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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:48 am
by noiseredux
ElkinFencer10 wrote:
noiseredux wrote:I mean EA can be greedy and yet still put out a "genuinely well done" game such as Madden 18. Just saying.

Fair, that was an overgeneralization on my part. Perhaps it would be more fitting to say compelling and diverse single player experiences?

well Madden 18 included that "Long Shot" story mode which is sort of like a Telltale adventure game, so you might argue that it has a compelling and diverse single player experience maybe.

(I'm just totally being contrarian here. :wink: But also to say that even the stuff we want to generalize about might be unfair to do so.)

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:49 am
by dsheinem
ElkinFencer10 wrote:Yeah, sure, the AI is stupid in The Last of Us on low difficulties, but that's part of what makes them lower difficulty; set it to high difficulties, and the AI is a lot smarter. Also surely you can see that whether AAA games are greedy cash grabs or genuinely well done and creative experiences (even if not always 100% original) is dependent on the publisher more than anything. Call of Duty, Battlefront, Madden? That's EA. No shit they're greedy. Call of Duty and Destiny? Activision. Again, of course they're greedy. Assassin's Creed, For Honor, Tom Clancy? Ubisoft. Another notoriously lazy and greedy company.

Sony Computer Entertainment, though? They've given us The Last of Us (which is an amazing game no matter what you say), Uncharted, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Gravity Rush, Shadow of the Colossus. A lot of Nintendo's games are considered AAA (because it's more than just budget - advertising and consumer reach are part of it, too) - Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda, Mario, and arguably even Splatoon are all Nintendo published AAA games, and they're all fantastic and definitely no lazy cash grabs.

The issue isn't AAA; the issue is what studio or publisher you're looking at.

That is a much better response than what I was thinking to that rant...thanks!

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:51 am
by ElkinFencer10
noiseredux wrote:
ElkinFencer10 wrote:
noiseredux wrote:I mean EA can be greedy and yet still put out a "genuinely well done" game such as Madden 18. Just saying.

Fair, that was an overgeneralization on my part. Perhaps it would be more fitting to say compelling and diverse single player experiences?

well Madden 18 included that "Long Shot" story mode which is sort of like a Telltale adventure game, so you might argue that it has a compelling and diverse single player experience maybe.

I wasn't aware of the Long Shot mode! I'm not a football fan, so I don't keep up with the Madden series, but it sounds like the 2018 game is something different and absolutely outside of the rather same-yness the series is often known for. I might actually have to check that out; it sounds really interesting.

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:58 am
by noiseredux
ElkinFencer10 wrote:I might actually have to check that out; it sounds really interesting.

I mean,

noiseredux wrote:9. Madden NFL 18: Longshot (Xbox One)

so Longshot is the story mode in Madden 18. The first time a Madden game had a story mode. And it's really pretty great. It feels like akin to something Telltale would make. Almost like playing an interactive movie. The story was far more emotional than I would have expected. This isn't a football game, it's a game about football. The sort of game I'd recommend to anyone who enjoyed movies like We Are Marshall or Varsity Blues.

ElkinFencer10 wrote:I...might actually look into that.


Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:17 am
by Exhuminator
dsheinem wrote:TLOU is probably the best PS3 game, period.

I have about 100 PS3 games, and have played like 5% of them. However, from what I've played, I lean towards Demon's Souls being the best PS3 game. I say that as someone who is currently playing through The Last of Us.

dsheinem wrote:Most people’s favorite classic/retrogames were the AAA titles of their time.

There is some truth to that. Although contrasting yesteryear's AAA titles' ethos, to today's AAA titles' ethos, isn't such a clean analog IMO.

dsheinem wrote:Yes, AAA devs sometimes offer safe cash-grab titles...but TLOU was anything but that. An opinion that it is “typical AAA ‘cinematic’ crap” with “mediocre gameplay and poor AI” is not really one that can be substantiated in any reasonable way.

So I'm about eight hours into The Last of Us at this point. At this point in time, I find myself thinking TLoU is a 7.5/10, overall. Granted my opinion may change by the end. Now it's true TLoU has very technically accomplished graphics, portraying a realistic aesthetic in a convincing manner. This game also has excellent voice acting, and above average plot execution. However, the base gameplay is often noticeably repetitive, with similar scenario designs being recycled too often for my taste. One can only move ladders and push pallets around so many times, before that starts to feel stale. As for the combat, I have mixed feelings. The cover shooting gun play is very vanilla, you can't even do something as basic as blindfire or slide into cover. However, the melee combat is extremely visceral, Naughty Dog did a great job on close combat.

