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Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:31 pm
by Ack
BoneSnapDeez wrote:@Ack

Play it. You'll finish it in a few hours. You can save at any time and continue in any level. It's worth it just for the insanity.

Try to the avoid the warp zones (even the good ones that take you forward). If you warp at all you miss out on the epic bonus World 9. 8)

How many worlds are there in the game?

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:33 pm
by BoneSnapDeez
13 counting the bonus world 9. So 52 levels.

It goes Worlds 1 through 8, World 9 (only if no Warp Zones were used), then Worlds A through D. Final level: D-4.

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:42 pm
by Ack
BoneSnapDeez wrote:13 counting the bonus world 9. So 52 levels.

It goes Worlds 1 through 8, World 9 (only if no Warp Zones were used), then Worlds A through D. Final level: D-4.

Wow, I was unaware Lost Levels ends with Dark Dreams Don't Die. So I guess Nintendo wants me to buy an Xbox One?

I'll give it a shot sometime this year, but I think I'll get through Live A Live and perhaps a few other games first.

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:45 pm
by Xeogred
I don't remember Lost Levels being completely insane or anything, but I grew up with All Stars so probably played the heck out of it.

The really insane thing though, is that it does let you play as either Mario or Luigi when you start the game up (you can continue picking someone else I think), the insane thing is I'm pretty damn sure some levels were intentionally designed to be impossible with one character or the other. I remember this one level that had huge jumps Mario couldn't make unless you were bouncing off enemies perfectly to get around or something, then there was a castle stage that had low ceilings that kill Luigi all the time. Maybe these parts were possible... can't remember, if not, that's laughable and evil.

Was that how you got to world 9? You'll think that world is a rom hack or something, it was awesome. I thought you had to do weird things to get there, but I'm not sure.

High five on the SMB2 love BoneSnapDeez. It's kind of a shame the mechanics in that game weren't really brought over into other Mario games afterwards, even if it is technically Doki Doki or whatever... but yeah. Great game and I always make sure I never skip the stages/worlds since it's got a lot of variety and some cool ideas later on.

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:27 pm
by Violent By Design
Ack wrote:You are not making me want to play Lost Levels, chief.

You're not supposed too. :twisted:

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:33 pm
by BoneSnapDeez
Xeogred wrote:The really insane thing though, is that it does let you play as either Mario or Luigi when you start the game up (you can continue picking someone else I think), the insane thing is I'm pretty damn sure some levels were intentionally designed to be impossible with one character or the other. I remember this one level that had huge jumps Mario couldn't make unless you were bouncing off enemies perfectly to get around or something, then there was a castle stage that had low ceilings that kill Luigi all the time. Maybe these parts were possible... can't remember, if not, that's laughable and evil.

Was that how you got to world 9? You'll think that world is a rom hack or something, it was awesome. I thought you had to do weird things to get there, but I'm not sure.

It's best to just play as Luigi the entire game. I think Mario is a bit less slippery, but Luigi's jumps make him vastly superior.

Yeah you don't have to do anything weird to reach World 9 - just don't use warps. And since there are warps that take you back I find it best to just avoid pipes altogether. :lol:

It's worth noting that in the original FDS version you can only reach World A by first completing the game eight times.

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:18 pm
by Sload Soap
So, as usually happens I go "I'll just have a little play on the saturn, something short" and ended up beating 4 (or 3 depending on your value system) games in a row. Not long games mind, and games with perhaps questionable winstates. Love the Saturn. And this was after ragequitting KOF96!

Steep Slope Sliders
Since the winter olympics are on I'd thought I'd pop in a snowboarding game. Not really much I can say about this one, it's pretty barebones.

You have four racers to start with and a selection of seven tracks. And you snowboard. Maybe pull off awkward trick or two. Since it's an arcade conversion, winning a race (or not winning you aren't racing anyone but yourself) will game over and back to the title screen. I'm not sure my score was even saved. I put the best time on each race and unlocked some extras so I say beat.

The soundtrack is good, minus one out of place J-pop ballad. Strangely it's part developed by Cave. Top marks for alliteration though.

Sonic R
My save file had been erased so I did another run of this, getting all the emeralds and unlocking Robotnik, Super Sonic and Metal Sonic.

I actually like this game, to a point. I think it's all in the name. If we take that R to mean Rivals and not as most assumed Racing the game makes more sense. It isn't an easy game to like though. The controls are tough and I'd say all but maybe three of the characters are essentially useless.

But there is fun to be had. The stage design is actually quite good and it requires multiple playthroughs to learn the various routes through a given track, where it's emeralds and Sonic tokens are and where you can find a sneaky shortcut. I can dig the music as well. And, I guess Sega should perhaps be applauded for trying something a bit abstract. But they probably should have done it after making a proper saturn Sonic game. Your mileage may vary.

F1 Challenge
I count this as beat because it was the first time I ever won every race in a row. I love this game. It's not a very good F1 game, your primary method of going round corners is to drift, but damn is it a slice of that classic mid-nineties Sega arcade mentality that spawned Daytona and Sega Rally. Fun over realism.

