Musician's thread?

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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by Ziggy »

Guys, post pics of your gear! I love to look at pics!

These days, I mainly just play guitar. Haven't played with other people for a while now. Last year, my brother and I and two other friends played a short set for my brother's girlfriend's surprise birthday part. That was the first time I played seriously as a band in years, and I haven't done anything since.

I played trumpet in school, from 4th grade through high school. I took piano lessons when I was younger, but went years without practicing. I regret it though, as I wish I could play piano much better than I currently can. I've been trying to get back into playing though, teaching myself a new song here and there. I did all the popular classical songs when I was younger, but that gets kinda boring. I've been learning more modern things to play. I love playing The 007 theme, Pink Panther and Linus and Lucy :lol: So I guess that really defines the genre I like to play on the piano.

I mess around with a bunch of other instruments. I can play bass and drums decently. My brother is the drummer, so I mess around on his kit when I can. He always gets made at me for fucking up his acoustic sticks. :lol: I really wanna get a sax and flute one day, I would love to learn to play those. I'm thinking Night Train, Tequila and Johny B. Good, and Jethro Tull. LOL.

Any one else compose shit in midi? From time to time I like to just mess around and come up with things from any genre.

Evildeadmanwalking77 wrote:Guitar and Bass along w/ some backing vocals. I did the whole band thing a few times and it's funny because being in a band is like being in a romantic relationship, except w/ more than one person at a time, so you clash alot. I couldn't deal anymore between creative differences, flakey unreliable people, drug addicts, etc. I still jam on my own from time to time but that's it really. Marriage has it's priorities and my other hobbies take up my free time now like video games, horror films, animation, and I'm trying to write a few scripts for a show I want to do and post online.

Man, I hear ya. Bands have more drama than relationships sometimes!
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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by KDub »

Here is my Drum set from when we last recorded. Ludwig CS Custom 22, 16, 12, 10, 14 and Sabian Cymbals
AA 17" Crash, HH Raw Bell Dry Ride, Sabian Prototype High Hats (One side is Raw Hand Hammerd the other side is super heavy HH but polished), Steve Weiss China.
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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by Runefaust »

Here's my rig when I was active; Ibanez RG350EX, RG350DX, Ibanez bass (don't remember the model), JSX head, Marshall cab an' a couple other misc. practice amps. Used to own several Boss pedals an' the board too. I still have my twin dragon distortion pedal... somewhere...

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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by weaponepsilon »

I play bass in a thrash band, GRYZOR. You can look us up, we're on every social website I can think of. Also, from a year or more back...

Check out my Trade thread!

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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by YoshiEgg25 »

I played piano for 14 years before going to college. I don't have easy access to one there, so I've sort of stopped playing. I was pretty good though; have won competitions and stuff.

I also played guitar for a school Gong Show my senior year. I did bad. Though I did it because my friend is better at piano and I am better at learning instruments. I ended up playing it after picking it up for a month.

I am also an accomplished singer and was in the top choir at my school my sophomore year. Would've been my junior and senior years too but I had scheduling conflicts both years.

It's nice having perfect pitch. :P
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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by indecks »

Here's my equipment:

My recording interface, an M-Audio FastTrack. I pretty much only record guitar/bass at this point so I don't have a multiple simul-track interface, but I would love to get a Presonus Firestudio sometime soon so I can record drums.

One of my basses, this is just a simple Squire bass that was given to me by my sister-in-law, since my other bass isn't in working condition. That's also a Crate GX-80 guitar amp. I'm using it as a pseudo bass amp to record. Ive had it (the amp) since I was in 12th grade (1995).

A Samick Strat wannabe that I got in 1997 after I stupidly traded in a Samick "Ice" guitar. I've never used this guitar at any gigs other than a single garage show for friends/family. I used to have a Gibson SG Standard, but i sold it to pay a bill ages ago. The amp is a Crate GX-120, my gig amp. Even for a Crate, it sounds really good. Not 'Marshall' good, but surprisingly crisp and crunchy when needed. I'm happy with it.

My current/first drum kit. A Sound Percussion (Guitar Center brand) 5 piece, trimmed to a 4 piece with a PDP double bass pedal, one shitty Paiste ride, Zildjian hats/crash and (my baby) a Zildjian Avedis custom 17" crash. Other than the double pedal, it's the most expensive piece in my kit, lol. Also, for extra awesomeness, it's covered in dust.

My newest piece, my Fender elec-acoustic. This is my 'Payment Due' guitar and what I currently use to play open mics (when I have time).
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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by fvgazi »

I'll post pics of my P-bass when I'm less lazy.
My Telecaster in 2006. Has a black pick guard now... and much less blood.

I'm working on getting the SG 61' reissue with P90's right now.

My drumset (POS 2002 tama rockstar fusion). One day I'll get a C&C.
I have bosphorus fat hats and just got a new zildjian K kustom crash/ride (i only use one cymbal).

This was my old cymbal (not my drumset). It is cracked 90% around the bell.
Last edited by fvgazi on Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by fvgazi »

aaron wrote:i play guitar in a 7-piece band called BIG THINGS. this is an extremely shitty, rough mix without vocals of most of our songs. we've been compared to portraits of past, bright calm blue, daitro, jane's addiction, and hall and oates. i don't know how accurate those things are, but, yeah. lemme know what you think! as soon as the finished product is done i'll be posting.

That was siiiiick! F-in' SKRAMZ! I hope our bands pass each other one day on tour. I was going to say sounds like Daitro/Ampere/Rockets and Blue Lights/whitney houston. :roll:

I can't wait to hear the whole record.
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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by aaron »

fvgazi wrote:
aaron wrote:i play guitar in a 7-piece band called BIG THINGS. this is an extremely shitty, rough mix without vocals of most of our songs. we've been compared to portraits of past, bright calm blue, daitro, jane's addiction, and hall and oates. i don't know how accurate those things are, but, yeah. lemme know what you think! as soon as the finished product is done i'll be posting.

That was siiiiick! F-in' SKRAMZ! I hope our bands pass each other one day on tour. I was going to say sounds like Daitro/Ampere/Rockets and Blue Lights/whitney houston. :roll:

I can't wait to hear the whole record.

thanks man! our singer used to be in lickgoldensky and get fucked, so that might give you an idea of what it may end up sounding like eventually. hoping to get out east sometime by this spring :)
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Re: Musician's thread?

Post by indecks »

Yeah dude, that's impressive man. Love the drums in that. Very energetic and awesome.
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