April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravaganza

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What should April's Together Retro theme be?

Poll ended at Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:14 pm

90s RTS
Army Men Anthology
All Hail Neo Geo
FMV Frenzy
Total votes: 60

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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

Xeogred wrote:I think stuff like Resident Evil or others with a cutscene or two for FMV is a HUGE stretch... but maybe it's just me. Point and click adventures is what came to mind to me, or games like you the player actually trigger an FMV scene by interacting with something in game, not just reaching a forced cutscene. I get the vibe others were thinking that too honestly. If a cutscene gets them in that seems kind of too broad?

FMV games are not all adventure games. Here is a list of heavy FMV games that are not adventure and are fun to play.

Wing Commander 3 and 4
Command and Conquer Red Alert Series.
Realms of the Haunting
Crime Patrol
Who Shot Johnny Rock
Supreme Warrior
Skull Monkeys
A Fork in the Tale
Police Quest SWAT
Mad Dog McCrea
Star wars rebel assault series
Dark Forces 2

And this is all stuff off the top of my head that are not adventure games and are genuinely fun.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by ESauced »

I voted Neo Geo and Army Men. I have fond memories of Sarges Heroes and Air Attack but I haven’t revisited them since I was a kid.Neo Geo is just an easy one because of all the ports. I might end up switching either one to FMV though and revisit Rebel Assault and Skullmonkeys, or play Shinobi Legions again.
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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by alienjesus »

Xeogred wrote:I think stuff like Resident Evil or others with a cutscene or two for FMV is a HUGE stretch... but maybe it's just me. Point and click adventures is what came to mind to me, or games like you the player actually trigger an FMV scene by interacting with something in game, not just reaching a forced cutscene. I get the vibe others were thinking that too honestly. If a cutscene gets them in that seems kind of too broad?

Elkin's criteria was 'has live action cutscenes'.

It's far less broad than 'Every game that ever came out for the Neo Geo, a system that lived for over a decade and has several of it's biggest games already done in Together Retro in the past'.
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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by noiseredux »

I think FMV would be an awesome month. There's so many options and lots of those games are on the short side as well. But I think it'll remain a dark horse. And I think we'll see it again during Bogus' month. (Bogus has a month, right?)
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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

AlienJesus wrote:It's far less broad than 'Every game that ever came out for the Neo Geo, a system that lived for over a decade and has several of it's biggest games already done in Together Retro in the past'.

Well damn, just twist the knife, why don't you...

BogusMeatFactory wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen of Racketboy, I beseech thee. Vote for FMV games! These are my reasons as to why.

1. I ask you to look into the very spirit of together retro. One of the core tenants is to encourage others to go outside of their own comfort zones and play games that they are not entirely familiar with, to share with others and to grow.

FMV games are the pinnacle of working outside of your comfort zone! They encapsulate one of the strangest times in video games, merging the growing pains of 3D games and using live actors to convey a story!

How many of you have spent a lifetime playing Neo Geo games and RTS games? Why not move into undiscovered territory?

2. FMV games stem from one of the most diverse array of genres ever! There is literally an FMV game for every possible genre. These styles appeal to more modern storytelling approaches like Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within, a genuinely enjoyable adventure game masterfully written. They can also appeal to the arcade lover of old with shooting gallery FMV games like the Crime Patrol games or Space Pirates. They can be played and beaten quickly and easily and offer fun.

3. FMV games contributed to some very historically important moments in video games. Myst brought about one of the biggest PC gaming phenomenons that brought a huge swathe of people into gaming. It used FMV to convey are human emotion and was an excellent tool to tell a story cheaply and effectively.

Night Trap brought about the beginnings of the ESRB! Its use of horror tropes and violent imagery brought the government hammer down and was a fascinating insight into how violence in games have shaped it's future.

4. The bad are so bad they are good and the good are so good they are great with FMV games. The level of quality truly varies with FMV games and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Fans if Mystery Science Theater 3000 know just how magical bad movies can be. The same can be said of video games. Be it the scene eating acting of Christopher Walken in Ripper, or the enticing mystery of Riven, FMV games can evoke emotions unlike any other whether they intend to or not.

5. You won't be playing FMV games alone. You will have me by your side to enthuse and encourage you along. I have had a lifetime of experience with the style and can give you anything and everything that you need to succeed with the style. No one on the forums has played as many FMV games as me and i can assure you that I can find exactly what you need on the platform that you need.


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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

noiseredux wrote:I think FMV would be an awesome month. There's so many options and lots of those games are on the short side as well. But I think it'll remain a dark horse. And I think we'll see it again during Bogus' month. (Bogus has a month, right?)

Nope! Didn't have a month. Was too busy preparing for my second daughter's birth to participate in the discussion. I am kicking myself now since the two categories I've been super excited for (90s Mechs and FMV) have and will be glossed over. I will not give up my crusade to represent my beloved design style! FMV LOVERS UNITE!!!
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by alienjesus »

ElkinFencer10 wrote:
AlienJesus wrote:It's far less broad than 'Every game that ever came out for the Neo Geo, a system that lived for over a decade and has several of it's biggest games already done in Together Retro in the past'.

Well damn, just twist the knife, why don't you...

Hey sorry dude, I wasn't trying to have a dig at you here.

I was just trying to point out the irony of saying 'games with live action FMV cutscenes' being too broad was a weird stance to take when voting for every game on a particular console.
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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by dsheinem »

I, too, would love to see FMV randomly pull this out much like 80s Ladies Night did last month.

C'mon folks...do you really need to play Metal Slug or King of Fighters or Samurai Shodown again? FMV games are a much more fascinating rabbit hole to go down...
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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by noiseredux »

dsheinem wrote:FMV games are a much more fascinating rabbit hole to go down...

I totally agree.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_i ... ive_movies

There's adventure games, shooty games, weird sci-fi movies, b-movie horror, and even total smut. It sounds like a fun month to me.
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Re: April's Together Retro Theme: Elkin's Eccentric Extravag

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

I have to admit I'm not crazy about the whole FMV thing. Lots of corny kitschy stuff and various others things I'm just not into at all.

Neo Geo is a huge wide spectrum. If chosen I'd encourage people to try some of the puzzle games, sports games, RPGs, or even something like Sonic the Hedgehog: Pocket Adventure. (I will concede that much of this kind of thing requires real hardware, or, of course, emulation. No doubt that the "same ol' stuff" keeps getting released via Steam, compilations, etc.)
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