How is your N64 gaming going?

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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by marurun »

isiolia wrote:
Ziggy587 wrote:Accepted. But you could also say, "If the NES controller had more buttons, developers would have taken advantage of it."

I can't think of many (if any) other controllers that are designed around holding them like this or like that with neither position giving full access to the controller's features.
That's what stands out as particularly odd about the N64 controller, and why I'd consider it a flaw. It had the buttons (effectively), you just couldn't reasonably use them.

Otherwise, in general, it had a great overall set of features for when it came out, to include the console itself having four controller ports. Things it didn't have - like dual analog - weren't really a thing yet.

Well, the SNES analog controller was a very early example of console analog control. Given when it was designed, it's actually not a bad design, except for the build quality. That analog stick goes to shit too quickly. But then the Sega Saturn analog pad also has some issues over time. I think the curse of an analog pad is that it will inherently decline more quickly than a digital pad due to the nature of the design. The N64 pad looks weird by modern sensibilities, and so I think modern gamers are more likely to look at it and dislike it and dismiss it out of hand, but speaking from a purely functional perspective, I think the design has actually held up just fine.
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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by Ack »

fastbilly1 wrote:When Ack was doing his n64 fighting game kick we played most of them in a night. Sure the N64's sprite game was not as good as the PSX or the Saturn, but it could have had a better offering than Dark Rift and KI Gold.

It's not just that though. It's like those games were intentionally kept from greatness. Tom and Jerry: Fists of Furry would have killed if it had 4-player and half the life bars. Mace still has some decent gameplay, and Flying Dragon can be fun. The Fighter's Destiny series brought some change of flavor to the genre that never caught on, and even if it is considered terrible, Deadly Arts at least tried to create a competitive learning AI for the player to train. Yeah, you got clunkers like Dual Heroes, but at the same time you have interesting stuff like Rakuga Kids... I just can't hate the N64 fighter library, if only because it is so unique.
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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by Xeogred »

Man, imagine if Sega's vision of the 32/64bit era panned out... and it was another era of sprites and arcade level ports or better. Imagine all that gold.
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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by Ziggy »

My experience with the N64...

Having owned the SNES for most of it's life, my brother and I were eagerly awaiting the launch of the N64. Of course, we only knew about it from gaming magazines. We both agreed to pool our money and save up for an N64. It would take a while, being that our income consisted of a child's allowance, birthday money, and little else.

When the N64 launched, Blockbuster was renting out the console. That was such a crazy idea to me. My brother begged our father to rent us the N64 from Blockbuster, along with one game. Naturally, we got Super Mario 64. I can still remember the first time we turned the game on. We were blown away by them graphics! And Mario 64 was crazy fun. We were only more eager to get the console for ourselves.

I'm not sure how long it was, but it felt like forever. Finally, the commercials hit, the N64 had a price drop! My brother's and my savings together were still short, but pretty close to the new price. We begged our parents to put up the rest of the cash and promptly take us to the store to pick up this new gaming machine. They obliged. Thanks, mom and dad!

After purchasing our N64, I remember fighting with my brother on the car ride home. There was no pack-in game, and we were only concerned about getting enough money for the console. Asking for more money for a game too... I guess we didn't wanna push our luck. So the plan was to rent a game from the Ma and Pa rental store on the way home. We fought over which game to rent. I wanted to rent Super Mario 64, being that I was obsessed with that game from when we rented the console from Blockbuster and couldn't wait to play it again. My brother wanted to rent a different game, being that we already saw Mario 64 (not that he didn't like it, he just wanted to see more games). He won the argument, and we rented Star Wars Shadows of the Empire.

In retrospect, I'm glad we didn't rent Super Mario 64 as I wanted. If we had rented it, I would have had to start the game over for the third time when we finally got our own copy. Luckily, our mother purchased us Mario 64 shortly after getting the console. I guess she didn't realize the console didn't come with a game, being that the SNES came with a SMW, and didn't want us to own zero games for an expensive piece of hardware we just bought (thanks, mom!). So I got to experience Shadows of the Empire for the first time, and loved it.

