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Re: CRTGAMER Wii Thread - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controller Rev

Post by CRTGAMER »

The Conduit Special Edition


An FPS shooter that is played with the Remote and Nunchuck. The Classic Controller is not supported, but not a problem. I prefer the instant aim of the Remote anyways, coupled with movement controlled by the Nunchuck stick. The best part is the Wii controls are fully customizable! This reminds me of PS1 Descent with all the custom controls. :mrgreen:

IGN wrote:Why The Conduit's Controls are Unparalleled
High-Voltage's Eric Nofsinger prefers Conduit's control scheme to a mouse and keyboard.


IGN: The FPS genre was supposed to successfully prove the benefits of the Wii remote over a dual-analog controller. However, many developers have failed to capitalize on this opportunity. Why do you think that is?

Eric: I believe this is largely based on a larger self defeating issue of presumption as to who the Wii audience is. Many publishers and developers seemed to relegate the status of the Wii to their port system and so the significant effort required to take advantage of the unique peripheral, or the hardware in general, just wasn't there. The other factor is the pervasive school of thought that the system is geared for casual gamers and not FPS fans. And that becomes a catch 22, when there are so few quality FPS titles for them available. There have only been 12 FPS games released on the Wii. The majority of those are ports.

Of course perceptually the Wii is not appropriate for FPS games, when there aren't any good ones for consumers to buy. And publishers and developers don't want to invest in something that doesn't appear to have an audience. I think this strongly mirrors Halo. Before Bungie had the resolve to bring their phenomenal game to life on the Xbox, the consensus was dual analog sticks were not an appropriate input mechanism for a modern FPS. Now it is the standard for many gamers.


IGN: Conduit has the most customizable control scheme of any FPS we've ever played. Why'd you decide to give so much power to players?

Eric: One thing I find particularly frustrating is when a game forces me to use an input scheme that doesn't feel natural or at a minimum doesn't follow the conventions of other established games in that genre. I don't think any gamer likes it when a developer feels they know better than their audience. Options and choices are good, especially on something so critical to how a game feels. Within the team we each had our own favorite control schemes, and we had a lot fun creating them. But even with variety, limiting players to whatever seemed appropriate to us, just felt like a cop out.

IGN: Go right ahead. How close to mouse and keyboard do you feel you've come with Conduit's control scheme?

Eric: Personally, I vastly prefer it. Aiming with a Wiimote is far more intuitive for me than a mouse now. I know some PC purists may argue me on that point, but I'd challenge them to spend some time evaluating our control mechanisms before making up their minds based off of early Wii FPS they may have tried.


All games should work this way
Every button can be customized. Even the motion sensors can be changed to any function! :shock:

ASE All Seeing Eye
This adds a different element in seeking out hidden items. Reminds me of the remote cam in Perfect Dark, but now the camera stays floating right in your palm. Used for finding ghost mines, hidden door locks and messages written on walls.


When an ASE Puzzle is found, use the direction pad to spin the three rings.


Guns Guns Guns
All the weapons offer a zoom mode, but not all will fire while zoomed in. The Alien weapons are a kick, change the fire egg to reload. As in many SHMUP games, you can hold the fire trigger to charge up the weapon for a killing blast. This comes in handy when waiting for an enemy to appear around the next corner. Even human soldiers are after you, controlled by the aliens.

Grenades are thrown with a swing of the Nunchuck. Thrust the Remote forward to punch melee attack any aliens that are too close. The aliens will keep coming until you destroy the "Stargate Tunnel" portal conduit and egg pods positioned on the walls and ceilings. Usually there are multiple tunnels and pods to blow up. Interact with various devices with the A button. Click a radio or walkie talkie and listen to different channels, insight what is ahead. The A button is also used for opening up weapons crates and alien weapon energy pods

Okay now this looks like the Alien Crab Tank from Dreamcast Alien Front Online.


