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Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:07 am
by Gucci
Piggybacking off Netflix: when it was released initially, it was a huge deal for the 360. I don’t remember the exact name for the feature but you were able to watch Netflix content via the game chat party system. You had your avatar in a movie theater setting and you watched whatever content it was.

Still remember the one movie we watched: Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Good times.

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 12:17 pm
by marurun
Yeah, Netflix on 360 was important. It was also pretty big on Wii.

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:19 pm
by prfsnl_gmr
Hey! I took some pictures of my collection:







The Wii and, later, the PS3 were my consoles during this generation, and I didn’t pick up a 360 until 2014 or so. As noted earlier in the thread, though, the games are so cheap, and I pretty quickly built a sizable collection. I already had a lot of the multi-platform games for my PS3, though; so, unlike a lot of you, my collection is focused on 360 console exclusives (e.g., games not released on the PS3, games available physically only in the 360, etc.).

I hope you enjoy these, and I’m happy to answer any questions you have about the games. Finally, I consider this collection “done” and don’t plan on picking up any more games for this system. (I considered some of the import shmups, but they’re too expensive now.) If I’m missing anything critical, however, please let me know!)

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:44 pm
by lordb0rb4
Nice collection @prfsnl_gmr!
Onechanbara, Ninja Blade AND EDF 2017!?!?! A gentleman with a fine taste i see :wink:

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:22 pm
by prfsnl_gmr
lordb0rb4 wrote:Nice collection @prfsnl_gmr!
Onechanbara, Ninja Blade AND EDF 2017!?!?! A gentleman with a fine taste i see :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you! Don’t complement my taste too much, though. I haven’t beaten (or, really, spent much time with) any of those yet!

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 6:43 pm
by PretentiousHipster
Most of mine are garbage games lol

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:09 pm
by Syndicate after being very skeptical of the OG Xbox, once I saw the reveal of the original Assassin's Creed at E3 I was sold on the system. However, there were still many reports of the RROD, so I waited for the revision of the system w/HDMI that was supposed to have that issue resolved. The first game I picked up was Crackdown and it was just stupid fun, nothing deep but it was still a good time. I eventually picked up a bunch of games, from all of the fighters like UMvC3, 3rd Strike, Skull Girls, MvC Origins, and SFIV to classic series like the Mass Effect trilogy and Left 4 Dead there was just so much to play and just have fun with. One of my favorite things about the system were the Live Arcade titles, there was just so many great games there and the Summer of Arcade events just doubled down on that...Hydro Thunder Hurricane, Castle Crashers, Shadow Complex, LIMBO, Bastion, and Dust are excellent games. In 2013 I ran out of space on my original 360 and since I couldn't find a new HDD I ended up picking up a 360 S with a very nice Black Friday deal from Microsoft, which ended up getting me into Skyrim. About two years ago I got back into picking up 360 games once I discovered how many shmups were on the system, in addition to some games that I missed still being very reasonably priced so my 360 library is 65-physical games (and tons more digital). The 360 is a great console and I still keep mine hooked up for all of the games that aren't backwards compatible w/the XSX/XB1, it's really hard to believe that it's considered retro now.

...a few shots of my current collection, well minus the COD stuff those are a gift for my nephew.





Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:32 pm
by Limewater
I do not have an XBox 360, but y'all are kind of making me interested. However, I am concerned about the viability of actually playing one in the future. I know I've mentioned this on another thread.

If I buy an XBox 360 and some random single-player game, what are the odds I'll be able to download whatever updates are needed to play it in five years?

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 5:15 pm
by Gucci
I think very likely. At least for the games that are backwards compatible with the Xbox One and Series as those games will be supported for a very long time.

Re: Console of the Month (April 2022): XBox 360

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 5:38 pm
by opa
RE: netflix - my parent's used a Wii until the last day of service. lol

I liked the 360 back in the day. I owned one before the PS3. Very good co-op/multiplayer game machine. Recently I've went back and played a little of Fallout 3 and it still holds up pretty well to this day. Who would've thought that a wasteland didn't need great graphics? haha

I basically just have one for the odd and end game session now. It's really only ever hooked up to play Deathsmiles around Halloween. Speaking of Deathsmiles - I did use the face plate that came with the game. Was I the only one? I wish newer systems had removable face plates. That was really fun to have your favorite title displayed on the console.