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Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:37 am
by Anapan
I voted for do what you want. I've enjoyed your articles irreguardless of what system you played them on. I'm most interested in the Gameboy, Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance games that fell through my net while trolling for games or ones that I didn't give as fair a chance as you have, but your other articles were all well made any kept me reading. Personally I'd like to see some retro homebrew articles on your blog. I want to know what you think of Spelunky, VVVVV, Goldeneye 2D, Ninja Senki, Knight 'n' Grail, Pixel the cat, and La Mulana. That's a completely other direction for your blog tho. I'm already hooked so keep it up whatever you do. I know you value original hardware so I understand an article on Trip World is out. (I tried real hard to get it original, and have resigned myself to the fact that it's the holy grail of gameboy titles. I played it on a Bung cart and it's hard.

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:00 am
by Hateshinai
I'll keep reading it whatever you do (unless you become a furry or something...)
However I would prefer if you stick to Nintendo consoles/games so as for the site's name not to become totally irrelevant.
And also because I decided that 2011 will be my "Give More Love to Nintendo" Year. Which is not really working out that well for me since I'm mostly using my Gamecube to play Sonic Mega Collection. :lol:

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:25 am
by optmusprimenumber
Dude! I don't know why, but I never checked your blog out before now... nice work! That is definitely good stuff. Now I'm gonna have to get some DS cases to give my GBA Metroids and LoZ a proper home. Good sh!t

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:41 am
by noiseredux
I just want to thank everybody for their honest feedback on this. Just the fact that there's 3 pages worth of people who actually care enough to comment/vote means a lot to me. So thanks everyone.

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:46 am
by Gnashvar
I don't mind other console reviews. IMO keep it Nintendo only though :D

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:51 am
by noiseredux
Gnashvar wrote:I don't mind other console reviews. IMO keep it Nintendo only though :D

I've always been a fan of comparisons of ports. For instance there might be a GBC game with the same title as a PS1 game, but they're completely different games altogether. Those are the sort of articles that suck my time when I visit HG101. Y'know? In a SENSE that's kind of what I've tried to do in the past with GB "reviews" -- like when I did the Urban Strike one, I showed comparisons to the Genesis port.

anyway, it's all just sort of brainstorming for now. I assume the blog will remain GB-heavy out of necessity (I've just played so many f'ing GB games guys!) but it might bode well to include other things as well so I don't get stagnant or bored. Or if I play nothing but PS1 shmups for a month, well it would be hard to not write about that. Or to find the focus to write about something else. Y'know?

we'll see. But do keep any/all feedback and thoughts coming. It really helps me.

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:30 am
by Gnashvar
noiseredux wrote:
Gnashvar wrote:I don't mind other console reviews. IMO keep it Nintendo only though :D

I've always been a fan of comparisons of ports. For instance there might be a GBC game with the same title as a PS1 game, but they're completely different games altogether. Those are the sort of articles that suck my time when I visit HG101. Y'know? In a SENSE that's kind of what I've tried to do in the past with GB "reviews" -- like when I did the Urban Strike one, I showed comparisons to the Genesis port.

anyway, it's all just sort of brainstorming for now. I assume the blog will remain GB-heavy out of necessity (I've just played so many f'ing GB games guys!) but it might bode well to include other things as well so I don't get stagnant or bored. Or if I play nothing but PS1 shmups for a month, well it would be hard to not write about that. Or to find the focus to write about something else. Y'know?

we'll see. But do keep any/all feedback and thoughts coming. It really helps me.

I do like those comparisons. So those would be ok in my book :P

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:43 am
by gtmtnbiker
I voted GB only. There's nothing that says that you have to update it every day/week/month. You could do other platforms but I suggest doing a different blog. Again, people shouldn't expect it to be updated constantly.

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:43 am
by jfrost
While I see that the blog might less appealing to some if it has a wider focus, if you don't write about whatever you want on it, you'll end up stop writing on it entirely. I've been there. It's better to broaden the focus and keep things interesting for yourself.

Re: Poll: Game Boy Player Land's Future

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:00 pm
by Urban Champion-e
I voted for you to keep it only Game Boy related but that's just because I'm being selfish. There just aren't very many GB-centric blogs out there. Actually I don't know of any others except chiptune stuff. Would love to see more comparisons of GB ports to their console versions. Especially ones where our hero comes out on top. But ultimately just write about what you want, I think everyone will keep reading.