So what have you guys been watching lately?

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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by REPO Man »

Started rewatching "South Park" and "We Bare Bears", both on HBO Max.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Raging Justice »

Started watching Farscape, not super impressed so far but willing to keep watching just based on a lot of good things I've heard about it. They have one character on there that feels like a total ripoff of Worf

Also, watching Nikita. The CW version. Pretty good show quite honestly, starts getting really good in season 2. Great action, cool characters, and a good plot with no filler.

I'm also watching Friday Night Lights. Great show so far. I'm still not through with season 1 yet.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by REPO Man »

Did I mention I'm rewatching South Park? Also Young Sheldon's fourth season is now on HBO Max and a third season of Creepshow is hitting Shudder in a few weeks.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Sload Soap »

Recently finished the Disney+ trilogy of WandaVision, TFATWS and Loki.

WandaVision I enjoyed the most although I think its final two episodes where it became a boring CGI punchfest was horrendously at odds with the mysterious atmoshpere the show had been creating up until that point. Those first 5 or so episodes were really good TV which made it more of a shame as well. Early on when it was sticking hard to the sitcom gimmick it felt really new, especially for the usually very rote world of screen Marvel. There was an underlying edge and it got almost, almost mind, to Twin Peaks level of weird.

Unfortunately I felt like those last episodes were less about finishing story arcs created within the show itself and more about setting up the next sequence of Marvel movies. Wanda should be back in gaol after what she did but apparently her contract story has to be completed in a totally unrelated Dr Strange film. And Monica basically giving her a pass at the end was such horseshit and not in her character either. But hey ho, she also has to join unrelated Marvel project. Who needs stories with satisfying conclusions for the characters in them?

Falcon and WS was just a bit meh. It set up a decent amount of stuff from the buddy cop dynamic between Sam and Bucky, John Walker's descent into madness and the 50's Cap being hung out for being black but there wasn't really enough meat on any of it. Then add in a main baddie that was both boring and badly acted while slathering on way too many scenes devoted to Sam's goddamn boat and it was kind of fizzled out. Daniel Bruhl was great and meme worthy but the show never found a proper way to utilise him either.

This could have, and should have with a bit of tweaking, been the best show where the conflict was just about who deserves the shield rather than who can kick a bunch of generic terrorists hardest. Unlike the others it gets credit for actually wrapping up the main characters story arc within the show and even sets up the new status quo for Sam and Bucky. But I found it just ended up spreading all the interesting stuff too thin and using up too much screentime on the worst actress in the world and a boat which represented...America or something.

Loki I kind of hated by the end. I would have given the show 1000% credit if it got to the last 20 mins and Tom Hiddleston did his cheeky little smile and went "nah, I was stringing you all along", then killed Immortus and Sylvie for lolz.

This is probably more just personal preference but I just don't buy this version of Loki (the one who just finished trying to conquer New York before being whisked off to the TVA) as one who just needs a posh girl version of himself and a slap on the head to suddenly make him an okay bloke. I'm happy with Loki being "just" a baddie as well. Of all the Marvel villains he is already by default the one with the most depth because he's one of the few who isn't either killed off on his debut or a joke. And, again, instead of having the story wrapped up in the season, the last episode was almost mostly dedicated to setting up the villain for the next Ant-Man film. ANT-MAN.

It was nice seeing Richard E Grant get a chance to ham it up in classic Loki gear but aside from me basically not buying into the concept of the show to begin with, I found it was also generally quite ponderous. It was like five lesser Mandolorian episodes stapled to an elongated Superbowl TV spot. Pass.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by marurun »

Just wrapped up Kevin Smith’s Masters of the Universe: Revelations. I really like it. It doesn’t actually mesh perfectly with all the details of the original Filmation cartoon despite being a continuation. I have read lots of complaints that He-Man doesn’t show up enough, but the show was never actually JUST about He-Man, and I love how this show explores other characters and how they exist post He-Man. I also love how they tried to match voices to an extent and how they were both protective of the universe and yet also unafraid to broker change and kill off characters. Kevin Smith is clearly such a fan of the original cartoon and the characters. This is a fan homage that I think stays true to how fans of a certain age remember He-Man (but which is not what the show actually was). This is nostalgia given form.

Honestly my main complaints are that I don’t like Sarah Michelle Gellar’s voice at all and they didn’t use any of the original music, or even bury any of the melodies in the music anywhere. The Voltron reboot commits this same sin, as does Castlevania (save a single action sequence). It makes me sad that so many of these nostalgia-driven reboots somehow cannot navigate the rights, or lack the will to do so, for music elements.

Also, love they brought back Oppenheimer for a voice role.

