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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by ZBomber »

Sarge wrote:EDIT: Also, as for the censoring of games... that's a non-issue for me. It's not even new for Nintendo. And the changes are typically so small that I really don't get why people get so upset about it.

I'll admit that /personally/ I don't care about any of the things that currently got censored because I wouldn't have used them anyway, but I still think it's getting a bit heavy-handed. Getting rid of the bust slider in Xenoblade just seemed silly. It's not as if the game is free of cleavage all together, a lot of the characters/costumes are sexualized to begin with. Removing the "petting" thing in Fire Emblem was also strange. Again I doubt I would have even used it (it was dumb in Pokemon), but I don't see any reason to completely remove the feature for those that care about that.

I don't have any qualms with them changing the ages of characters though. I'm not sure why there are so many hyper-sexualized teenagers to begin with.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

I'm all for changing the ages of characters, but I like my skimpy/objectifying costumes. I don't get super butthurt about it, though; I just whine for a couple days and get over it. The launch date makes me nervous, but I do see the logic in the "build hype for holiday 2017" theory. I REALLY think that they need to wait until Holiday 2017 so as not to fuck over Wii U owners. It may still feel like a short life span, but it's not; even with a March launch, that's a 4.5 year lifespan, and Nintendo's consoles only average 5.25 years between releases (going by North American dates since that's the single biggest market). Most consumers don't think that way, so I know it's a moot point, but I think it's important to note - for Nintendo's dignity if nothing else - that they're not actually jumping ship on the Wii U all that early in terms of hardware support (software is a different issue).

The NX will definitely be a day one purchase for me just like the 3DS, New 3DS, and Wii U were (and I, personally, don't regret any of those; the Wii U remains my favorite console of this generation despite its ignored potential and commercial failure). I'm nervous for Nintendo's future, but I've always supported the company, and they've never failed to provide me with solid, reliable hardware that have incredible exclusive experiences. They've got my support, even if it's a sinking ship.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by Reprise »

ElkinFencer10 wrote:I REALLY think that they need to wait until Holiday 2017 so as not to fuck over Wii U owners.

I disagree. The Wii U was, more or less, dead on arrival. It's dead. Dead, dead, dead. There is nothing going for it. There is literally no point supporting the console. Nintendo are wise to be moving onto the NX. The install base just isn't there and they should be looking into how they can make the NX a success and get it onto the market asap.

ElkinFencer10 wrote:The NX will definitely be a day one purchase for me just like the 3DS, New 3DS, and Wii U were (and I, personally, don't regret any of those; the Wii U remains my favorite console of this generation despite its ignored potential and commercial failure). I'm nervous for Nintendo's future, but I've always supported the company, and they've never failed to provide me with solid, reliable hardware that have incredible exclusive experiences. They've got my support, even if it's a sinking ship.

Same. I love the Wii U and 3DS, I love Nintendo and I look forward to what they're going to do next. Even if I am nervous for Nintendo's future.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by Tanooki »

ZBomber wrote:Nintendo as a company has been making some very terrible decisions, this generation in particular.

All that said, the NX will be a number one day purchase for me, mostly because of Zelda which is my favorite video game series. I've been a life-long Nintendo fan and I plan on staying on this ship til the very end. I really hope Nintendo gets their act together though. They can't afford another flop, and a mid-gen release seems to be setting itself up for that. I really don't want to see Nintendo go the way of Sega.

Wish I had your feelings still as I've been there since the test launch in 85. They've burned their bridge with me on anything named Wii on trusting them again on the console front. I have no ill will on them with the handheld though other than disliking their territorial shenanigans but I can deal with that as there's nothing in gaming I 'need' that badly.

I'll end up with the NX I'm sure, when would be the only root question to that though. Does it end up a console and I wait a year or two to see if they extracted their heads from their asses and got everyone on board and I see sustained support/growth? Do I try and wrangle a deal like I did with a PS4 on ebay where I ended up with one about a year in at 1/2 off and then not feel too invested in/bad about it? Or is it a handheld and a console, your choice, then I know it'll do better given the few knowns already about it so I just pop for it come March? Just too much is not known to the public and blocking E3 from being the show off is ignorant as all get out. Do they really think anyone much outside of Japan gives a crap about Spaceworld? They used to love to show off stuff at that.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by Stark »

As someone who bought a WiiU with the promise of the next Zelda and as someone who likes to have the 'best' version of something, the news that the (assumedly) best new version of the new Zelda will be on NX is very annoying. I probably should've skipped the WiiU generation.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

I predict that, in ten years, nerdy gamers will be fawning over the Wii U (just like nerdy gamers are fawning over the Dreamcast today)... :lol:
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by isiolia »

ElkinFencer10 wrote:I'm all for changing the ages of characters, but I like my skimpy/objectifying costumes. I don't get super butthurt about it, though; I just whine for a couple days and get over it.

I'm more of the mind that it's fine in games where it's part of the point, but understandable to edit/remove in games meant to have more of a mass market appeal. The latter is more what Nintendo seems to have done. Ideally, they wouldn't have had to edit them in the first place. :lol:

I'm not sure what the point in holding NX stuff from E3 is, short of it just not being ready yet. 'course, it also makes no sense to not try and have it on the shelf for the holidays. The Wii U release schedule is thin, and after the summer seems pretty much barren (Paper Mario maybe?). Focusing on a game that won't even be out for a year is kind of telling, doubly so if it'll be a launch title for the NX.

To a point, I'd wonder why they're even bothering with a Wii U version of Zelda at this point, other than maybe "promising" it for the system.

It's not that I hate the system or anything. If they had a nice release schedule lined up through the holidays, that'd be one thing. Unless they have a bunch to show at E3 though - or maybe some plan for mega bundles or slashed prices for a value angle - it's just going to get harder and harder to sell.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:I predict that, in ten years, nerdy gamers will be fawning over the Wii U (just like nerdy gamers are fawning over the Dreamcast today)... :lol:

I think that's EXACTLY what will happen which is part of why I enjoy building up my Wii U collection today - ten years from now, I'll be a fucking OG.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by Xeogred »

Stark wrote:As someone who bought a WiiU with the promise of the next Zelda and as someone who likes to have the 'best' version of something, the news that the (assumedly) best new version of the new Zelda will be on NX is very annoying. I probably should've skipped the WiiU generation.

The two HD remasters and or Hyrule Warriors didn't help? Not to mention all the 3DS releases. Nintendo hasn't been slacking on the franchise, at least. Unlike Metroid.

I mean, we still are getting it on the Wii U next year. And like others joked earlier, the "best" version may actually be the U release, as some claim with GCN Twilight Princess vs the Wii version.

Don't get me wrong here though, but all I can say is never ever put any stock whatsoever in the console Zelda release schedules. I've just been laughing at it since the OoT days. The year they plan to reveal it and set it a day probably means it'll come out 18 months later from that date.
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Re: NX Predictions Thread

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

I guess it mostly depends on what they have on launch for the NX. I mean, I did buy my 3DS basically on launch, but I waited like 2 years to get the Wii U. It really just depends on how they hype it and what their launch line-up is. There're a good few 3DS games and Wii U games I haven't even gotten to yet though, so I don't think I'll even have the cash to fork over for an NX unless it's some ridiculous co-processor nonsense that only costs like 200 bucks.

Excited for it though. They always release stuff that's good, even if it doesn't sell well. At the very very least, it'll be different than what's already out there. I'd say that's a safe bet.
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