Games Beaten 2017

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Kuruwin »

It was such a shame that they went under. Some of the them formed a new company and they recently made a game for 3DS called chase (the main character even looks like Kyle Hyde)

It's digital only but the price is just 6 dollar. ... mories-3ds

If the EU price is the same i might check it out soon myself. I would imagine that it isn't very long if it's that cheap.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Exhuminator »

Kuruwin wrote:If the EU price is the same i might check it out soon myself. I would imagine that it isn't very long if it's that cheap.

I beat Chase last year, here's my review:

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

1. Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero (Wii U)
2. Blek (iOS)
3. Bloo Kid 2 (3DS)
4. HarmoKnight (3DS)

HarmoKnight is a fun music-and-rhythm game developed by Game Freak (i.e., the team behind Drill Dozer, Mendel Palace, Pulseman, Smart Ball, and Yoshi). Most of the game is a runner, similar to the games in the brilliant bit.trip runner series, but the boss battles play more like the equally brilliant games in the Space Channel 5 series. The game has a charming Cartoon Network aesthetic, and it uses the 3DS's 3D capabilities wonderfully. None of the music is that catchy, however, and the game repeats the same tracks too often. (I was also going to complaint that the game is too easy, and most of it is. The final bonus level, however, defeated me, and I had to put the game down to prevent me from throwing my 3DS against a brisk wall.) Thankfully, the game is consistently fun, and I enjoyed my time with it. While it may not be one of the very best games in the genre, I recommend it to anyone looking for a charming, portable music-and-rhythm game.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by alienjesus »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:HarmoKnight is a fun music-and-rhythm game developed by Game Freak (i.e., the team behind Drill Dozer, Mendel Palace, Pulseman, Smart Ball, and Yoshi).

I think there's another game they're known for too, if I recall correctly.

Harmoknight is pretty solid, but I agree it's not up there with the best rhythm games. The bonus level stages were my favourite, as I'm a fan of that other series they do. I wish there were more of them though, the music is better as well :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

alienjesus wrote:I'm a fan of that other series they do.

You're a fan of Tembo the Bad Ass Elephant? :lol:

Those bonus stages weren't too bad, and my children - who apparently recognized some of the characters in them - thought that they were thrilling. (The final trial in World 8, however, drove me mad, and after an hour of trying to get through it, I decided to simply put the game down.)
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by alienjesus »

Another one:

1. 3D Power Drift 3DS
2. Maze Hunter 3-D 3DS
3. Hyrule Warriors Legends 3DS
4. Icarus Proudbottom's World of Typing Weekly PC *NEW*

Yep, I'm going to count this free Flash game on my list. I spent about 3 hours playing through, so I think it's warranted!

Icarus Proudbottom's World of Typing Weekly


Icarus Proudbottom Teaches Typing was a hilarious flash freeware game which was set up as a game to...teach you typing, but was really a hilarious parody of those types of game, and a ton of fun to boot. In it, you typed passages that were shown on screen in a time limit whilst trying to avoid mistakes. As the game went on though, all sorts of crazy events happened, and the game would throw all sorts of twists at you - some of the highlights being when it makes you type computer code, binary and Spanish.


Icarus Proudbottom's World of Typing Weekly is the developers follow up to Teaches Typing, and it's a 5 part 'season' of games where you investigate the murder of Icarus Proudbottom, mainly through the medium of typing. Lots of new characters are introduced and twists thrown in along the way, but mainly you read some stuff, then type some stuff.

World of Typing Weekly is still a funny game, but it's also clearly trying to be more. The new characters, situations and plotlines, whilst basic, are obvious trying to build up to something bigger, and as is revealed by the ending, that's exactly the developers intention. Icarus Proudbottom will apparently be in some other genre games in future (but that said, his next game is still Typing based).


Whilst a fun diversion for a few hours, the fact is that the gameplay here is substantially weaker than the previous game. The plot, despite being a murder mystery, is totally guided, with no free exploration of multilinear progression. And the typing itself is really shallow - half the time you're writing up case reports or typing a single on-screen question, which is neither challenging, fun or interesting. There's also no time limit, so dying is practically impossible if you take your time.


