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What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:50 am
by EvilRyu2099
Pretty simple question.. Have you ever been so involved in a game where you totally lost track of time and ended up playing longer than you expected? Either that or have you even been so hooked that you decided that since you have a lot of free time you're going to sit down and play for very long time? Tell me your stories, I love to read what you avoided or why you had the time to play a game for awhile.....

The longest game session for me was pretty damn embarrassing.. I was playing WoW at the time and ended up going for rank 14 in vanilla.. I sat at the computer for 36 hours straight non-stop pvping just so I could get the title.. At this time, I had two weeks off from work and I was already rank 13, because all I did during that time was pvp whenever I played.. It was also the only game I played at the time, whenever I did have free time at the house.. I can easily say I regret this because it really wasn't worth the trouble over some pretty pixels...

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:09 am
by (-_-)
When i first got timesplitters 2, me and my friend played it for 14 straight hours. This is not the longest time I've spent playing games in one sitting, but it's the only one that had a counter. We scrolled through the awards you get and we got one for insomnia or insomniac, with a record of 14.

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:32 am
by axlryder
I remember last summer I was between jobs and alone for the week so I decided to go on a nostalgia binge and take down all of the mega man and X collections, as well as the sonic mega collection in one sitting.

I do know I drifted off several times for indeterminable periods, but I by the time I had finished three days had passed, and I finished with the final boss of Doctor Robotnik's mean bean machine(which was actually a surprisingly awesome game).

I don't regret a single fucking second of it.

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:53 am
by D.D.D.
I think 12 hours or so in summer on FF3/SNES back in middle school.

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:02 am
by Gamerforlife
I've had long sessions with many games, but I distinctly remember renting Super Street Fighter II when it came out and playing it one night and being surprised when I saw the sun rise LOL. Who says fighters aren't fun solo? I just kept having fun trying out different characters and different combos and whipping the computers ass on the highest difficulty setting. I really fell in love with Cammy, and Fei Long was badass(he's freaking Bruce freaking Lee!)

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:20 am
by Hateshinai
When I got FF7 I was stuck sick at home while all my friends were enjoying the last days of summer. So I stayed at home for a few days playing FF7 for 8 hours at a time, with a high fever, and while totally tripping on cough medicine. It was surreal.

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:21 am
by JordanPlayer
LAN party with quite a few people at a friend's house... somewhere around 15ish hours straight. By myself on a single player game I spent about 14 hours the first time I loaded up Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I was in college and played from late afternoon till late the next morning... game was amazing and I have great memories :) I enjoyed it so much that it ruined my sleep schedule for about a week and a half. I would "wake up" at around 9pm and make breakfast/dinner, play Elder Scrolls IV till about 9am when I had class, go to class, go back to the apt and eat lunch, then immediately go to sleep and wake up around 9-10pm :lol:

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:27 am
by Jmenglan
When I beat God of War 3 in a single setting, I think around 9-9.5 hours. Great game but since then I got a bit sick of the series and can't play it anymore haha

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:59 am
by Boaradoor
17 hours roleplaying on a certain game! :D
14 hours of raiding with my mom on Everquest 2.

Re: What was the longest time you played a game in one session?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:08 am
by EllertMichael
I totally gorged myself on Super Mario Galaxy 2 the first time I played it. something like 12 hours. I forced myself to turn it off and go to bed. an additional 2 hours the next day and I had it finished. I haven't picked it up much since. too busy playing other stuff.. (I got a Dreamcast since then, so I've been exploring that library.) I would like to complete it someday