Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by the7k »


It's about 20 characters in total; half of what was in XI. I understand that these are HD sprites and it requires a lot of work, but it still ticks me off that so many of my favorite characters have been nixed. K', Kula, Maxima, Malin, Momoko, Gato, Oswald, Blue Mary, Duck King, Yamazaki, Billy Kane... it's like, c'mon!

Just gotta hold out for XIII.

Oh yeah, still no boss character confirmed yet. Can't wait to see what abomination it turns out to be. *crosses fingers for Zombie Rugal*
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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by wip3outguy7 »

Yeah... they axed a lot of characters and made some odd judgment calls on who to put in the game. It's a shame. I will still play the game to support SNK. But hopefully we will see more returning faces in the new game. On the up side, KOF 98 UM is out in a few weeks!
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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by racketboy »

Maybe they need more time to re-draw sprites/animations and make sure everything is balanced.
Just like Street Fighter 3's different iterations, we'll probably see more added as the series progresses.
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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by Sonicx360 »

To me, it's many but these are the hardest 2D fighting game bosses that I fought:

-First off, it's Gill like everyone said. He does not spam as much as other 2D bosses but he just fights with finesse and even say god-like comments when you lose against him. His "Resurrection" is annoying! :x

-Second off, it's Shin Akuma on CVS 2. He pretty much spams double air Hadoukens and Hurricane Kicks with a Shoryuken by the end that can take over 1/3 of your life. :x When he does the 33-hit Shun Goku Satsu, my jaw just HIT THE FLOOR!!!! :shock:

-Third, I-No on Guilty Gear X2. She pretty much use the move with projectiles flowing around the entire screen that will annihilate 1/2 of your life when you get caught by them! :x

-Fourth, Onslaught on Marvel vs. Capcom. He always interrupt my combos and supers by shooting a big ass beam, Magnetic Shockwave/Tempest, or just charge towards you!! :x He even regenerate his life when he summons a clone of other playable characters!

-Last but not least, Magaki from KOF XI. :evil: He keeps shooting projectiles that randomly flows around the screen and when you get close to him, he will shoot a barrier that deflects you back away from him. He even unpredictably dish out a super that covers the entire screen!! :evil:

-If Magaki is not enough, Saiki in KOF XIII will throw you once you're close to him, or else he will shoot an unblockable projectile.
Last edited by Sonicx360 on Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by outlaw_moon »

Probably has been mentioned before, but Rugal from KOF 2002 was a a pain in the a$$ :evil: but don't get me started on him in 94 :cry:
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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by the7k »

I still agree with my scruby-ass self from years ago - Magaki and Gill aren't that hard. In fact, I felt Magaki and Gill are pretty fair and balanced final bosses. Yeah, they are tough, but a final boss should be. They're far from unbeatable.

Bosses I would say are unbeatable, though...

Avalon from Arcana Heart
Unlimited Hazama from BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend

Both of these final bosses made me drop the game in an instant. I still haven't picked either one of them back up, and it sucks because I WANT to like these games. I WANT to get better so I can play with friends. But if I can't even beat the final boss, it just kills it for me.
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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by Balasubbie »

Final Bison from Alpha 3. He's not as hard as he is blunt and toying, or more specifically, when dummies a kick and then drops back for the super crusher. You spend as much time admonishing yourself for falling for it as you do fighting the guy. The whole 'one try against the boss' schtick sucks too. Good incentive to buy the home release, I suppose, in a very masochistic manner.
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Post by RCBH928 »

how can any one beat this guy ? :shock:

Mozgus wrote:God Rugal in CVS2 is still impossible for me unless it's easiest difficulty. Watch me get raped here:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 4133331086
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Re: Re:

Post by the7k »

kingmohd84 wrote:how can any one beat this guy ? :shock:

Mozgus wrote:God Rugal in CVS2 is still impossible for me unless it's easiest difficulty. Watch me get raped here:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 4133331086

He was jumping constantly, constantly whiffing unsafe moves... I mean, it's pretty easy to see why he got killed.

Just wait for Rugal to do something, then punish it as hard as you can.
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Re: Which 2D Fighters had the most insane bosses?

Post by Godot102 »

The Marvel bosses, while not terribly difficult did use some really cheap tactics

-MVC 1 - Onslaught can sometimes fly offscree too often, making it sometimes difficult to tell which attack he is doing
-MVC 2- final abyss was kinda the same deal, although a full team super was usually enough to take him out.
-TVC- Yami sometimes trapped you in a corner and spammed the force field move that drained your meter and healed him.

Even though the following game is not 2D, this boss is definitely one of if not the hardest boss: Goldibus from Tech romancer. You had to defeat him four times in a row(Twice for each form) and he only had to beat you twice. So say you lost the first round on his first form, when you get to his second form his wins don't reset so lose one round and its game over....NOT only is he a hard boss, you can't even unlock him....
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