That's not to say the game is particularly shallow, there are some options to alter your cars performance before a race and though there are only six tracks (three licensed, three original) each one asks a different question of your ability. I find the graphics to be quite impressive. This is an early saturn game (1995 in Japan) so yes they are angular and there is pop in, but on the other hand I guess this was probably the most visually impressive F1 game until Grand Prix 2. And the music rocks. I brought it up in another thread but it bears repeating.

There are some quirks though. When you win a race you get an awesomely cheesy tune (second only to Wave Race 64's) to go along with a victory lap...which you can't skip. Two minutes before you can return to the menu. Everytime you win. Also, for whatever reason, this game feels better with the pad than Sega's own racing stick. Odd.

But yeah, if you have a Saturn get it. It's usually dirt cheap.

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special
As previously stated I got frustrated by KoF96's stupid SNK final boss and put in a game I can actually beat. :lol: I 1CC'ed it as my man Franco Bash. I love Franco. Such a shame he got pushed out of the picture. He's one of few "heavy" style fighters I actually like playing as.


I love this game as well. I think it's really smooth and responsive, there is plenty of combo opportunity, it looks amazing and sounds great. And the final boss isn't a cheap bastard, he's just tough. It also has a fair few modes for a fighter of its time as well, including practice. I appreciate that. It seems more relaxed than other SNK fighters as well, a bit goofier. You get a music video for beating it for example.

It's worth noting that in the original FDS version you can only reach World A by first completing the game eight times.

Blimey, they really were trolling, weren't they?

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:39 pm
by emwearz
1. Back to the Future: The Game - PC
2. Syndicate - PC
3. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - PC
4. Resident Evil: Revelations - 3DS
5. The Walking Dead - PC
6. The Walking Dead: 400 Days - PC
7. Cyber-Lip - Neo Geo (Via Neo Geo X)
8. Metal Slug 4 - PS2
9. Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stasis Interrupted (DLC) - PC
10. Metal Slug Advance - GBA (Via Emulation)
11. Assassins Creed III: Liberation HD - PC

Total for 2014: 11

Metal Slug Advance - GBA (Via Emulation)
I played this through via emulation, not something I tend to do, but I really prefer my Metal Slug action with an arcade stick, so I played this through with the Neo Geo X stick.

The gameplay itself is pretty solid, it feels a little "cheaper" at times than its Neo Geo counterparts, but that is understandable. It is better than MS4, but none of the others in the series.

It's main draw is its inclusion of cards, some for collecting, some for powering up weapons, which adds to to replay value a lot. You finish the game, unlock the exploration mode "dungeon", get a new card to upgrade your character, play the single player and have the ability to unlock more cards / upgrades because you are stronger and this goes on for awhile, I got a little over 60 of the 100 cards before I got bored of the formula.

Assassins Creed III: Liberation HD - PC
I did not expect much from this, but it delivered more than I thought it would.

They stripped away a lot of 'clutter' that seems to be in AC games recently, there are a few small side quests and collectables but it is not over the top like IV.

The main character is far more enjoyable than Connor from III was and has a far more engaging and interesting story.

The gameplay changes were annoying at first, but like most changes in the series, you get use to them pretty quickly. The persona system which haves you swapping out between a 'Lady' a 'Slave' and a 'Assassin' was not a big game changer as most missions required you to be a certain persona and changed it for you anyway.

Overall I think the game was a lot better than III was, which was an okay game, but easily my least favorite since the original.

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:02 pm
by noiseredux
1. King of Fighters R-2 (NGPC)
2. Dead or Alive 2 (Limited Edition) (DC)
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles In Time (PS2)
4. Metal Gear (PS2)
5. Capcom Vs. SNK 2 (DC)
6. Sonic The Hedgehog Pocket Adventure (NGPC)

Wow. What a great game. I plan to do a writeup on my site soon. But for now I'll just say that this one comes highly recommended to Neo Geo Pocket fans.

Re: Games Beaten 2014

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:06 am
by BogusMeatFactory
1. We Love Katamari (PS2)
2. Major Minor's Majestic Marching Band (Wii)
3. Mario and Luigi: Dream Taam (3DS)
4. Petz: Wildlife Rescue (Wii) (Don't Ask)
5. Flow (PS3)
6. Journey (PS3)
7. Shenmue (DC) (5th completion)
8. Ben There, Dan That (PC)
9. Serena (PC)
10. Graffiti Kingdom (PS2)
11. Bushido Blade (PS1)
12. Super Bomberman (SNES)
13. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
14. Way of the Samurai (PS2)
15. Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening DX (GBC)

Metal Gear Solid

This may have been the most difficult challenge for me, as I have always attempted to play this game, get frustrated and then quit. This time, I was determined to complete it and, although it has lots of flaws, I thoroughly enjoyed it and am glad I was persistent.