So is yet another FPS for the Wii worth playing? I already enjoy the semi on the rails of Dead Space Extraction as well as FPS games Golden Eye and Metroid Prime. This one falls in a mix of fun blasting enemies of Golden Eye and an easier search of objects compared to Metroid. The customizing of all the controls in Conduit is really a great feature, every game should have this. I enjoy playing this Wii exclusive, I'll have to keep an eye out for Conduit 2 Special Edition. 8)


The Conduit Orange Lights - Free download of the Conduit Graphic novel in PDF. :wink:


Special Edition vs Regular Edition
The Special Edition was an exclusive sold only at Gamestop. It includes a different Case Cover and a Limited Edition Art Book, but has the same game disc. The Art Book includes two codes to unlock a new ASE Suit and a new skin for online multiplayer. There is a third code online that unlocks a Drone mode for single player. Since the Special Edition comes with the same game disc, the codes work on either the Special or the Regular version. :D

There are very nice pics in the Limited Edition Art Book.

The Conduit Special Edition.jpg
The Conduit Special Edition.jpg (190.19 KiB) Viewed 14345 times
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Re: CRTGAMER Wii Thread - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controller Review

Post by Weekend_Warrior »

Hey, thanks again for the great info! I didn't know about the Special Edition cover until you mentioned it now. I really hate the non-special edition cover. It is just so cheesy looking.
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Re: CRTGAMER Wii Thread - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controller Review

Post by CRTGAMER »

Weekend_Warrior wrote:Hey, thanks again for the great info! I didn't know about the Special Edition cover until you mentioned it now. I really hate the non-special edition cover. It is just so cheesy looking.

Thanks. The Conduit Special Edition is a Gamestop exclusive and also included the art book, but the game disc itself is identical to the regular editions. Gamestop uses the same SKU for both the Regular and Special Limited Edition, so worth the hunt. Note that Conduit 2 Special Limited Edition also had the same marketing approach. I'll be reviewing that one soon.
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Re: Wii Thread - Game Reviews - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controll

Post by CRTGAMER »

Dragons Lair - Don Bluth


The Original Quick Time Event Game
A groundbreaking Laser Disc game, the Disney style animation far exceeded the graphics of the games of the day. Gameplay suffered though, a simple react to the video presented on the screen by a timed bump movement of the stick or drawing the sword with the fire button. The Laser Disc would jump a chapter stop depending on what and when the player did. One of the first Quick Time Event style of gameplay in video games is Dragons Lair, QTE is later used in newer console games such as Shenmue and God of War.

Gamecube Dragons Lair 3D
Unlike the Arcade FMV, you get complete direct control of Dirk in the game. Roll the camera, jump, climb and use the sword. Explore rooms and return to different areas in case you missed anything. In keeping faith to the Arcade, at times the moves are react jump or use the sword events. Even the resurrection skeleton appears, although too often.


The princess voice is really over the top, done that way to keep faith to the original Laser Disc cartoon animation. It can be muted once you tire of the voice. For a full 3D interactive game, the animation is very good! Every step of Dirk is controlled, the Dark Knight light up room for example. Instead of a tap of the stick, careful movement is needed here. The third pass thru the red light room allows for no mistakes.


Wii Dragons Lair Trilogy
This includes Dragons Lair, Space Ace and Dragons Lair II. All in full animation just like the original laser Discs. The startup screen has all three Arcade Cabinets displayed. From here you can choose which game and also customize the settings.


I have played the Laser Disc Dragons Lair and Space Ace at the Arcade as well as the DVD version of Space Ace. One thing I hated were the pauses as the disc reader reacts and jumps to the correct frame. In the Wii game there is no pause, an instant response according to your actions. Unfortunately you will see the skeleton too often, at least it is a quick pause before repeating a level.


The controls can also be adjusted to display the Quick Time Event flashes. A prompt to move the stick or draw the sword. Unlike God of War, the original Arcade gave no QTE warnings, so one can attempt to play the Wii version that way. Luckily when you get tired of seeing the skeleton resurrection, there is a watch mode. See the complete game play animation from start to finish. I also tried out Space Ace and Dragons Lair II. Both have just as great animation, Dragons Lair II has different routes to play. I noticed Dragons Lair II flashes an area of the screen to hint the player what to do, an early QTE prompt.