What bugs me about TLoU though, is how contrived its scenario designs often are. A perfect example is when Joel is hanging by a rope attached to his leg, while Ellie is trying to cut said rope free, and Joel has to shoot fungus zombies upside down to keep them off Ellie. What's dumb about this, is the player can clearly see the rope, and could realistically target and shoot the rope on their own. Or, since Joel has a shiv, cut the rope free with it. Instead, the design refuses to acknowledge common sense like this, and pretends the rope is only destructible by Ellie. Another example is when a truck is blocking an alleyway, and Joel has to move a big file cabinet to the side of it, so he and Ellie can climb over it. Meanwhile, there's clearly enough room under the truck to simply crawl beneath it. "It's just a game dude." Yeah I know, but when you're playing a game which attempts to exude gritty realism as hard as TLoU does, but then pulls contrived scenario designs all the time, doing so betrays the core experience attempting to be passed on to the player. Or at least it does if the player is paying attention to the details.

That said, I found myself enjoying TLoU last night, more than I had been previously. I think it's because the environment changed. For most of the first half of TLoU, you spend all your time in dilapidated urban areas. I found that particular setting to have grown repetitive and boring after so long. But last night we went through a little forest, a nice river shore, sewers, and now into some suburbs. The vista changes have been appreciated.

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:22 am
by ElkinFencer10
noiseredux wrote:
ElkinFencer10 wrote:I might actually have to check that out; it sounds really interesting.

I mean,

noiseredux wrote:9. Madden NFL 18: Longshot (Xbox One)

so Longshot is the story mode in Madden 18. The first time a Madden game had a story mode. And it's really pretty great. It feels like akin to something Telltale would make. Almost like playing an interactive movie. The story was far more emotional than I would have expected. This isn't a football game, it's a game about football. The sort of game I'd recommend to anyone who enjoyed movies like We Are Marshall or Varsity Blues.

ElkinFencer10 wrote:I...might actually look into that.


DID THIS REALLY HAPPEN?? I knew my memory was bad, but god damn, I didn't realize my memory was THIS bad....

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:40 am
by noiseredux
it really happened. I felt proud that I had convinced you to look into a football game at the time. Maybe you will do so now. Or maybe in like 6 months I'll tell you about it and you'll be like "oh I've never heard of that. It sounds cool." haha.

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:42 am
by ElkinFencer10
noiseredux wrote:it really happened. I felt proud that I had convinced you to look into a football game at the time. Maybe you will do so now. Or maybe in like 6 months I'll tell you about it and you'll be like "oh I've never heard of that. It sounds cool." haha.

The latter is much more likely. Remind me towards the end of 2019 when Madden 18 is less valuable to people than a teacher's time. :lol: :lol: :cry: :lol: :lol:

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:32 pm
by Sarge
I've played through TLoU, and while I enjoyed my time with it, it was more an experience than it was amazing from a gameplay standpoint. To be sure, presentation goes a long way, but I've played better elsewhere. I feel the same way about Shadow of the Colossus, although in that case the "experience" portion was so strong that it allowed me to pretty much ignore all its other flaws. And I suspect that's what is happening for others with TLoU.

Re: Games Beaten 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:34 pm
by Blu
1. Runbow - Wii U
2. Battlefield 1 - Xbox One
3. Until Dawn - PS4
4. Super Mario Sunshine - Gamecube
5. Titanfall 2 - Xbox One
6. Wario Ware, Inc: Mega Party Game$ - Gamecube
7. Pikmin 2 - Gamecube
8. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Wii U
9. Dawn of War 2 - PC
10. Dawn of War 2: Chaos Rising - PC
11. Sonic Mania - PS4
12. Castlevania IV - SNES
13. Super Monkey Ball - GameCube
14. Yakuza 0 - PS4
15. Chu Chu Rocket - Game Boy Advance
16. Overcooked - PS4
17. Wolfenstein: The New Order

Over this weekend I managed to beat two games. Overcooked was a wonderful couch co-op game that I played with a really good friend when I was down visiting him. It's a pretty sweet indie game where you run around and hone your cooking skills, to eventually take on a flying spaghetti monster. It was wonderful, there's unique puzzles and strategies for each stage. It plays very well, it's funny, and I had a great time with it.

I also finished Wolfenstein: The New Order. Definitely an awesome game, and I want to go through and play the Prequel and Sequel now too!