I remember my brother and I each having our own save file in Super Mario 64. We had a sort of competition going on who had collected more stars (who progressed in the game further, faster). Shadows of the Empire was awesome, but carts were expensive. Like most kids in the 90's, we rented more games than purchased. There were some games that I rented many times, that I would have purchased if I had the money. Shadows of the Empire was one. Cruis'n USA was another. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (1). These were games I never got to own until years later with the help of eBay.

Then Star Fox 64 came out. This was a "WTF I can't believe how awesome this game is" game. A rental wasn't good enough. My brother and I were able to get a used CIB copy in an Electronics Boutique store. The Rumble Pak was amazing! Super Mario 64 and Star Fox 64, these were the two games I spent the most time playing in the early days of the console.

Then my brother rented Goldeneye from Blockbuster, a game I had never even heard of. I was blown away playing this game. It was amazingly awesome, shockingly addictive, I just couldn't get enough of it. I also couldn't afford to buy a copy. I saved for what seemed like forever. I don't know how many times I rented the game while trying to save for it. If only I realized all those $5 rental fees added up, I could have bought the game a lot sooner! Finally, I got the game for myself, and I was in bliss. Goldeneye was never just a FPS to me. It's more of an adventure game with a first person perspective. You just happen to use a gun. I've never been more immersed in the world of a FPS, like you would be with a Zelda game or similar. Unlocking cheats added even more fun to it. To this day, that sound when you unlock a cheat is still one of the most satisfying sounds in a video game. And on top of all that, there was the multiplayer portion of the game (enough said). This is video games done right.

There were a bunch of games that came out in 1997 that we got, but I can't remember if they were before or after Goldeneye. Turok had a price drop, so we probably got that after Goldeneye. And one year my brother and I got Diddy Kong Racing and Top Gear Rally for Christmas, that might have been 1997. We never owned Mario Kart 64 during the years the N64 was relevant. We had Super Mario Kart, and we played the shit out of that. But we got Diddy Kong Racing as a gift, and that gave us all we needed for kart racing on the N64. I thought Top Gear Rally was the coolest thing simply because I've never seen a car damage like that in a video game before.

I got Donkey Kong 64 for Christmas the year it came out. I remember playing it for the first time. My brother asked me how it was, I told him "it's like Super Mario 64 only you get golden bananas instead of stars." This game is probably one of my biggest "never beat" regrets. As a kid, I got up to the final boss but never beat him. I lost that save file. The game is quite the undertaking, some people shun it for being just a big collect-a-thon. Having to start from scratch, I never gave it another go until earlier this year. I got really far into the game, very close to the end, then I got sick with the flu for a while and stopped playing it. After I got better, I wasn't in the mood to play it. Hopefully I'll finish it at some point.

I think it was the following year for Christmas that I got The World is Not Enough. I remember when the game came out. My kid logic was that Goldeneye was awesome, so a new James Bond game made from the new James Bond movie would be equally as awesome. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I still had fun with the single player and multiplayer, just not any where near as close to the fun I had with Goldeneye.

There were other games we rented and owned, but these are my personal noteworthy highlights.

My favorite N64 games...

In no particular order, these were my favorite N64 games as a kid. They are the ones I have the most nostalgia for.

Super Mario 64
Star Fox 64
Turok Dinosaur Hunter
Diddy Kong Racing
Top Gear Rally
Donkey Kong 64
The World Is Not Enough

Rented a LOT:
Shadows of the Empire
Cruis'n USA
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

My collection...

I'm not sure if this is up to date, but it's pretty close (I'm copying this from Backloggery). I'm pretty sure there's a few missing, but nothing spectacular.

