RPG Progress Report

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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by mobiusclimber »

Ack, Wild Arms 3 doesn't let you continue after you beat the game? That's one thing I loved about the first WA is continuing it after beating the main story.

I'm currently playing Shin Megami Tensei II. I'm playing a translated ROM on my PSP. Seems the only time I get to play games is on the bus. I really like this one even tho it can be a bit frustrating not knowing what the spells are or whether the equipment is better or worse than what you already have. There's some really clunky interface issues with the game, but I've played enough old school games to be able to deal with it. The MegaTen series is an odd one for me. I seem to like certain ones but not others. For instance, I couldn't get into the first SMT game, but I like this one a lot better. Nocturne, likewise, seemed fun but I kinda just put it aside. I'm not that into the Persona series, but I like what I've played of the Devil Summoner games (the U.S. ones, not the ones on the Saturn, which I haven't played yet). I also mostly enjoyed Devil Survivor, but the ending is a bit of a slog.

So right now I'm at the point where you come back from visiting their utopia and find that the Center is overrun with demons. I kinda already don't like the Mesians and want them to go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks, so I'm not sure how I feel about this latest development. (They breed demons for... food? The kill people in cold blood for worshipping a different deity? They apparently brainwash workers to keep them complacent?) I'm suspecting there's going to be some sort of moral question somewhere where you have to pick (or get forced into) sides, but so far I've just gone along with everything, and I've been using the Mesia facilities exclusively since they're convenient. This is one thing I don't really like. I always get the feeling I'm screwing things up when playing these types of games and that i'll have worked myself into a corner only to find I'm the second coming of Hitler by the end of it. Devil Survivor was the big one for this. I actually didn't like ANY of the choices and would have been happy telling the angels AND the demons to go to H-E-you-know-the-rest. I sure as shit wasn't going to sneak out tho, thanks Yoohoo. I didn't even get the option to fight against the angels, I guess b/c I was too much of a goody two shoes. I was also disappointed in the party I ended up stuck with by being too nice.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Ack »

Mobius, apparently it does not. I beat it on Thursday, and if you collect enough EX Keys, you can unlock a New Game+ mode, but that's the limit.

Also, the final boss fight was pathetically easy.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Retrogamer0001 »

Zing wrote:I try to only play one RPG at a time. I technically still have Final Fantasy VII in progress, but I haven't played it in about a year and don't plan to anytime soon. I am also 10 hours into Xenoblade from a few days after its release, but I have no desire to continue.

Right now, I am playing Legend of Dragoon and making good progress. It's been a month now, and I have 30 hours put into it. I'm on disc three, probably somewhere near the end of the disc. The story has been engrossing the entire time. It's precisely my type of game. I've been updating a thread with my observations and progress over on playstationcollecting.

Next in line will likely be Tales of Destiny. I am also very tempted by Chrono Cross and Secret of Mana.

I played (and completed) Legend of Dragoon this past summer, and although I only logged about 40 hours total, it took me about two months to complete. I HATE this game. It was a real struggle to finish it, but I made myself do it. The characters are extremely forgettable, with the exception of maybe Rose, the regular encounters are quite boring and unbalanced in several respects, and I just found the entire game to be underwhelming. Combat was ok, though some of Dart's later Additions seemed almost impossible to actually pull off consistently (I used his 4th Addition to beat the final boss, forget what it's called). Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just get worked up when anyone mentions that game with any sort of positivity. It does NOT hold up well compared to any of the other PS1 rpgs released at the time, in my opinion.

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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by alienjesus »

Finally polished off Final Fantasy V. The final boss wass a pushover, but the optional bosses were a bit too much for me without the necessary preparation.

This was my final team:
Bartz - Freelancer - Inherent abilities: Counter, Learning, Barefist, Pharmacology
Weapon: Fire Bute (whip) & Genji Shield
- Fight
- Blue
- Mix
- Item

Reina - Freelancer - Inherent: Vigilance, Secret, Dash, Back Attack, Dual Wield
Weapons: Holy Lance + Masamune
- Fight
- X-Fight
- Dance
- Item

Krile - Freelancer - Inherent: Magic Barrier, Back Attack, Dual Wield
Weapons: Excalibur + Enchanter
- Fight
- Time
- Sword Magic
- Item

Faris - Mime
Weapon: Sage Staff + Flame Shield
- Mime
- Red x2
- White
- Summon
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by WallCrusher »

Currently at Magridd Castle in Soul Blazer, just gained access to the right tower. I really do like this game--even though it follows the same basic premise of going into an area, destroy the monster layers, and free the trapped spirits, it all feels so satisfying to see what will change.

I've also been playing more Persona 3 Portable again. I just started the new year, and it seems that the end game is finally coming. Although I am still wondering what the remaining members of Strega are up to and how they will try and interfere.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Xeogred »

Hit a milestone, I've gotten past the part in Xenosaga that I stopped at when I first played it like 10 years ago. It was one of those moments where I spent like hours running around doing things, accidentally got into a boss battle... and died. So after losing hours of work, I never touched it again.

This time, that very same boss killed me again, but I had saved right before it. Wow was it frustrating, the boss splits into two instantly so it's like two bosses, then they have constant attacks that hit everyone, interrupt your turns a lot, an Instant KO attack, status effect attacks annnnnnnnnnnd...

Glad that's over with. I think I've only got two more areas left!

Not sure what I'll do afterwards... I've actually never finished Xenosaga II either, lol. But I got to the second to last dungeon or something twice. So I have unfinished business there... I might hit up Shadow Hearts though.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Ack »

Considering the proximity of October, I say go to Shadow Hearts, Xeogred.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Xeogred »

That is a good point. It's pretty interesting the first one is rated M as well.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by mobiusclimber »

Retrogamer0001 wrote:I played (and completed) Legend of Dragoon this past summer, and although I only logged about 40 hours total, it took me about two months to complete. I HATE this game. It was a real struggle to finish it, but I made myself do it. The characters are extremely forgettable, with the exception of maybe Rose, the regular encounters are quite boring and unbalanced in several respects, and I just found the entire game to be underwhelming. Combat was ok, though some of Dart's later Additions seemed almost impossible to actually pull off consistently (I used his 4th Addition to beat the final boss, forget what it's called). Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just get worked up when anyone mentions that game with any sort of positivity. It does NOT hold up well compared to any of the other PS1 rpgs released at the time, in my opinion.

I played about ten hours before being so bored I gave up on the game. The writing and dialogue is just super bland and stilted. It's like someone did a direct translation and then no one proofed it afterwards.
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Re: RPG Progress Report

Post by Valkyrie-Favor »

That is one awesome FF5 team! Sounds like you've enjoyed the game properly :lol:
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noiseredux wrote:Playing on your GBA/PSP you can be watching a movie/TV show/playing another RPG on your TV and then just look at the screen every once in a while
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