The Wrestling Thread

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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

I am not following any modern wrestling but according to what you say Tony looks like he is pulling a page out of McMahon's play book by doing the evil CEO thing.

I do not care how much they push Roman Reigns , this guy is no where near level like Flair, Hogan, Austin, Taker, Bret and whoever else but different generations like different things so yeah...maybe it works for the current generation.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

And apparently Punk put on another botch fest on his first match as AEW champion. Wow, not a good look for a world champion. Guy can't seem to get it together. Get the title back on Adam Paige ASAP. Paige would have a classic match with Tanahashi. At this rate, I'd hate to see how many botches Punk will do trying to keep up with Tanahashi. What a waste.

On another note, and since I'm tired of talking about AEW as I'm not much enjoying it at the moment, here's some highlights from a fun Stardom title match. Anybody who digs women's wrestling has to check out Stardom. ... _natsupoi/

Has anyone been watching the awesome matches "Speedball" Mike Bailey has been having in various promotions this year? Probably not, I know this forum has few people who follow wrestling.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

CM Punk is an over hyped none sense. I never understood why he or that guy with yes chants got popular. Either way, to each his own but in the current day CM Punk is nothing to be excited over his debut was probably before wrestling fans where born (1999). Guy 7 years away from magic number 50 aka officially old man. He was just a popular name brought from retirement into AEW so thats where the excitement was.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

RCBH928 wrote:CM Punk is an over hyped none sense. I never understood why he or that guy with yes chants got popular. Either way, to each his own but in the current day CM Punk is nothing to be excited over his debut was probably before wrestling fans where born (1999). Guy 7 years away from magic number 50 aka officially old man. He was just a popular name brought from retirement into AEW so thats where the excitement was.

Well, it's just been announced tonight that not even a full week after winning the title, CM Punk has to drop it because he injured himself on Wednesday and needs surgery. Rumors are he injured his foot doing a dive into the crowd since he was limping afterward. To which I can only say:

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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

What an awful show this week's Dynamite was. AEW is starting to go off the rails. They have so much talent that they don't know what to do with. Their booking is beginning to reach WWE levels of stupid and there's way too many titles on the show with AEW titles, ROH titles, AAA titles, The Owen Hard Cup titles, ugh

Oh, and the Owen Hart Tournament...kind of sucked honestly. If I was Owen's wife I'd be wondering why I agreed to this.

The only interesting thing in wrestling this week was Cody Rhodes. He had one of the gutsiest and most compelling matches I've seen in a long time and it got people talking. Him and Seth Rollins wrestled a great match despite a nasty, real, life, injury for Cody. Take a look at this:



Cody's match with Seth Rollins and the three way match for the women's title on Sunday were better than anything AEW did this week. I can't believe they are letting WWE show them up now
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

Looks like AEW is falling for WCW same mistakes... vince will forever be the pro-wrestling king!
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

Well, Orton is injured. Reigns has been pulled off the show. There's many reasons to not be hyped for Money in the Bank. Maybe if Cody is back in time for that show they might make some extra ticket sales. And AEW is selling tickets for Forbidden Door based on New Japan wrestlers being there. So NJPW deserves a lot of credit

Honestly, both AEW and WWE suck right now. AEW has taken the world title situation and made it so unnecessarily complicated it makes them look stupid. A battle royal, a main even match, and ANOTHER main even match from ANOTHER company, only to FINALLY determine who the champion is after YET ANOTHER match on their next pay per view. It's like doing calculus making sense of this crap. I'm thoroughly sick of the "interim title" nonsense at this point. The battle royal didn't even feature most of their top stars. Something which Hangman pointed out, making AEW look stupid in the process. Wardlow would also make AEW look stupid when he said the interim title is a joke and he doesn't care about it. Real smart Tony Kahn. And there is no reason Kyle OReilly should be in a main event with Jon Moxley

Oh, and here's another match involving members from Death Triangle and House of Black in a feud that just keeps going on forever.

