get in to. I am glad to see I was wrong.

MrPopo wrote:But action combat makes people want to think like they can avoid damage. You can't. Just dodge the "fuck you" moves. I imagine there will be things like "boss is setting up a giant cannon/charge across this area" and you get out of that path.

In that boss battle there was debris to hide behind when the "big" attack was launched. There was usually more than enough time to scramble behind it (and plenty of warning), so if people are getting wiped at that point, it might be that they've missed that component....?
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by MrPopo »

No, they're just taking damage from all the other attacks and not healing.
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Any bets on whether or not a Switch port arrives next year?
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by dsheinem »

MrPopo wrote:No, they're just taking damage from all the other attacks and not healing.

yeah, you gotta heal every few turns!
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by opa »

I never died but I did heal a lot. The big laser attack was generous with the time; no issues dodging that.

bmoc wrote:[You should watch this trailer.

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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by Sload Soap »

I gave the demo another run and had more luck with old Scorpy. Popo is right, it's not a pure action game so you have to expect to eat a bit of shit from enemies to progress. With that in mind I found myself getting a better handle on the combat, blocking and dodging when appropriate and it was more fun so that pleases me. I'm still worried about how the story will play out (I have a horrible feeling the "final" boss will be some form of Sephiroth) but we'll see. I can take bad story if the gameplay is good and the world building is solid.
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Re: Final Fantasy VII: Remake: the thread

Post by Sload Soap »

Sorry for the double post but the game turned up today and I managed to get in a few hours play, up to meeting Tifa and doing some sidequests. I will spoiler my post for others.

So, early thoughts are that this is obviously not going to be a remake so much as a reboot or soft reboot. Just after the Sector 1 reactor mission there are a sequence of cut-scenes that set up quite a lot of new information. The basic strands are still there so it's still Sector 1 -> meet Aeris -> fight way to train -> arrive at Sector 7 but these new scenes really throw a cat in among the Midgar pigeons and I'm actually sort of intrigued.

Sector 7 is now more fleshed out as seen in some trailers and there are side-quests to pad things out add flavour. If you've played a game in the last 10 years you know the drill.

A few odd things have come up relating to the graphics of all things. The game mostly looks gorgeous of course but there are more than a few shoddy textures knocking about. Doors and some bits of floor, especially dirt, in particular look worse than they do in say Shenmue and I'm talking original Dreamcast Shenmue, not remaster or Shenmue 3 (which has excellent doors). Some of the NPC's look a bit last gen as well which is further heightened when put next to the incredibly detailed models for your main party. Minor stuff but still noticeable.

There is one much more nitpicky and personal thing I have an issue with but bear with me. Once you arrive at Seventh Heaven and sleep, as you do in the original, you wake up and it's morning. You step outside and there is now daylight beaming into Sector 7.Like really bright sunlight. Now, maybe this is just me, but I always got the impression that underneath the plate there was little to no natural light and everything was in perma-night. All the locations under the plate always seemed to be neon-lit because of that and then it's an even bigger culture shock when you get onto the world map for the first time. I know this sounds nitpicky but it's also an issue of tone, at least for me anyway.

We'll see how things progress, I'm trying to suppress my inner FF7 pedant and let things play out but with Nomura and Nojima now more fully at the helm I'm still a tad cautious.
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