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Favorite SRPG battles.

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:50 am
by Jake Armitage
If you like SRPGs, what are some of your favorite battles?

A few of mine are:

Shining Force CD - the awesome museum battle.

Shining Force II - the chess battle is pretty engaging if you defeat all of the army before eliminating the king.

Warsong - the first battle is a lotta fun if you stick around and defend the castle rather than slinking off like a craven coward (which is what the game wants you to do). Also the battle where you have to save Baynard while he is trapped in his castle.

Vandal Hearts - the battle where you have to avoid killing the possessed villagers - really a puzzle rather than a battle. I also liked the Khanos City battle and the courtyard battle when you escape from the prison.

Brigandine - I always enjoy defending at Lidney - with even ragtag forces you can hold off fairly powerful enemies (usually the Esgares Empire) by using water based guerrilla tactics.


Re: Favorite SRPG battles.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:45 am
by Livelifelove
I don't have a top 5, but I can surely give you 3 of my best ones.. Vandal Hearts, FF Tactics, and advanced wars. Rpgs aren't my favorite games, I've gotten into fighting games lately.. but I still carry a love for them.

Re: Favorite SRPG battles.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:42 pm
by pierrot
I haven't played a ton of SRPGs, and I kind of struggle to remember many specific fights in most of the ones I have played, but there are some stand out battles in, probably, my favorite SRPG, Terra Phantastica.

-The first one is this fight that takes place on a floating island, where the story finally lets you take out this really obnoxious king (or maybe he was actually a prince, I don't entirely recall) of a nearby country. It's satisfying from a story perspective, but it's also kind of a fun map, where the enemy is basically just waiting around in positions of advantage to swarm the player's units. (The game uses a fog-of-war mechanic, and altitudes greatly affect a variety of attack parameters.

-The second is almost purely for its story implications, where the party is cornering an allied general in the aqueducts after his coup of the kingdom.

The story in Terra Phantastica is one of the best in just about any video game I've ever played, so most of the things I remember about it are heavily tied to the story, but there's a lot of really good complexity to the strategy gameplay, too. The last chapter of the game is just impeccable on both fronts.

Re: Favorite SRPG battles.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:55 pm
by Jmustang1968
Let's see... I have a bunch, but will try to just pick a few.

Shining Force 2:
Battle vs Taros. I really thought he was a cool boss idea, big giant guardian in armor, fight can be tough too.
Kraken: This one may be a love/hate for many. Could quite possibly be one of the toughest battles in the game, as you fight a kraken and each of its appendages is an enemy. I actually dont even know if this is one of my favorites, or just most memorable...

Ogre Battle:
Slums of Zenobia. First big battle in the game, and the map is huge. Really puts you on your toes as enemies come everywhere.
Pogrom Forest. Ghosts and Skeletons are introduced here. And you learn they are the ghosts of all who died in the massacre performed by the empire here.

Tactics Ogre:
Law Route Ch3 Almorice: This one you fight and kill Xaebos who is a pain. You go up against a necromancer as well, and get 2 powerful units after this.
Law Rte Ch 3 Phiduch Castle. This is a multipart battle, you defeat one and progress inside the castle. You fight 2 of the Loslorien Knights at the last battle in Oz and Balxephon.

Shining Force:
Carnival battle. I remember fighting this one in a big carnival tent against some dolls. Was a unique setting and battle.
Laser Eye Battle. Every few turns, these ancient laser eye artillery like guns the enemy had would shoot down this narrow path and wreck your troops. You had to plan how to get your squad down the path to dodge the laser eye.

Re: Favorite SRPG battles.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:36 pm
by Note
The carnival battle and laser battle in Shining Force 1 are great calls, I haven't played through that game in years, I'm overdue for a replay. Need to get my cartridge repaired at my local game shop though, think the save battery's dead.

Shining Force 2's Kraken battle is definitely up there for me, as I always found it as one of the more difficult battles in the game, but I'll have to go with the battle at Polca Village. Always thought it was cool to have the battle in the town setting, and the events with Odd Eye afterwards are memorable.

Re: Favorite SRPG battles.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:33 am
by Lotuss5
Final Fantasy Tactics and Jagged Alliance 2.

I do not know if it can be considered Divinity Original Without an SRPG but its combats are very good.