1080 Snowboaring
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2
Blast Corps
Castlevania 64
Castlevania Legacy of Darkness
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Cruis'n Exotica
Cruis'n USA
Cruis'n Wolrd
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
F-Zero X
Jet Force Gemini
Killer Instinct Gold
Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask
Legend of Zelda, The - Occarina of Time
Mairo Kart 64
Mickey's Speedway USA
Mischif Makers
Mission: Impossible
Mortal Kombat 4
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Perfect Dark
Pilot Wings
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Stadium
Star Fox 64
Star Wars Episode I Racer
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Super Mario 64
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Top Gear Overdrive
Top Gear Rally
Top Gear Rally 2
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Wave Race 64
The World Is Not Enough
Yoshi's Story

A lot of the more recent additions are cart only, but luckily I was old enough during the N64 years that I was smart enough to save the boxes. So all of the games that I got new back in the day are all CIB.

Please share your stories / favorites / collection!
Last edited by Ziggy on Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by Ziggy »

I've been waiting for this thread for 4 years! :lol:

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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by Xeogred »

Haha, why did you wait to tell this novel Zig? :lol:

Man this thread and the stories are really making me want to hook mine up again and start picking up some games I had or have memories of.

I'm with you there on Super Mario 64 and it's first impressions. I was at my grandparents house spending the night with a friend. I think it was my own console at that point, but I'm not sure. We were literally jumping around and yelling in joy at how awesome and mindblowing it was. The infamous "Nintendo 64!!!" Christmas kid is no joke, that was all of us in the 90's.

What's humorous though is that to this day, I still recall having a dream about getting an N64 before I actually had one. And I had this whole vision of a weird 2.5D Mario 64 that I played. When I woke up, I immediately looked over to my shelves and TV wanting to play more... until it hit me that it was a really vivid dream and I didn't actually get one. Haha, I'll never forget that though.

I got Donkey Kong 64 when it hit too, with the expansion pack I believe? In retrospect, I don't have the best memories of this game because I played it when I think I had mono or a severe fever. So even thinking about the game nowadays makes me feel a little weird. The thing I dislike about the Rare platformers compared to Mario 64, is that they were so claustrophobic with a lot more dark caves and interior sections. Something about that makes me weirdly sick just thinking about it, but it could be the DK64 connection. Banjo Tooie admittedly is a lot more open. But I just still think Mario did it better.

I don't recall any of the other 007 games leveling up to Goldeneye at all, but it would be fun to revisit those sometime.

I think Perfect Dark was the first M game I ever owned. One of my dad's best friends who is like an uncle to me is largely responsible for my gaming obsession... he let me keep Blaster Master as a kid. Fast forward to the N64 and for whatever reason he just bought it for me, freaking $70 cart back then and all too. My dad wasn't too happy about it because of the freebie probably and the rating, but he let that one slide. I personally like it even more than Goldeneye. Had hundreds of hours on multiplayer with my memory card saved records or something.

Here's the remnants of my sad collection:
Blast Corps
Diddy Kong Racing
F-Zero X
Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Mario Kart 64
Perfect Dark
Rush 2
San Francisco Rush
Super Smash Bros

Weird I own those two Rush games and not 2049, when I know I did. I either missed it in the inventory count, it got lost, or was part of the huge 30 some games I sold.

What are some weird games you remember digging? Here's a good one...


I also remember seeing the Hybrid Heaven cover at Blockbuster ALL the time but have still never played it.
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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

It's not a GOOD game, but Knife Edge Nose Gunner was a random little mid tier game I remember playing the SHIT out of as a kid.

A weird game that's DAMN good, though? Fucking Buck Bumble.

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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by alienjesus »

ElkinFencer10 wrote:
A weird game that's DAMN good, though? Fucking Buck Bumble.


You're the first person I've had tell me that Buck Bumble is anything more than 'just OK'. Tell me more! I want to know why it's DAMN good, other than the song, obvs.