And here's Wardlow...involved in some legal nonsense that no one cares about and tune in next week to see him beat up a bunch of security guards who look like random geeks

AEW is doing A LOT of stupid shit right now. Honestly, it feels like losing Cody Rhodes has turned Tony Kahn into a moron

MJF, arguably their top heel, is now gone from the show apparently after a stupid, cringe worthy promo last week where he basically broke kayfabe. "Hey everybody, everything in AEW is fake. That's why I'm here doing a promo two days after you saw me taken out of an arena in a stretcher. Wrestling is stupid!"

Also, we STILL DON'T KNOW what ANY of the matches on Forbidden Door will be other than Moxley versus...Tanahashi most likely. Is Kahn gonna announce the matches an hour before the pay per view?

AEW is becoming WWE and if they're not careful they will go the way of TNA. I've been watching some old TNA shows and honestly it's like watching modern AEW. They had big shows with big crowds and had tons of ex-WWE and ex-WCW guys working for them. Fast forward to 2022 though, and TNA (now known as Impact Wrestling) can barely draw ratings or ticket sales for shows. You watch Impact now and it's like watching a small, indie, wrestling company.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by RCBH928 »

WWE is dreaming of filling 65K seats. 5 events per year maybe, but a monthly ppv plus like 3 shows a week (NXT) is just too much in the modern busy world. Corona and down economy is not helping. I for one still think wrestling fans are diminishing, at lest percentage wise of the population.
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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Post by Raging Justice »

RCBH928 wrote:

WWE is dreaming of filling 65K seats. 5 events per year maybe, but a monthly ppv plus like 3 shows a week (NXT) is just too much in the modern busy world. Corona and down economy is not helping. I for one still think wrestling fans are diminishing, at lest percentage wise of the population.

I don't think anyone can deny that, the numbers certainly back it up. AEW's existence hasn't really changed anything. Some people even think WWE will be sold soon, but I'm skeptical. I've watched a few old shows from WWF and WCW recently and my god, it's amazing how different everything was. You can not only see how much more popular wrestling was, but how it was much more ingrained into the culture. When guys like Hogan were on top in the 80s, or Rock and Austin or the NWO in the 90s, it wasn't really all that embarrassing to admit to being a wrestling fan. The 90s were great because things were not so sanitized. I've watched some WWF shows from that period this past week, and people just say or do whatever they want with no fear of "offending" anyone. Unfortunately, to truly appreciate WWF and WCW shows from the past, you have to go the route of piracy or private tracker sights that upload torrents. In those places you find old wrestling shows how they originally were broadcasted. If you go through official channels like the WWE network on Peacock, you're just getting butchered, chopped up versions of classic WWF and WCW shows where everything offensive have been removed, censored, or changed. Plus, so many of the songs people remember have been removed due to copyright issues. It's a travesty for a fan of classic wrestling. I can't even imagine how butchered the ECW shows must be on the WWE Network.

As far as modern wrestling goes though, it's clear that UFC has surpassed it in popularity and cultural relevance. I've even heard that while boxing's popularity has declined it's still a bigger deal than pro wrestling.

On the positive side though, for really passionate, hardcore, wrestling fans, there is a LOT of content available to them. There are TONS of currently active wrestling companies throughout the world right now. They are no where near as successful as WWE or AEW, but they are making enough of a profit to survive. Part of that is because a lot of bigger stars from AEW or former WWE wrestlers regularly make appearances for these smaller wrestling companies. Plus, a lot of Japanese stars are traveling around and making appearances in these smaller companies as well. Some of the Japanese women I've been seeing are better wrestlers than just about any women in America. I think Japan has perfected women's wrestling. Anyway, it seems like modern day wrestlers seem to want to make as much money as possible so they make appearances in many smaller wrestling companies. More money for them, and more incentive for someone to buy a ticket to see a show from some small, independent wrestling company. I saw a show just recently from a company called Prestige Wrestling, a company I had never heard of, that featured Scotty 2 Hotty who people probably remember from WWF's Attitude Era, and Mia Yim, who recently got let go from WWE. They had some Japanese female wrestlers too.

Wrestling is going to be around for a long time. There is no sign that it is dying, but it may never be as popular as it once was. AEW is failing to draw in more people to wrestling and if they can't do it, no one can. There's never going to be another wrestling "boom period" or another "Attitude Era"
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