First things first, let's talk about what I loved. Having played, Snatcher and Policenauts, I have always enjoyed the narrative pacing and styles of Kojima's game and this is no different. Even though the story can be cheesy at times, the way it is paced and the rising and falling actions is implemented incredibly well, giving you a great sense of atmosphere and theatrical drama. They really pull emotions and take you for a ride.

The other thing I love about the game is the details. I have noticed this in his other games that the small details are incredibly important to the development team and it pays off to us, the player. The classic Psycho Mantis, reading the memory card, the wolves urinating on your box, the whole interrogation sequence and ensuing imprisonment.... these moments may pass people by unnoticed, but the fact that they exist and can be experienced in different ways helps heighten the player's enjoyment.

What is wrong with the game, may not be entirely the fault of the development team, but more the fault of the hardware. The difficulty targeting enemies with a gun, the frustration of having to backtrack and some bossfights that are incredibly enfuriating (looking at you Sniper Wolf). When fighting Sniper Wolf the first time, I had an incredibly difficult time as I hadn't gotten the hand stabilizing drug initially (only later did I go searching for it). Also, when you get hit you get turned around and you have to stand up, face the hallway, crouch, aim and fire, leaves you open to getting hit more and more. It was a complete pain in the ass.

Not to mention my complete stupidity of not saving often and dying during the interrogation scene and having to do that fight all over again!

I still finished the game as a Jackal, with Otocon's ending, since I can't button mash for the life of me and gave in to the interrogation and can safely say that I want more. Even though the controls drove me nuts, I still found the charm. Nostalgia plays the role for most in this game, but not for me as this was my first real experience with the series. Regardless, what good there was there was good. I can understand the character connections and love for the series and can not wait to see what the rest in the series provides.

Way of the Samurai

This strange samurai beat 'em up for the PS2 was really really.....absurd. The game takes place during 19th century Japan and the fall of the Samurai. You play a wandering Ronin that comes across a village in the throes of turmoil as two warring clans are duking it out over a foundry, all the way with a looming government ready to sweep in.

The game features a very loose narrative that allows you to choose which family to fight for, if at all, providing multiple endings. Although the game can be very short, depending on what you decide to do, the longevity lies in experiencing the game over and over again, thanks to death.

When you die, it is game over and you have to start from the very beginning, which can be a huge issue thanks to the technical combat system. The game features a hybrid of simulated swordplay and the classic button mashing beat 'em up. Plays can parry, dodge and block attacks, all the while trying to throw their opponent off balance to juggle combos against them. Although initially, the combat system seems impossible and death is imminent at every turn, with tons of practice, I was able to get through it alright.

Moves are unlocked by parrying an enemy's attack, or by performing the move for the first time with experimentation. There are a variety of swords that you can collect that have different stats and moves that you can perform. Using a Katana is very different than using a Ninja Sword. Add to it that your swords can break with overheating, striking blocked enemies increase your chances of it breaking. There is a lot of content packed into this small package.

I managed to finish the game twice, the first time as a lone wolf and the second with the rival, rebel Akadama clan. Even then, depending on what you do for certain events will lead to different endings. You can attack and kill essentially anyone in the game. The first time, I was forced into killing the blacksmith, because I got a sword upgraded, but did not have any money to pay. It was those little things that were charming and encouraged you to explore, but the reality was, the difficulty was too high and the open ended nature of the game left me wandering and missing a lot of what was happening. The game is really meant to be played over and over again to get the full experience and I don't know if that is necessarily a good thing.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

Having played the original Link's Awakening on the original gameboy back in 1995 as a kid, I thought it was fitting to go back and experience it again, this time with the game boy color rendition on the virtual console for the 3DS. First off, Link's Awakening is one of my all time favorite Zelda games and I really wanted to revisit it to see if it stood the test of time and I was not disappointed.

The story is simple, Link is on a journey, sailing the ocean when a storm hits and he washes ashore on an island, taken in by villagers who worship, The Wind Fish and your heroes journey begins as you attempt to discover the origins of the island and return home. The game features a lot of cool items and abilities that weren't present in other zelda games and creates a strange hybrid of side-scrolling and top-down views as you play.

The dungeons themselves are inventive and exciting, featuring engaging puzzles and bosses. The storyline may be simple, but it is effective, tugging on your heartstrings as you learn more about the inhabitants of the island and of the island's origin. What really stands out for me is the soundtrack. I find the gameboy music to be spectacular and truly one of the best for the series, even on such a small system. Wearing headphones are a must.

The DX version adds some new features not previously seen, including a new, optional dungeon that uses colors in its puzzles. When finished, you get a new colored suit that either increases your damage, or your defense.

Also, there is a place where Link can get his picture taken with various characters in the game and could be printed on the gameboy printer if I had the original game and hardware. I am not gonna lie, but that would be spectacular.

The thing is, the game cost me $6 on the virtual console and it was a bargain for me. I could not have been happier and it still does stand the test of time as one of my pesonal favorites in the series.