Ziggy's N64 history

Here's my experience with the console:

I personally got my own N64 fairly late in it's life cycle. Pokémon Stadium had come out that year, and I wanted it so bad. Unfortunately in the year 2000 in the UK, so did every other kid my age. We looked for an N64 for ages, but didn't find one until a week before Christmas, when we spotted a lone Pikachu model N64 on a shelf at our local woolworths. My mum bought it then and there, so I knew what I was getting for Christmas that year :lol:

The system was pricy though, so my mum said I was allowed to get one game for it from the market stall in my town that sold 2nd hand video games. Other than Woolworths (a department store of sorts) and Dixons (an electronics store) we never had many places to get games from in my home town, so the market guy was where I got most of my games up until the Gamecube era. I picked Yoshi's Story as the game for my console, and eagerly anticipated Christmas.

Yoshi's Story was fun, but too short and too easy. My brithday, being the day before christmas, gave me money for more, and on boxing day I ran into town eagerly anticipating Pokemon Stadium, but it had sold out! Instead I bought Pokémon Snap, a game I still adore to this day. A friend of mine who lives with us for a while got an N64 a few months later and had Mario 64, so I got to play quite a bit of that, and I often borrowed games from another friend - Mario Kart, Pokémon Stadium and Mario Party 2 being my favourites at the time.

The friend who lives with us then got Ocarina of Time, which I became obsessed with, to the point where I made it my 3rd purchase for the system. It's still my favourite game of all time. Other then that, I also ended up picking up Donkey Kong 64 (mainly for the included expansion pak, I really wanted it for Majora's Mask. And soon after I also found Super Smash Bros on the market stall for £30 and grabbed it ASAP - that was a great price at the time, and the first copy I'd found ever.

And that's all I had when the N64 was relevant - just the 5 games. I never did end up getting Pokémon Stadium or Majora's Mask until years and years later, but I did enjoy the games I had. I also borrowed other big name games from my friend (he was kinda spoiled!) such as Majora's Mask, Mario Party 3, Pokémon Stadium 2 and Paper Mario, all of which I loved.

I've never really stopped collecting for it though. I found Majora's Mask a few years into the Gamecube era 2nd hand and bought that. I acquired a copy of Pokemon Stadium a year or two after that. Once I went to uni and started collecting retro games more actively, Mario 64 was one of the first games I picked up too. Nowadays I'm trying to round out the 'big wants' from my list - big name expensive titles for the system that I couldn't afford back in the day. Some of them I probably can't afford now either, stupid Mario Party 3

My current collection is listed below:
1080 Snowboarding
Beetle Adventure Racing
Blast Corps
Bomberman 64
Chameleon Twist
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
F-Zero X
Jet Force Gemini
Kirby 64
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Lylat Wars
Mario Golf
Mario Kart 64
Mischief Makers
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon
Mystical Ninja 2 starring Goemon
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Pilotwings 64
Pokémon Puzzle League
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium 2
Snowboard Kids
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Bros.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Turok: Rage Wars
Wave Race 64
Yoshi's Story

Ziggy's game list

Looking through your collection, could you give me your opinions on some of these games?

Army Men
Mickey's Speedway USA
Shadows of the Empire (how does it hold up now?)
Tony Hawk's (how is it on N64 compared to other platforms?)
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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by Ziggy »

Xeogred wrote:The infamous "Nintendo 64!!!" Christmas kid is no joke, that was all of us in the 90's.

I remember having a spaz attack when a commercial aired on the Nickelodeon channel announcing that select N64 games were now only $29.99.

Xeogred wrote:I got Donkey Kong 64 when it hit too, with the expansion pack I believe? In retrospect, I don't have the best memories of this game because I played it when I think I had mono or a severe fever. So even thinking about the game nowadays makes me feel a little weird. The thing I dislike about the Rare platformers compared to Mario 64, is that they were so claustrophobic with a lot more dark caves and interior sections. Something about that makes me weirdly sick just thinking about it, but it could be the DK64 connection. Banjo Tooie admittedly is a lot more open. But I just still think Mario did it better.

