My thoughts on next generation gaming

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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by EvilRyu2099 »

I think the next generation of consoles are going to be DLC and digital based... All three are setting up for it now with the current Virtual Console, Live and PSN... They will all still have a physical drive, but the majority of games will be purchased through DLC I'm assuming..

I agree this generation hasn't been the best and the games have been more about quantity than quality... You would hope these corporations realize that a great deal of gamers would rather have a game that is playable, rather than "eye candy", but I think in the end it's all about the revenue and dollars....

Also, the quality of PC games has gone downhill as well.. More and more games play similar to consoles which should never be the case..
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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by GSZX1337 »

kingmohd84 wrote:Think about it, how much "different" is RE 1 and RE5 . Sure the game changed from adventure horror to shooter, but its basically the same thing.

...One sucks and the other is a gimped shooter piece of shit?
casterofdreams wrote:On PC I want MOAR FPS!!!|

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by AppleQueso »

kingmohd84 wrote:I don't know about you guys, but the games we have today are for the most part the same games we had in '96 but with better graphics and bigger levels.

The only real addition is online multiplayer, and if you ask me it was added on the expense of in-room multiplayer. I miss those.

Think about it, how much "different" is RE 1 and RE5 . Sure the game changed from adventure horror to shooter, but its basically the same thing.
How about Metal Gear?

You see what I mean? Its not like the huge difference in level design and graphics is not welcomed, but how about little bit of innovation?

The, frankly ridiculous RE comparison aside, I get what you're saying, and if you moved that date up 10 years I'd agree certainly. Last gen featured tons of games that did things that simply weren't possible on the ps1, n64, and saturn. MGS2's gameplay additions, Grand Theft Auto III-San Andreas, the Devil May Cry series, all of these did things gameplay wise that simply weren't possible before then.

Most modern games, frankly, aren't doing anything that wasn't possible last gen aside from graphics.
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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by Gamerforlife »

slowslow325 wrote:I always picture in my head Sony and Microsoft as straight lines. The next system they make seems to take the obvious choices, better graphics and more powerful hardware. If you think of innovations the 360 or PS3 made, what would you list? HD Graphics, More Powerful Hardware, Blu ray. I don't even consider those innovations. I just see that as the "next step".

Nintendo, on the other hand, I picture as a line with veers and zig zags. They don't just go straight, they try new things, and try their hardest NOT to go straight. DPad, Shoulder Buttons, Touch Screen, Microphone, Camera, Motion Control, 3D without glasses (yes, I know that's graphics, but that's not the "next step" in graphics"). That's where innovation comes from.

About the games getting bigger and bigger. That's obvious. It's going to happen. In order to fit in better gameplay, better graphics, better controls, better everything, you're going to need more space. The problem is, if the rate expands too much, developers realize they have extra space and stop being clever about it. The games start to become mediocre because the developers don't have limitations.

Limitations are a good thing.

"Anyone can make the simple complicated, creativity is making the complicated simple." - Charlie Mingus

Holy crap! That was impressive!
RyaNtheSlayA wrote:
Seriously. Screw you Shao Kahn I'm gonna play Animal Crossing.
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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by Jrecee »

EvilRyu2099 wrote:I think the next generation of consoles are going to be DLC and digital based... All three are setting up for it now with the current Virtual Console, Live and PSN... They will all still have a physical drive, but the majority of games will be purchased through DLC I'm assuming

If you're right I'm done with new consoles.
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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by RCBH928 »

Jrecee wrote:
EvilRyu2099 wrote:I think the next generation of consoles are going to be DLC and digital based... All three are setting up for it now with the current Virtual Console, Live and PSN... They will all still have a physical drive, but the majority of games will be purchased through DLC I'm assuming

If you're right I'm done with new consoles.

The download thing will be a smart move.
By looking at your IP address , I bet they can tell where you are
so no more imports and region codes. You won't be able to access the servers

No pirating (although I am sure they will figure a way) , if you have to download
the game from their servers you can;t pirate a copy

plus eliminate middleman, shipping costs, and manufacturing costs.

all points are in their favor if you ask me.
but what about bandwidth usage ? I got cap limit :(
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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by Jrecee »

Exactly. It's all in their favor. Not the consumers.

But think about who else that impacts. Retailers. The consumer still has to buy the console from a retailer. But are retailers going to want to sell just consoles? They lose all the money they make on games. Brick and mortar stores are already losing money to digital content like music and streaming movies. Downloadable content is putting Blockbuster out of business.

Car Dealers make some money on base model cars. But most their money comes from factory options, dealer installed options, and service and repairs.

Same with Best Buy. Now netflix has come in to offer a replacement to renting a movie, or buying a movie from Best Buy. But netflix is still a middleman. They're simply a replacement for Best Buy and Blockbuster. The difference with DLC for a console is that the middleman is taken out of the equation.

Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by AppleQueso »

I'd agree with downloads possibly being the future if the PSP Go didn't flop so badly.

Sure, a full DLC world seems like the next logical step, but I don't see it happening, not with the next gen of consoles at least.

As for the gen after that... who knows.
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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by Pulsar_t »

GSZX1337 wrote:
kingmohd84 wrote:Think about it, how much "different" is RE 1 and RE5 . Sure the game changed from adventure horror to shooter, but its basically the same thing.

...One sucks and the other is a gimped shooter piece of shit?

Kind me makes me glad Capcom is placing more emphasis on DR than RE. Sure both series are b-movie nonsense but one series is relatively fresh whereas the other has lost direction altogether.

And in this industry it's all about the bottom line. Unfortunately unlike movie-making you can't do wonders with a limited budget, and the so-called AAA games attract more consumers just like them mindless Hollywood movies.
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Re: My thoughts on next generation gaming

Post by AppleQueso »

I always sorta thought that RE4's gameplay would've suited the Dino Crisis series far better than the Resident Evil series.

Just imagine it...
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