Ristar: Together Retro Discussion

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Ristar: Together Retro Discussion

Post by racketboy »

As voted for in the recent poll, our third installment in the Together Retro game club is Ristar from the Sega Genesis
http://www.racketboy.com/retro/sega/gen ... istar.html
Please use this thread for all general discussion of the game.
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Post by Flak Beard »

Yay! I'm going to get started on this one tonight. :D
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Post by jemsic_ »

First off, I've never played Ristar.

But so far, I'm pretty impressed! I don't know if Ristar could've replace Sonic as Sega's mascot, but it sure is a colorful game.

The first boss, Riho, is pretty well imagined. Looks like some kinda magician with a demon puyo attached to his brain, lol.

After you beat the first boss level, you fly out of the atmosphere and they play the StarFox music, lol.
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Post by xraydash »

I think I'm going to try to unlock it on our GC copy of Sonic Mega Collection. I didn't even realize that game was on there. According to the Gamefaq cheats page you have to "play Blue Sphere, Knuckles in Sonic 2, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and Flicky 30 times each." Does that mean playing thirty total games of each or loading up each game thirty times? Like if I play a Blue Sphere game until game over, will it count toward the thirty if I start a new game? Or do I have to go to the menu screen and restart it? Anyone know?
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Post by Mozgus »

jemsic_ wrote:First off, I've never played Ristar.

But so far, I'm pretty impressed! I don't know if Ristar could've replace Sonic as Sega's mascot, but it sure is a colorful game.

The first boss, Riho, is pretty well imagined. Looks like some kinda magician with a demon puyo attached to his brain, lol.

After you beat the first boss level, you fly out of the atmosphere and they play the StarFox music, lol.

Dunno about "Starfox music" but the level transitions were my favorite part of the game. Also, where have I seen the alias Jemsic before?
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Post by racketboy »

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Post by jemsic_ »

I know. I forgot my password long ago, that's why I've been gone. If you'd send me my old password, I could delete this account.
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Post by racketboy »

jemsic_ wrote:I know. I forgot my password long ago, that's why I've been gone. If you'd send me my old password, I could delete this account.

Ah you should have just asked :) I PM'd you.

As for Ristar, it's been taking me a little while to get used to the mechanics again.
Some of the enemies are rather annoying....
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Post by jemsic »

Yay, I'm back! Thanks racketboy :).

yea, it's a little hard to get used to the Ristar controls.

oh, and unrelated: I'm working on a new arcade stick that will trump every other one I've made by FAR. There's just one more piece I have to find... ;).
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Post by Ivo »

I have been playing this on my N-Gage QD, emulated through PicoDrive. It runs quite well with all the sound chips turned off, if I enable even just the Yamaha one it lags a good bit. So I've been missing out on the nice music and sounds, I'm sure. Unfortunately I'll be on the move so this is how I can experience it for now.

The game is rather good IMO. I started playing it more or less as soon as it won the vote. I passed the music level. I'm using save states at the start of each stage, I'm not sure if there is a password system or other way for the game to save progress (if it came out after Sonic 3 did, it probably had in-built progress saved).

The "bonus" or "secret" levels are somewhat hard to find/access.

Reading from the TR posting description, it says that Ristar can throw the enemies? I can only grab and smash into them? Also those handles you go around on, from some of their placements I have a feeling I should be able to gain more height than I just grabbing and launching from it once - can you do that, and if so, how?

The level design, enemy design and bosses have been good so far. I have some complaints about the level design... It's cool that you can gain height by repeatedly smashing into a wall if you are sufficiently good at it, but it seemed to me that this is actually required to progress in some parts (but I may be wrong there). It should only be required to do that for extra goodies IMO.
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