Yeah, all copies of DK64 had the Expansion Pak included with the game. That's how most of us got the Expansion Pak back in the day. I'm sure there's people that bought one specifically for Majora's Mask or Perfect Dark, but I feel like the majority came from DK64.

I know exactly what you mean about the Rare platformers feeling claustrophobic compared to Super Mario 64. Nintendo focuses on things that every other developer would overlook.

That sucks that DK64 gives you bad memories. It really is a good game. I'm kinda in the same boat with you tho, as the last time I was playing it I got very sick. I just couldn't bring myself to continue it after I got better.

Xeogred wrote:I think Perfect Dark was the first M game I ever owned. [...] I personally like it even more than Goldeneye. Had hundreds of hours on multiplayer with my memory card saved records or something.

I remember the first time I saw Perfect Dark. I was over a friend's house, someone who I've played a ton of Goldeneye with. He was telling me about this awesome new game that's the same engine as Goldeneye but better. We played it for a little while, and it was kinda neat, but I wasn't blown away. I accepted that there was some additions that were a lot nicer, like reloading animations, but there was just something off. I eventually got a copy of the game during the next console generation and spent some time with it. As I explained above, I enjoyed the hell out of the single player of Goldeneye. It was more than just a FPS to me, it felt like an adventure game. Perfect Dark, the single player didn't do it for me. Some how the graphics didn't look as nice, and it just lost some sort of magic that Goldeneye had.

alienjesus wrote:Pokémon Stadium had come out that year, and I wanted it so bad.

I was really into the GB Pokemon game, and a friend had Pokemon Stadium. It seemed pretty awesome, so I used my birthday money that year to get a copy for myself. I told my dad I was using my birthday money to buy a new N64 game. I remember him being pretty pissed at the price of the game, and I had to explain to him that it came with the Transfer Pak which is why it costs a little more than most games.

alienjesus wrote:Yoshi's Story was fun, but too short and too easy. My brithday, being the day before christmas, gave me money for more, and on boxing day I ran into town eagerly anticipating Pokemon Stadium, but it had sold out! Instead I bought Pokémon Snap, a game I still adore to this day.

Ah, Yoshi's Story and Pokemon Snap were two games that I rented back in the day. I really enjoyed both, but didn't end up owning either until eBay rolled around. They're definitely favorites of mine for the console, just not my top favorites.

alienjesus wrote:The friend who lives with us then got Ocarina of Time, which I became obsessed with, to the point where I made it my 3rd purchase for the system. It's still my favourite game of all time.

I remember being in 6th grade and having a classmate excitedly explain to me how his mother was taking him to go pick up a gold Ocarina of Time cart after school. The game had just launched. I don't know why, but I never had an interest in 3D Zelda as a kid. I didn't play any of the 3D Zelda's until my adult life.

alienjesus wrote:Nowadays I'm trying to round out the 'big wants' from my list - big name expensive titles for the system that I couldn't afford back in the day. Some of them I probably can't afford now either, stupid Mario Party 3

Luckily, I was able to beef up my collection before the prices started to go up. Now, a lot of the games are just too expensive. I got myself an Everdrive 64, and it's been great!

alienjesus wrote:Looking through your collection, could you give me your opinions on some of these games?

Army Men
Mickey's Speedway USA
Shadows of the Empire (how does it hold up now?)
Tony Hawk's (how is it on N64 compared to other platforms?)

Army Men, the N64 games anyway, are 3rd person shooters. They're not the best games ever made, but there's something fun about them. Watch a YouTube video and you'll have a perfect idea if you'd like it or not. It's one of those games where what you see is what you get.

Castlevania 64 seems to be well hated. As for a 3D platformer, it really sucks if you compare it to Super Mario 64. But for what it is, it's not terrible. The controls might not be as nice as Mario, but it's not unplayable. It's worth checking out if your a fan of the series, but otherwise you can probably just skip it.

Mickey's Speedway isn't terrible, but it's no Mario Kart 64 or Diddy Kong Racing. Feel free to skip. The only real reason I keep my copy is because I own every Rare release for the N64.

