What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by dsheinem »

brunoafh wrote:There isn't really much reason to play it if you haven't been enjoying it yet. The story is standard sub-par fare and the suit gimmick gets old real quick (and isn't especially fun in the first place). The only thing that really stands are the once benchmark visuals, but they're nothing too incredible today. I hear Crysis 2 is a lot better.

I highly, highly suggest Painkiller though. That game is so much fun.

Hmm, that's a shame. I just don't know if I want to plow through if it doesn't become much fun...so far it seems a drag and the visuals are nothing special. I have the Warhead expansion too - is that any better?

I have been curious about Painkiller for a while, so maybe I'll play that instead...
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Anayo »

dsheinem wrote:Finally got around to trying out the first Crysis yesterday - I played through much of the first level and was fairly unimpressed. Can anyone give me a compelling reason to see it through instead of tackling a different FPS that I have sitting on my shelf (e.g. Wolfenstein 2009, the original Far Cry, Painkiller, Timeshift, Perfect Dark Zero, No One Lives Forever, etc.)?

The gameplay and graphics made it worth my time, if just as an evening diversion. It's pretty and shiny. Plus the nanosuit feels like a testasterone pumped power fantasy. I liked rushing up to guys using super fast mode, grabbing them, then throwing them with super strong mode. Up ahead it plays kinda like Halo meets Far Cry. Crysis Warhead is slightly better than normal Crysis, so you might wanna try it out before you dismiss it altogether.

The biggest things I disliked about Crysis were the cardboard characters and storyline like something a 15 year old would make up after watching too many sci-fi movies. So, I can see why you were unimpressed. I can't understand how such a game gets lauded so much when we have masterpieces like Half Life 2.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Ack »

dsheinem wrote:
brunoafh wrote:There isn't really much reason to play it if you haven't been enjoying it yet. The story is standard sub-par fare and the suit gimmick gets old real quick (and isn't especially fun in the first place). The only thing that really stands are the once benchmark visuals, but they're nothing too incredible today. I hear Crysis 2 is a lot better.

I highly, highly suggest Painkiller though. That game is so much fun.

Hmm, that's a shame. I just don't know if I want to plow through if it doesn't become much fun...so far it seems a drag and the visuals are nothing special. I have the Warhead expansion too - is that any better?

I have been curious about Painkiller for a while, so maybe I'll play that instead...

I agree with Brunoafh on a lot of points, but I'd further throw in that I never liked Crysis gunplay. It just felt too...stiff, I suppose.

Anyway, Painkiller is a lot like Serious Sam, only it tries too hard to take itself seriously at times. It's an awesome game that I enjoyed a lot more than Crysis, with some creative enemies, weapons, and levels, though most of the time you'll be too busy fending off hordes of monsters to pay attention. I thought the plot was garbage, but I had fun. And the final level is quite impressive looking.

The Battle Out of Hell expansion on the other hand...that I hated. While it went for more horror, it felt like it lost some of the charm.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by MrPopo »

I just finished Crysis 2, and had fun with it. The story isn't the greatest, especially with regards to making connections to the first game, but I really enjoyed the gameplay. They tightened up the suit mechanics so now it automatically engages strength or speed as necessary and armor mode got buffed, leading to a better experience. In the first game armor would take an extra bullet or two since it was the default, while in this game it'll take a lot of shots, but you have to manually activate and it will drain. They also added in suit upgrades which you can use to customize your experience; I spent most of my points on stealth upgrades. The weaponry is a bit more varied than the original, which is nice. It gives you reasons to switch among several different guns, whereas in the first you'd switch between guns because of ammo issues. No caliber issues here; resupply points have universal ammo stores (of limited quantity) so you can stick with the weapons you like, rather than the weapons the enemies are carrying.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Anayo »

Hey, Mr. Popo, how are the graphics in Crysis 2? Better, or about the same?
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by MrPopo »

I felt like it was about the same. It certainly runs smoother, but the big thing I couldn't compare was stuff involving vegetation, as New York City has little in the way of forested areas. So things like the sunshafts aren't really a factor.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by (-_-) »

dsheinem wrote:I just finished the Killzone 3 campaign and posted my thoughts here. I really don't understand some of the reviews which pan the plot and the single player, i thought the plot was fun, the characters well realized and voice acted, and the gameplay intense and varied. Anyone else give it a spin yet?

I beat Killzone 3 campaign a few days after it came out. I also found it to be quite a bit of fun. I loved how varied it felt as well. I do wish I got to use the jetpack more often because that was one of the most fun I've had using a vehicle in a game. I'm playing through it again on elite but the Helghan appear to have adamantium armour and have abandoned shooting you with their guns in favour of lobbing grenades directly at your face.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by avrame »

emwearz wrote:Bulleststorm on the PC, Did not think I would be enjoying this as much as I am, very fun so far.

Just beat it on the 360, game was surprisingly easy on the 'Very Hard' difficulty. Did not get all the achievements, but the feel, graphics and gameplay were stellar in my books. Story was a little weak, and the ending was a clear 'Hmm, maybe we should leave it open for a sequel' 'You sure? The game ships tomorrow you know'-type ending. I'm almost 100% certain that wasn't the original ending to the game.

As for the dialog, woah-man, thats the most colorful swearing I heard in a while. It's clearly forced, but alot of the insults/banter is rather witty. Shame it didn't add/subtract from the feel of the situations at hand, they just feel like they were 'there'.
If you aren't having a good time, why are you playing?
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by s1mplehumar »

Anayo wrote:Hey, Mr. Popo, how are the graphics in Crysis 2? Better, or about the same?

Having just finished the PC version myself, I feel much the same as Popo. The grass looks fantastic, though, and the flora is well animated.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Flodder450 »

Played TimeSplitters:Future Perfect co-op with a female friend

Im used to the Goldeneye control setup,and she is used to the default one,so there was a bit of a hassle when we switched controllers :lol:
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