Cannot wait to see what they do with part 2. I think my enjoyment of this tops that if any other recent nostalgia reboots.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Gunstar Green »

Raging Justice wrote:Started watching Farscape, not super impressed so far but willing to keep watching just based on a lot of good things I've heard about it. They have one character on there that feels like a total ripoff of Worf.

D'Argo grows more into his own character as time goes on but yes, there's some clear Kingon-inspired traits to his culture.

That said Farscape only gets weirder and weirder with some episodes practically being non-sequitur drug trips. It's highs are pretty high but it's lows are really low. I wouldn't call it one of my favorites but it was certainly memorable.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Raging Justice »

marurun wrote:Just wrapped up Kevin Smith’s Masters of the Universe: Revelations. I really like it. It doesn’t actually mesh perfectly with all the details of the original Filmation cartoon despite being a continuation. I have read lots of complaints that He-Man doesn’t show up enough, but the show was never actually JUST about He-Man, and I love how this show explores other characters and how they exist post He-Man. I also love how they tried to match voices to an extent and how they were both protective of the universe and yet also unafraid to broker change and kill off characters. Kevin Smith is clearly such a fan of the original cartoon and the characters. This is a fan homage that I think stays true to how fans of a certain age remember He-Man (but which is not what the show actually was). This is nostalgia given form.

Honestly my main complaints are that I don’t like Sarah Michelle Gellar’s voice at all and they didn’t use any of the original music, or even bury any of the melodies in the music anywhere. The Voltron reboot commits this same sin, as does Castlevania (save a single action sequence). It makes me sad that so many of these nostalgia-driven reboots somehow cannot navigate the rights, or lack the will to do so, for music elements.

Also, love they brought back Oppenheimer for a voice role.

Cannot wait to see what they do with part 2. I think my enjoyment of this tops that if any other recent nostalgia reboots.

It's pretty common knowledge now that Kevin Smith IS NOT a fan of the original series. He even said that once, then later he changed his tune saying that he loved watching it all the time as a kid, yet couldn't get the years right for when the show aired. Smith is a poser and a liar and he said many things about the new Netflix show before it debuted that all turned out to be lies. He's not very popular with a lot geeks right now. He's been in kind of a feud with a youtube channel called Clownfish TV, who basically exposed him as a liar

I haven't seen the show myself, so it could be great for all I know, but all of the online reaction I've seen to it has been negative. How much of that is due to people just not liking the show or people hating Kevin Smith right now is hard to say. It seems like a little of both from what I've seen

I'm more interested in the 2002 He-Man show, as I've seen much more of a positive response to that series.

As for Castlevania, I don't mind that they didn't use the music from the games...the show's soundtrack is fantastic. And frankly, I think the tunes used for the final battles in season 3 and 4 are fantastic. I mean this track used right here is amazing
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by marurun »

I think a lot of that might be interpretations. I love my memories of the show, but going back to try and watch it now is rough. Nostalgia sustains me. It might be a similar thing with Smith. He may well have watched it and liked it as a kid but grew to dislike what it was as an adult. This does feel like an attempt to, in some ways, fix some of what was lacking. He may be making the sequel to a show he wishes the original was. I don’t really care if he got the dates wrong. Stuff like that doesn’t mean anything. Unless he was a decade off, I don’t care. I have my complaints about Smith, but He-Man ain’t one.

Honestly, all that trying to out him as not a real fan is cover for something else.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Gunstar Green »

Raging Justice wrote:It's pretty common knowledge now that Kevin Smith IS NOT a fan of the original series.

Is there anyone who is unironically a fan of the original series because outside of enjoying it for the cheese factor it's pretty awful.

The 2002 show was OK, nothing incredible but definitely decent. I haven't watched the new one because I don't have Netflix so I can't compare.

The reboot I'm the most sad about was Thundercats 2011, it was a lot of fun and was going places before it got canned.

Also Clownfish TV are a bunch of clowns themselves. It's a channel all about making mountains out of molehills to manufacture nerdy outrage as if we don't all have enough drama in our lives already. I think a lot of people out there need to step back, take a deep breath, and understand the media they love is still there for them to enjoy instead of railing about every new thing they don't enjoy or isn't marketed to them. People spend too much time looking for excuses to be angry and miserable and I don't understand it, it's not healthy.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by bmoc »

Gunstar Green wrote:The reboot I'm the most sad about was Thundercats 2011, it was a lot of fun and was going places before it got canned.

So much this.

Just go into Revelations knowing that He-Man is not the main character. I think that is what most people are upset about if they are upset at all. I found it enjoyable enough to keep watching when the rest comes out.
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