Shadows of the Empire is awesome. I'm not sure, objectively, how the game itself holds up today. It's a (mostly) 3rd person shooter, and I never felt the controls were perfect. It's a fun game though, and a Star Wars fan service. The music is great. The story was pretty good, as part of the (now not canon) expanded universe. Definitely worth playing if you're a Star Wars fan, though if you aren't I'm not sure. FWIW, it's on GoG now too.

The N64 port of Tony Hawk definitely isn't the best. It has the most cut, having to fit on a cartridge and all. It's missing some tracks, and some songs have shorter loops. But all the levels are there, and it plays great. This was the first version of the game I ever played, and it didn't stop me from loving it. The N64 D-Pad works great for it. I couldn't afford a copy for the N64, but I got a copy for the Dreamcast some years later. The DC version has much better graphics, and all the music, etc. But the DC D-pad is just awful for the game, makes playing it less fun. The PS1 version is some where in between. Has content missing from the N64 version, but graphics closer to N64 than DC, and the PS1 D-pad is excellent for the game. So, chose your poison I guess.
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Re: How is your N64 gaming going?

Post by alienjesus »

Ziggy587 wrote:
alienjesus wrote:Looking through your collection, could you give me your opinions on some of these games?

Army Men
Mickey's Speedway USA
Shadows of the Empire (how does it hold up now?)
Tony Hawk's (how is it on N64 compared to other platforms?)

Army Men, the N64 games anyway, are 3rd person shooters. They're not the best games ever made, but there's something fun about them. Watch a YouTube video and you'll have a perfect idea if you'd like it or not. It's one of those games where what you see is what you get.

Castlevania 64 seems to be well hated. As for a 3D platformer, it really sucks if you compare it to Super Mario 64. But for what it is, it's not terrible. The controls might not be as nice as Mario, but it's not unplayable. It's worth checking out if your a fan of the series, but otherwise you can probably just skip it.

Mickey's Speedway isn't terrible, but it's no Mario Kart 64 or Diddy Kong Racing. Feel free to skip. The only real reason I keep my copy is because I own every Rare release for the N64.

Shadows of the Empire is awesome. I'm not sure, objectively, how the game itself holds up today. It's a (mostly) 3rd person shooter, and I never felt the controls were perfect. It's a fun game though, and a Star Wars fan service. The music is great. The story was pretty good, as part of the (now not canon) expanded universe. Definitely worth playing if you're a Star Wars fan, though if you aren't I'm not sure. FWIW, it's on GoG now too.

The N64 port of Tony Hawk definitely isn't the best. It has the most cut, having to fit on a cartridge and all. It's missing some tracks, and some songs have shorter loops. But all the levels are there, and it plays great. This was the first version of the game I ever played, and it didn't stop me from loving it. The N64 D-Pad works great for it. I couldn't afford a copy for the N64, but I got a copy for the Dreamcast some years later. The DC version has much better graphics, and all the music, etc. But the DC D-pad is just awful for the game, makes playing it less fun. The PS1 version is some where in between. Has content missing from the N64 version, but graphics closer to N64 than DC, and the PS1 D-pad is excellent for the game. So, chose your poison I guess.

Army Men and Castlevania are games I might pick up eventually just out of a love for the system.

I want all the Rareware games for the console too, which is mainly why I was curious about Mickey's Speedway. At this point the ones i'm missing are Mickey's Speedway, Killer Instict, Goldeneye and Conker. Conker is one of those pricy ones >_<

Shadows of the Empire looks very awkward to control to me, so I'm mainly curious if it's worth the learning curve. Sounds l;ike you swear by it though!

Tony Hawk's is a series I played on my cousins Playstation back in the day, he had THPS2. I picked it up on Dreamcast for Together Retro a few years back and found it almost unplayable. I assumed at the time that the game had just aged really poorly, but maybe it's just the controls on the dreamcast version that gave me problems?
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