Games Beaten 2015

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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Rogue Legacy is one I hope to take down later this year. Got it via IndieBox. What I've played is awesome.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by MrPopo »

You pretty much nailed the problem with Golden Axe Warrior. I ended up using the axe most of the time simply because it was easier to hit enemies with if I wasn't lined up perfectly.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by noiseredux »

Yeah the axe is the way to go.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Yeah I realized that I forgot to mention that in my write-up.

I switched back and forth. From what I recall the normal axe (ie the one you have before the Golden Axe) was weaker than the sword. So it was advantageous only at certain angles and against certain enemies (like the eyeballs). Also, only the sword could extend straight through blocks to hit bad guys.

Whatever the case, I think the combat is just awkward all around.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by dsheinem »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Yeah I realized that I forgot to mention that in my write-up.

I switched back and forth. From what I recall the normal axe (ie the one you have before the Golden Axe) was weaker than the sword. So it was advantageous only at certain angles and against certain enemies (like the eyeballs). Also, only the sword could extend straight through blocks to hit bad guys.

Whatever the case, I think the combat is just awkward all around.

did you play this back when it was the TR game?
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

No, missed it back then. I read through the thread this afternoon though. :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Sload Soap »

Mass Effect 3: Omega and Leviathan DLC
These went into sale a week or two back so I bought them if for no other reason than to say I had beat every Mass Effect game and DLC.

Omega is a very action heavy side-quest wherein you help fan favourite (for some reason) Aria T'Loak retake the titular Omega from Mass Effect 2, a city-cum-Mos Eisley cantina currently under Cerberus control. One of its selling points at the time was that it featured a female turian. Unfortunately this was pretty anti-climatic for me as I had played Citadel, the final ME3 DLC, first and there a few lady turians knocking about in that. Also, if one of the selling points is we might get to see some lizard alien T&A EA might want to rethink their priorities.

Anyway, the whole thing is a long battle against Cerberus with some newish enemy types and some reused assets from ME2. Omega was a nice way to set the pace in ME2 but it wasn't really visually interesting enough for a revisit in my opinion. Also, as it is most likely you'll play this after beating the main game, you will shred through it in no time. A new reaper enemy is introduced in hushed tones as this indestructible killing machine only for me to then obliterate it in three shots with my fully upgraded weapons. How are the reapers winning this war again?

Double anyway, the add-on is okay but it doesn't really expand much upon the mythos of the series and I can imagine that if I had played it during a runthrough of the game, it would feel out of place. Shepard really has better things to be doing with his time than saving the dingy shithole that is Omega for the benefit of a woman who is essentially a sexy Jabba the Hutt.

Leviathan however is pretty good and relevant to the events of the game. The story is a murder mystery with you crossing the galaxy piecing together clues and motivations for the seemingly random death of a scientist researching anti-reaper weaponry. Of course this being Mass Effect the guilty party is an eons old telepathic squid monster. And when you confront it Shepard basically tells the sodding thing to help him fight the reapers or shove it. He/she's nothing if not single minded.

The DLC is much less combat heavy than Omega and has much more variety in its locations as well from ocean planets strewn with the hulks of missing starships to a desert planet battered by sandstorms. Okay it's just those two (and a Noveria like mining facility) but still, it's two more visually distinct locales than the hazy industrial glow of Omega.

As an add-on Leviathan is just better paced and has a more interesting story to tell while also expanding on the series lore in more meaningful ways than Omega. I'd go as far as saying it was the fourth best ME add-on. What acclaim!

To sum up: Leviathan is worth it in sale, Omega is for ME megafans and completionists only.

Burning Force (MD)
Burning Force is sort of a Space Harrier clone in which you play as a cute anime girl who pilots a hovering spacebike, that transforms into a jet every third level, shooting up numerous cheese dream inspired enemies on a quest to get an official spacebike/jet pilot license.

As a Space Harrier-a-like it does some things that bring it pretty close to being a great game but it isn't doesn't because the developers slightly misunderstood what makes Space Harrier the game it is.

In simple terms, with Space Harrier you die and say to yourself "damn, I could have avoided that". However with Burning Force you die and go "dafuq, how was I supposed to avoid that?".

Burning Force has a bad habit of filling the screen with junk and expecting you to avoid it (some stuff will even come from behind and jump onto you), a problem exacerbated during the spacebike portions as you are limited to moving along the X axis. It's a small but fundamental difference that makes one game the intense and frantic classic it is and one game a flawed gem.

That's not to say I disliked Burning Force though. It definitely has enough of its own ideas to set it aside from Sega's classic and it has that early Mega Drive charm with its graphics and sound.

The game is structured differently too. The game is split into five levels or "days" each featuring four parts. Parts one and two are on the spacebike with each ending in a sub-boss. Part three you upgrade to the jet to fight the game's bosses and part four is a bonus round where you collect points for extra lives. It's more stop start then than Space Harrier's relentless push but the little scenes of the bike being bolted into the jet adds character.

I liked the game overall. As far as it goes it's better than Space Harrier 2 and has some nice boss battles. The difficulty is uneven and it doesn't have that mesmeric quality Space Harrier does but if you see it going for cheap I say pick it up.

Disney's Donald Duck Quack Attack (PS1)
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then Naughty Dog should be very flattered indeed. Quack Attack is really nothing more than a very easy, very simple Crash Bandicoot rip-off with Donald Duck seemingly copy pasted in after the fact.

Like, it's not a terrible game and it looks quite good and plays fairly well, some dodgy hit detection aside, but it is a kids game with a capital KIDS. I enjoy easy games because sometimes I just like to know I will see the end but honestly Quack Attack is kind of patronising. And I don't mean just to beat, you should really 100% this thing on a first attempt.