I liked my 2 to 3 hours playing Icarus Proudbottom's World of Typing Weekly, but unlike the first game, I won't be going back to play it again. If you enjoyed Icarus Proudbottom Teaches Typing, you might enjoy this, but if you've never played either game, definitely stick with Teaches Typing, as it's a much, much more enjoyable standalone experience.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Sarge »

1) The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (PC) (8.5) (1/1) (~5.5 hours)
2) ActRaiser (SNES) (8.0) (1/2) (~4 hours)
3) Bonk's Revenge (GB) (6.0) (1/3) (~1 hour)
4) Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break (GB) (6.5) (1/3) (~1 hour)
5) Blackwell Legacy (PC) (7.0) (1/5) (2.6 hours)
6) Blackwell Unbound (PC) (7.5) (1/7) (2.2 hours)
7) Blackwell Convergence (PC) (8.0) (1/7) (2.4 hours)
8) Blackwell Deception (PC) (8.0) (1/8) (4.7 hours)
9) Blackwell Epiphany (PC) (9.0) (1/9) (6.5 hours)
10) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4) (8.0) (1/22) (~55 hours)

Well, it's finally done. I've finished off MGSV. Well, I've finished most of the story content. There's so much content that it's downright ridiculous.

This is probably the best the controls have been for the series. It's still pretty insanely complicated, though. I picked it up pretty quickly, but I've been gaming for years. I can't imagine someone who never picked up a controller getting a handle on this very quickly at all. Probably not a fair metric to judge by, but even if it controls well, it's not always intuitive.

Most of my play style was tranquilizing dudes and pulling them away on balloons to staff my base. Anyone who played Peace Walker on PSP or the remastered version on console will recognize this gameplay conceit. It works, and for the initial hours of the game, that's enough to carry it. Eventually, though, the formula starts to get a bit old. Lots of sneaking, lots of tranq'ing, and lots and lots of travel and load times to endure.

There are also microtransactions in here. No, seriously. I can see why they're in there, and you can most assuredly comfortably beat all the single-player content without touching any online stuff, but it's still weird seeing F2P-style content in Metal Gear Solid.

Story-wise, the game is... well, it's actually pretty sparse. You've got a pretty intense opening sequence, and then, the game just leaves you to your own devices for the most part for quite a while. So doing main missions, side ops, the whole deal. I recommend just focusing in on the story missions marked in yellow, or you're going to spend a long time beating the game. I wish there were more story content, honestly. As completely bat crap insane as the stories are, they're one of the most fun things about Metal Gear Solid. And there's definitely a lot of that here, but it's buffered by a lot of open-world gameplay, so it's just not as tight as the usual MGS.

Also, I need to read some commentaries on the ending. It's pretty clear that Kojima's departure kinda cut short the story arc they were going for, and the game definitely suffers (from a story perspective) as a result. I would have paid good money for a more tightly confined, story-centric entry that ran around 20 hours.

As a final bit of commentary, the graphics look quite excellent. The series most certainly benefits from some of the lighting effects possible on modern GPUs.

MGSV leaves me torn. It's almost like I can see what it should have been, and that's disappointing, but I also can judge it on what it is, which is still a good game. If you love open-world stuff, this game will give you tons of reasons to love it, and might even be your favorite of the series. Me, I was just glad to see it done. I'll probably try to do a little more to clean up before I quit entirely, as I want to see Quiet's last mission. I didn't use her much because, seriously, D-Dog is the best.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Markies »

1. Phantasy Star II (GEN)
2. Guitar Hero (PS2)

3. Adventures of Lolo (NES)

I beat Adventures of Lolo on the NES this afternoon!

I figured the best way to celebrate my 35th Birthday was to beat a game, so I pushed through a quick game that I was near the end of.

Adventures of Lolo is a cute and unique little puzzle game. It has about 50 levels and most of them can be beaten after a few minutes of trying. The formula never really changes for the 50 levels, but each puzzle is unique enough to stave off repetition. However, the constant theme of music does get repetitious and old in a very short while.

There is not much to the game, but it is fun in short bits. It's a fun little puzzler, nothing more nothing less.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Markies wrote:I figured the best way to celebrate my 35th Birthday was to beat a game, so I pushed through a quick game that I was near the end of.

First...Happy Birthday! It is good having you on the forum, and I appreciate your posts.

Second, Adventures of Lolo is such a fun game, and the sequels are just as good. I would love to see another one someday (or, at the very least, a cameo in a BoxBoy! game).
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Sarge »

I always tried to find a copy of Lolo 3, and had no luck ever seeing it in the wild. Of course, this would explain why it goes for around $50 cart-only on eBay.

Which, actually, looks downright cheap compared to some of the NES library.
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