RPG Progress Report

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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by MrPopo »

I tried to rush it, got horribly murdered. You're going to need to be methodical. The problem is several of the rooms that you need to go through will have 20+ enemies and the damage adds up fast if you pull them all at once. I suspect you're in the section where there's all those little alcoves, right? While you could potentially sprint through those you'd get a lot of back shots, and the room after that will murder you if you don't pull them around a corner. Same with that large room that radiates you. That said, I will tell you that you shouldn't need to fight any more enemies in the "outside" portion of the map, so if you see some don't bother engaging.

You've also noticed damage scaling. Axes and Spears both scale in MM6, and that's what I used with a sword in the off hand for some extra damage (I was also going KKCS). None of it will matter once you get Ancient Weapons, of course. The skill only buffs your chance to hit but it's full on murder in real time anyway, so all you want is chance to hit to keep the murder rate up.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

The adventure of the Racket-team of X-com: Enemy Unknown begins! This write-up ended up a bit long, so if I end up doing more of these really long ones, I may just make a whole separate blog for it X3
Original Team of Racket HQ:
Elkin Fencer V10.0
Laruen Hiya
Mr Popo - Auto Canon
Noise Redux - Heavy Canon
(Original 8th member was sacked for being rubbish)

First Mission: Small Landed Craft - Sectoids
Upon landing, it’s dark.Commander Partridge is worried, as the reinforcements hadn’t arrived at base by the time this mission was launched, but he’s confident in their ability to succeed against what is surely such a tiny force.
Darsparx was sent out to scout and spots a farm house immediately to the side of the Skyranger, as well as one to the South. Just as the Southern farmhouse is seen, he narrowly avoided a stray shot from an overwatching Sectoid on the 2nd floor. The rest of the team went out to try and shoot him, but no one could land a shot through his window. Meanwhile, Tanooki went around the other side of the closer farmhouse, just to spot a second Sectoid on its second floor. Noise charges out to try and blast it with his auto cannon, but only manages to blow enough holes in the wall for the sectoid to get an even better view on our position. No kills and two aliens well in sight on the first turn, and things are looking grim. Commander Partridge considers abandoning the mission right there.
The alien’s turn is at first uneventful, as the one in the closer house misses his shots, blasting apart a tree Tanooki is stood next to, while the one in the further house steps back out of sight. Just as all seems calm, the aliens finish their turn with the one in the far house landing a dead shot on Darsparx, cutting dreadfully short his X-com career. Vowing to avenge their fallen comrade, Marurun, Laruen, and Elkin refocus their fire on the far house, with Marurun’s first shot blasting the alien’s head all over the back wall. He gives a small fist pump in celebration of not only gaining the first kill of the campaign, but bringing the first avenging blow as well. On the other side of the house, Noise steps back out to open fire on the closer house’s sectoid once again, missing his first shot but filling the house with sectoid-frape with the second. Tanooki, meanwhile, ventures further around the house’s now seemingly safe flank, which is when he sees it.
The first alien craft of the campaign is indeed a very small one, with an area no bigger than their own Skyranger. Upon hearing this, Commander Partridge breathes a sigh of relief. Surely there must only be one more alien out there at the most. Just as this is communicated, Tanooki sights what the commander believes to be the last alien just a ways away, taking cover behind the side of his ship. Mr. Popo takes cover on the closer farmhouse’s second floor, ready to bust open a wall with his autocannon to fillei the alien, should his comrades confirm a line of sight. Tanooki, ready to circumvent the alien’s cover, primes a grenade in preparation for next turn. Lauren, Elkin, and Marurun take cover behind the far side of the closer farm house to prepare to flank the alien from the other side.
Upon the ending of their turn, however, another casualty of war is gained. The sound of plasma fire is followed by the roar of a grenade, as a fourth alien that was hiding behind the far side of their craft turns a corner and lands a fatal hit on Tanooki. Filled with self-directed outrage at his failure to foresee more than three aliens in such a small craft, Commander Partridge vows not to lose a single further soldier on this mission. Triumphant in his kill, the Sectoid remains completely out of cover and in full sight of the three-man team flanking the farm house. He loses his pitiful life under a hail of gunfire first from Elkin and then from Marurun. Noise, taking up Tanooki’s scouting vector, ventures further around the far side of the craft to bring him face to face with the previous fleeing alien. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, he blasts its face off. The mission comes to an end as Lauren, who was just about to enter the alien craft, comes face to face with a Sectoid whom had just left it. The Sectoid fires a panicked shot into the side of his ship, only to be met with a hail of bullets into his face from Lauren’s rifle.
Victorious but full of grief for their fallen comrades, the X-com patrol returns to the Skyranger, ready to rack up another alien body count back to base on their next outing.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by noiseredux »

