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Re: To the Moon

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:54 pm
by Stark

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:31 pm
by Gamerforlife

Cool. I'll have to check that out

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:09 pm
by dsheinem
So I just played/finished this.

Jesus, this game.


And the fucking soundtrack? Fuck me.


What a trip. Such an amazing, lovingly put together game. I wish more games could do the kinds of things this one does. In a year where I've played through some truly phenomenal stories, this one still manages to stand out. Can't wait to see what this studio does next!

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:24 pm
by Stark
Awesome! Glad you played this one. It's the first game I played and beat this year, pretty amazing. Kinda blows away your expectations doesn't it?

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:31 pm
by dsheinem
Stark wrote:Awesome! Glad you played this one. It's the first game I played and beat this year, pretty amazing. Kinda blows away your expectations doesn't it?

In some ways, yes. My expectations were basically "so this game is supposed to be emotional"...but I've heard that kind of thing a lot and few games genuinely deliver that kind of experience (I am a jaded old crone). So yeah, I was surprised that it got to me at several points throughout (not just the ending), I was surprised by the kinds of themes it explored along the way, and I was floored by how personal it seemed to feel for the author/designer (whether or not it actually was).

It is just a really beautifully written, wonderfully touching game.

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:39 pm
by Gamerforlife
dsheinem wrote:
Stark wrote:Awesome! Glad you played this one. It's the first game I played and beat this year, pretty amazing. Kinda blows away your expectations doesn't it?

In some ways, yes. My expectations were basically "so this game is supposed to be emotional"...but I've heard that kind of thing a lot and few games genuinely deliver that kind of experience (I am a jaded old crone). So yeah, I was surprised that it got to me at several points throughout (not just the ending), I was surprised by the kinds of themes it explored along the way, and I was floored by how personal it seemed to feel for the author/designer (whether or not it actually was).

It is just a really beautifully written, wonderfully touching game.

That pretty much sums up the thoughts and feelings I had while playing it as well. The game has a maturity you seldom see in games

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:18 am
by dsheinem

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:46 am
by J T

Sweet! Thanks for the heads up! :D

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:41 am
by jay_red
Finished the game last night, and was very impressed overall. Like many have said (and I expected) the gameplay is very shallow, and only there to get you to the next story piece, but I didn't really mind. The story was great, and the dialogue between the doctors was a lot of fun.

Now some spoiler talk:
The thing that really surprised me, was the moral aspect of changing his memory to believe that he never met River in highschool, and thus she never "dragged him down" But then introducing her later in his life, where he didn't know she had a condition, and thus, in his "memory" was normal. I honestly did not see that coming, and loved that the developer was willing to explore such a story.

I will be looking forward to any future games this developer puts out.

Re: To the Moon

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:11 pm
by Violent By Design
I need this game. :(