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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:51 pm
by Exhuminator
Stark wrote:Grrr.

I concur.

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:54 pm
by noiseredux
Exhuminator wrote:
Stark wrote:Grrr.

I concur.

don't worry, Dave will change his mind after he interviews a developer of click-n-point games.

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:57 pm
by Ack
noiseredux wrote:
Exhuminator wrote:
Stark wrote:Grrr.

I concur.

don't worry, Dave will change his mind after he interviews a developer of click-n-point games.

I actually wonder if it would change if he played a hybrid game, like Realms of the Haunting. Maybe not that one specifically, as I don't think he'd care for the religious plot much, but he might like the horror and FPS aspects of it.

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:11 pm
by fastbilly1
Ack wrote:Hey man, if you want to go old school FPS, we could always look into Ken's Labyrinth, Catacomb 3-D, or MIDI Maze...

Hell yeah, Ill take you two on in MIDI Maze. Itll have to be MIDI Maze 2, or yall will be spending a fortune in MIDI cables.

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:13 pm
by Ack
fastbilly1 wrote:
Ack wrote:Hey man, if you want to go old school FPS, we could always look into Ken's Labyrinth, Catacomb 3-D, or MIDI Maze...

Hell yeah, Ill take you two on in MIDI Maze. Itll have to be MIDI Maze 2, or yall will be spending a fortune in MIDI cables.

How about we just play Faceball 2000 at my house sometime instead?

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:17 pm
by noiseredux
I've played Faceball 2000. I'd be fine if you guys just played it at Ack's house and left me out of it.

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:25 pm
by Hobie-wan
Stark wrote:Because the tactile feeling of playing with a controller feels better to me (especially in "couch gaming" scenarios) and is preferable if precision isn't needed.

That's because of the auto-aim added for consoles. I do like homing weapons in assorted genres and games, but I do prefer to aim myself in FPS and always turn off the option in PC games that misguidedly add it in. If that means I suck a little at the game until I get used to the way it aims, so be it.

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 7:46 pm
by noiseredux
Exhuminator wrote:If nothing else, play the PC version of this:


It's my all time favorite FPS.

Edit: ... Jko8#t=133

Some gameplay footage of the first level.

coincidentally, I just found Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix for $2 at a thrift shop. Is it any good?

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:10 pm
by BogusMeatFactory
1. Jazzpunk (PC)
2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
3. Grandia (PS1)
4. Hotline Miami (PC)
5. Luigiā€™s Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)
6. Off-Peak (PC)
7. realMYST: Masterpiece Edition (PC)

realMYST: Masterpiece Edition - This was a game that I had been wanting to dig into for a very long time. Essentially, realMYST is remake of the original MYST game using a more archaic engine that later worked its way into URU: Ages Beyond Myst and Myst V: End of Ages.

What makes this game stand out against the original is that you can freely roam a 3-D environment to solve puzzles, as well as add a new Age, Rime, to the previous 4 Ages. There is a give and take for this method as you lose some visual quality, as the pre-rendered images included a lot of very detailed environments and accents that this version clearly can not do. Is this really a downside? Not necessarily. Let's dig through a bit of history here.

You may or may not know that I am a longstanding Myst series fanatic, having a long standing love and admiration of the world created in the series, making claim that it is very Tolkien in nature with details and tertiary information. The reality is that, even though Myst captured my imagination, it was Riven and URU that really pushed me over the edge into absolute fandom. Myst was a game that I played once when it first came out, as it was a gift from my rich aunt way back in the day. I was far too young to understand the puzzles, but was intrigued by the mysterious characters. I had neither the patience nor wit to complete the game and relied solely on the walkthrough for solving the puzzles

Years have passed, having never touched the original for 22 years (seriously? That long?!) and I decided to grab this more recent iteration and give it a shot. I can honestly tell out that, outside of the final puzzle in the game, I have no recollection to the puzzles and their solution.

With that in mind, playing realMYST: Masterpiece Edition was an absolute joy to play. Having the freedom to looking around and move at will gave you a level of control that alleviated the biggest flaw the early Myst games had. You had a sense of where you were in the world and disorientation was absolutely eliminated. Sure, the worlds were less detailed, but now you could easily grasp the puzzles. I at no point referred to a guide and am absolutely positive that those who believe Myst to be a difficult game did not take the time to figure it out. I breezed through the game in roughly 4 hours and loved it.

So, why this one versus the original? Well hindsight is 20/20 and this game uses that to add details and information that help tie the game into the myst universe and its characters a bit more. Ti'ana, Aitrus' mother is referenced and the age of Rime, which is referenced in MYST III and IV is accessible and is a joy to explore.

Let's talk about Rime. The age is small, like all 4 ages, but definitely has an air of URU about it. You can see creatures swimming through the seas, sound plays an enormous role in the world and there is an atmosphere that to this day, I feel is unrivaled in any series. You feel that this place is alive and you are merely an explorer in this world.

Also, that is applied to the rest of the ages. Myst island now has a day/night cycle with weather and other ages have added weather effects that make them seem more animated and active.

I 100%ed the game and achieved all the achievements (which include a lot of easter egg hunting) and I loved it. I feel the game is a great alternative to the original, as the modern mechanics help alleviate the pre-rendered trappings. Sure you lose some of that detail, but it is worth experiencing and helping segue you into the mindset of the Myst franchise.



I think you would love a lot of the FPS games from the mid/late 90's. Games like No One Lives Forever, Soldier of Fortune, Red Faction, Outlaws, Dark Forces etc. seem like they would be right up your alley. That great mixture of old school Doom and modern FPS.

Re: Games Beaten 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:30 pm
by MrPopo
I remember originally beating Myst through the super short walkthrough (if you know what to lookup you can see the end game sequence in a few minutes) and then many years later doing a real run where I figured out all the puzzles, got all the pages, etc. I think the biggest thing that contributes to the difficulty in Myst is the fact that since you have a series of static views you very frequently can lose your positioning or not realize you have exits available. The way things connect is similar to how bizarre things in old Infocom games could get (try beating Zork without making a map) and then you add in the graphical adventure "can I transition to the next screen from here? how about here?". I can see being in full 3D resolving both of those issues.