ugh, I love XCOM.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

RIP darsparx and Tanooki
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by marurun »

I had no idea I was a stone cold killer. Also, darsparx and tanooki will be remembered for their sacrifice in service to the Earth.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

So that last mission ended up turning into a whole-team wipe on the first terror mission, so I just restarted the game Xp

My new game is going alright! The first terror mission went really well, as I captured a floater engineer and a leader, with only 2 friendly casualties! I've had some HORRENDOUS luck with sectoids though. A squad of 5 in a downed ship in a forest at night killed 8 guys, which got me a sectoid engineer, but it damn wasn't worth it. Especially when Sarge, who had TEN kills, died during that mission to something stupid QwQ. I'm never doing night missions again if I can help it Xp.

What was slightly MORE worth it, however, was downing the large ship of theirs that I did. I lost an interceptor taking it down, and then I lost a rocket-tank AND 8 guys trying to take out the crew. BUT, all that effort DID get me one of the best long-distance stun guns in the game, that the last surviving members, Flake and Noise, rushed back to the ship under a hail of gunfire that killed 3 other soldiers!
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Ack »


Revenant is rough. I've beaten Diablo, its expansion, Diablo II, and numerous Diablo clones over the years such as Torchlight, Record of Lodoss War, Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest, Nox, and so on. Of all of them, Revenant is by far the worst, both in terms of its system and its stability.

First, this game is buggy, ridiculously so. There are visual bugs with fire and loading screens becoming discolored. There are crashing bugs and occasionally bugs which minimize the game. There are loading bugs, such as loading a new location with your inventory closed causing the game to crash or trying to load a game after dying causing the game to lock up. And then there are weird ones, like NPCs vanishing while you talk to them or items duplicating while you are trying to sell things, meaning you have no idea what you are selling. I watched one NPC "converse" with another while the second's dialogue never appeared. I've had the game just freeze for no reason randomly. I've opened a menu at the wrong time and locked the game. These are just the technical flaws too; I haven't even begun to talk about the problems with the game's design yet.

I plan to continue playing, and I plan to beat this and tell everyone more about what problems I find, but right now I want to warn everyone else to avoid this.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Ack wrote:Revenant is rough. I've beaten Diablo, its expansion, Diablo II, and numerous Diablo clones over the years such as Torchlight, Record of Lodoss War, Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest, Nox, and so on. Of all of them, Revenant is by far the worst, both in terms of its system and its stability.

No Inquisitor on that list. Man up, Ack.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Ack »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:
Ack wrote:Revenant is rough. I've beaten Diablo, its expansion, Diablo II, and numerous Diablo clones over the years such as Torchlight, Record of Lodoss War, Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest, Nox, and so on. Of all of them, Revenant is by far the worst, both in terms of its system and its stability.

No Inquisitor on that list. Man up, Ack.

It's on my To Do list somewhere between Hillsfar and Menzoberranzan.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

Ack wrote:
BoneSnapDeez wrote:
Ack wrote:Revenant is rough. I've beaten Diablo, its expansion, Diablo II, and numerous Diablo clones over the years such as Torchlight, Record of Lodoss War, Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest, Nox, and so on. Of all of them, Revenant is by far the worst, both in terms of its system and its stability.

No Inquisitor on that list. Man up, Ack.

It's on my To Do list somewhere between Hillsfar and Menzoberranzan.

Wooo!!! SSI LOVE!!! Hillsfar is a great little jaunt, but some of the minigames are a mixed bag. I always want to play menzoberranzan but give up at the start. I need to revisit it as an adult though!
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

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