It's a competent game from an era when that was all Disney expected of their videogame ventures but settling for merely competent was not what gave us Aladdin or Castle of Illusion.

Quack Attack is literally the made in China version of Crash Bandicoot. Officially it's an early Ubisoft Montreal joint but the credits show a lot of the work was farmed off to their nascent Chinese branch who were obviously tasked to make the game as quickly and cheaply as possible. I did get some enjoyment out of it and on the whole it is not a execrable experience but it is too easy, too short and generally too unpolished to be anything better than mediocre. Just let the kids play Crash instead.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengance (360)
Holy moly, this game is fucking nuts and that is really saying something when you consider it's parentage of a developer not known for its subtlety making a spin-off from a series not known for its sanity.

Metal Gear Rising is like a fever dream one would get after reading a load of Tom Clancy, watching a load of anime and then spending a few days huffing paint. It's credit to Platinum that they set out their stall early on with assassinations, cyborg ninjas and a solo fight against a metal gear coming within the first, oh, fifteen minutes of play. And it's even more credit that it continually ramps up the crazy from there. Nanomachines, son!

All this crazy in the story and setting would be nothing though if it wasn't also supported by some crazy in the gameplay and it is here Metal Gear Rising truly shines. Ostensibly a hack and slash game, Rising is really closer to being a samurai simulator. Simply mashing away at the buttons will just lead to countless retries and what at first seemed like a fairly shallow allocation of attacks soon opens up and shows itself to be a deep counter attack based game of quick reactions and anticipating enemy attacks.

This is achieved with the easy to learn, hard to master parrying system, a system that becomes both your greatest defensive and attacking move. I don't have the reflexes or patience available for it but I can imagine that a skilled person could beat this entire game (which isn't always the most forgiving even on medium difficulty) without being hit.

I'd say in that way it was less like developer stablemate Bayonette and more like the Arkham games. Whereas Bayonetta is all about the ridiculous pyrotechnics of its fights, Rising goes more for that Arkham style combat assessment vibe with the player constantly thinking ahead in terms of keeping up combos and avoiding incoming attacks. It's a wonderful mix and when it clicks it feels so good.

When you combine this flowing combat style with the games central gimmick, a bulletime inducing, right analogue stick controlled, freestyle sword swinging mechanic, and you have some very memorable battle sequences. The "zandatsu" sword kills are like the punctuation to the games many fights. And they looks cool as hell.

The whole game looks cool as hell. Platinum have done an excellent job of taking the Metal Gear universe's unique look and kept it consistent even while they jack it up to eleven. The game's fantastic boss battles are themed much like previous Metal Gears and there's a real visual flair to cut-scenes.

Did I also mention the game is kind of crazy? Because it is, and it is fabulous. I loved little bits of crazy like every boss giving you heartfelt monologue as you stand over their shredded, unrecognisable corpses, the way Raiden looks like someone stuck Debbie Harry's head on top of a wrestlers body, the way people talk unironically about "the memes", the way the Gekko's moo and the rays roar, the way the evil corporation is based in Denver and the way the senator looks like a really buff James Rolfe and does sumo foot slams before powering himself up for a fight. The whole thing is batshit, off the wall, off its head insane. It revels in its excess and gives not a jot about that.

I really don't have many issues with the game. There are occasionally times when the camera will dick you over in tight spaces and on a first run some enemies have moves that can be hard to read. The final boss can also be a real pain in the arse without any back up healing item and while the cutting mechanic feels great most of the time, you really notice how imprecise it can be when asked to cut something along a more straight path.

I don't think that the package on the whole is as refined as Bayonetta and certainly doesn't have the ocean deep moveset that game boasts. Rising is much more off-kilter and like its protagonist is a ball of malevolent fury hiding beneath the steely veneer of a noble samurai. It's top tier stuff and when you get into a groove can feel like a 3D update of those truly great nineties action arcade games.

Madder than a sack of drunk badgers but ultimately loads more fun to play with. Less biting.
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Sarge »

Wow, I'm glad I got my copy of Golden Axe Warrior when I did!
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Well I'm glad I held off on buying an actual cart. :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2015

Post by Key-Glyph »

Sload Soap wrote:Mass Effect 3: Omega and Leviathan DLC
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Soap! I'm interested in them because I felt somewhat differently about the missions.

Leviathan (warning, serious spoilers):
I think Leviathan suffered in that it tried to patch a broken plot (the final conversation with The Child) and wound up creating more issues than it solved. For instance, I can't be the only one who went into that guy's office and thought, "He's got a piece of Sovereign down here?! Why didn't he show this to the Council?!"

I never replay this one, but I think I'm just a crankypants because I feel they somehow dug themselves deeper in trying to explain the story (and in adding a lot of cliché sci-fi drama) than they already had with the rest of the game. It's obviously an essential mission if you're trying to understand the canon plot as the game is presenting it, as you yourself mentioned.
I didn't find this one hugely interesting either (did we really need a new reaper enemy?), but I'll mention a few things I learned later that might make a replay a more interesting prospect for you if you're not aware:

1) Aria's actions at the end differ depending on how many paragon/renegade conversation choices you've made over the course of the mission (they explain this in-game as your "influencing" her behavior through your personality), and

2) if you're an Engineer, you solve an Unwinnable Situation by default that no other class can. I thought that was amazing, because Engineer is the least played of all!

EDIT: I forgot to congratulate you! I think Leviathan in particular gets ridiculously difficult in some of those combat situations. Well done.

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