Zelda Skyward Sword Remaster

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Zelda Skyward Sword Remaster

Post by PretentiousHipster »

A leaked Amazon listing has started the rumor that a Skyward Sword remaster might be coming to the Switch. Out of all the Zeldas out there, they're remastering Skyward Sword? smh
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Sload Soap »

PretentiousHipster wrote:Out of all the Zeldas out there, they're remastering Skyward Sword? smh

It's kind of the only one left. Ocarina and Majora got 3DS updates and Wind Waker and Twilight Princess got Wii U HD installments and all the 2D ones are on the eShop.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by pook99 »

PretentiousHipster wrote:Out of all the Zeldas out there, they're remastering Skyward Sword? smh

I think it will be an interesting remake given that the original skyward sword was developed with the wii motion plus in mind, I wonder if Nintendo will use the joycons gyro controls in the port to simulate the wii motion.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Ziggy »

pook99 wrote:I think it will be an interesting remake given that the original skyward sword was developed with the wii motion plus in mind, I wonder if Nintendo will use the joycons gyro controls in the port to simulate the wii motion.

I really hope not. I eventually stopped playing Skyward Sword and it was mostly due to the motion controls. I don't mind motion controls, and they work well enough in Skyward Sword, but I usually don't feel like holding my hands in the air for long periods of time. My arms get tired. I'd like to hold a controller resting in my lap, which you can't do because of the motion controls in Skyward Sword.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by mobiusclimber »

Motion control is one of the things that killed the HD remake of Wind Waker. No, I don't suddenly want motion controls while I'm lining up a hookshot or a photo! What's worse is that it isn't one or the other, but rather, the game arbitrarily decides to switch over to motion controls bc you the player are moving the controller around too much. Look, Nintendo PICK ONE.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by alienjesus »

My opinion personally is that Skyward Sword was made for motion controls, and will be worse for the loss of them. There's puzzle design elements and similar that will need to be completely reworked or removed if the motion control was taken away. I get that some people don't like motion controls, but I guess I'd just say that maybe you shouldn't play the Zelda game designed around them at all in that case.

Personally, I loved Skyward Sword. It's one of my favourites in the series. I also love gyro aiming in stuff too (per the Wind Waker post above), but I agree that that is a place where it's better to be optional as it's not necessary to the experience.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Sload Soap »

The problems with Skyward Sword for me weren't just ones stemming from the motion controls although they don't help, with flight being the worst culprit. It was more how linear and cookie cutter everywhere but the desert felt. Then the forced repetition of those same areas to collect those note things was pretty dull. Fi is worse than Navi for treating the player like a total idiot. The overworld is pretty barren as well and is just a portal to the dungeons as opposed to Wind Waker's great sea which is itself a fun place to explore. It's got that Nintendo polish but it left a sour taste with me.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

I hope for Nintendo's sake this is a fluke or a hoax because I don't think there's any saving Skyward Sword without changing it to the point it's effectively an entirely different game. Its design problems extent far outside the motion controls, and removing the motion controls will absolutely not fix that game, nor will fixing them make it a good game all of a sudden. I think Skyward Sword sold poorly the first time around for a good reason, and I do not think a second go at the wheel will help that.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Ziggy »

Here's what IGN hopes get changed in a remaster: https://sea.ign.com/the-legend-of-zelda ... -happening

alienjesus wrote:My opinion personally is that Skyward Sword was made for motion controls, and will be worse for the loss of them. There's puzzle design elements and similar that will need to be completely reworked or removed if the motion control was taken away. I get that some people don't like motion controls, but I guess I'd just say that maybe you shouldn't play the Zelda game designed around them at all in that case.

Personally, I loved Skyward Sword. It's one of my favourites in the series. I also love gyro aiming in stuff too (per the Wind Waker post above), but I agree that that is a place where it's better to be optional as it's not necessary to the experience.

I actually liked the motion controls in Wind Waker. I think it's much easier to aim that way than with a joystick. The difference there though is that in WW it's only every once in a while, while with SS it's all the time since the combat is built around it.

Sload Soap wrote:Then the forced repetition of those same areas to collect those note things was pretty dull.

I was enjoying the game OK, and I don't mind a more linear experience (in fact, I think I prefer it). But the backtracking is where I threw in the towel. I think I was on the edge of giving up just because I really wasn't enjoying the motion controls (again, I don't have a problem with them in theory, I just don't enjoy holding my hard in the air for long periods of time) and the backtracking is what pushed me over the edge. I don't mind backtracking in games, per se. But this didn't feel like just backtracking, it felt like they were straight up recycling areas of the game for padding.
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Re: Zelda Skyward Sword Remaster

Post by opa »

I remember that the game ISO got leaked before release and people beat it in dolphin using a control stick for the sword. I think that would be a preferable alternative to using motion controls. The switch lite doesn't even have detachable controllers so they'd have to do something else to accommodate both system models.
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