The Wii games are played with the remote rotated sideways using the direction pad and the 2 button. A Classic Controller can also be used. A Mayflash PS1/PS2 adaptor and the PSX Blaze Dual Shock Arcade Stick works great. The Blaze stick mimics the original Arcade controls in look and feel.


Widescreen vs 4:3
Of note the Wii and DVD player games have a cropped 16:9 mode. The original Laser Disc top and bottom screen edges are lost to support widescreen. However on both a 16:9 TV and a 4:3 TV, the Wii fills up the HDTV screen. A tradeoff of a bright restored higher resolution image and losing the edges of the original footage.
Monroe World wrote:http://www.monroeworld.com/forums/content.php?193-Dragon-s-Lair-Trilogy-Review

All three games started off as standard definition 4:3 aspect ratio (1.33:1) film. Recently, Digital Leisure performed a six-month restoration of the video and it looks simply incredible on the Wii - in full 480p high definition. I dare say the video looks better now than it ever did (which might be a point of contention for some of the die hard fans who typically want it exactly the way it was).

Being so knowledgeable about these games, I'm frequently asked how a widescreen version of this game is possible when the original game was 4:3. Much like every other original source that is moved from standard definition to high definition, the video has to be altered to "fit" the 1.78:1 high definition standard.

Videophiles are very particular about having their video "converted" from one format to another. Seeing widescreen/letterbox movies butchered into square "pan & scan" or "formatted to fit your screen" movies is considered an atrocity. There is a reverse process called "matting" - where square 4:3 movies are altered to fit the wider formats - is similarly frowned on since it alters the original view the director intended you to see.

After the clean up and restoration of the video for these games, the original animation team supervised the matting of the video to the 1.78:1 aspect ratio. While this does indeed remove part of the picture as it's matted, at least the process was approved by the original directors - a luxury not always afforded in the video world.

To better see just "how much" you're missing, check out the comparison shots below from each game. The widescreen picture is brighter than the 4:3 counterparts.

Image Image


Extra Footage and Favorite Version
Gamecube - Videos focused on the making of Dragons Lair 3D
Wii - No extra footage, but you do get all three games
DVD Space Ace - Nice History footage of the original Dragons Lair arcade

I like each version depending on the mood. The DVD Player game has great extra footage for a look at the early history. Animation and Arcade original game play accuracy definitely goes to the Wii version, but for more in depth control and exploring the castle, the Gamecube wins over the Wii.

The Laser Disc has the original uncropped footage, Wii has the brightest and sharpest video.

How far can one go, just collecting one game title?
Joystiq wrote:http://www.joystiq.com/2010/07/29/a-daring-dragons-lair-game-collection/

Syd Bolton, who runs the Personal Computer Museum in Brantford, Canada, really enjoys Dragon's Lair in all its many, many incarnations. Bolton owns almost every version of Dragon's Lair ever released, which is saying a lot considering that game has been ported more times over the last 30 years than a Carnival Cruise ship. However, he hasn't got them all, telling Joystiq that he's missing the mobile phone version from 2005 (because it wasn't available in his area) and the Amstrad CPC versions from the mid-'80s.

The picture below contains 47 versions of the game and its sequels. Bolton mentions that the image doesn't contain the whole collection, as a few copies are in storage. We've listed every copy of the game featured in the picture after the break.
Dragon's Lair 3D (Xbox)
Dragon's Lair 3D (Gamecube)
Dragon's Lair (Sega CD)
Dragon's Lair 25th Anniverary DVD
Dragon's Lair (Mega Drive, Import)
Dragon's Lair 3D Special Edition (PS2, PAL)
Dragon's Lair (Coleco Adam Disk)
Dragon's Lair CD-ROM (Arcade Authentic, PC)
Dragon's Lair (Spectrum Cassette)
Dragon's Lair (CD-i)
Dragon's Lair (Mac Plus/SE)
Dragon's Lair III: Curse of Mordread
Dragon's Lair (CD-ROM)
Dragon's Lair II (Blu-Ray)
Dragon's Lair (Blu-Ray, Autographed by the 4 original creators)
Dragon's Lair (DVD)
Dragon's Lair (SNES)
Dragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's Castle (PC)
Dragon's Lair (DSi Download)
Dragon's Lair (Commodore 64)
Dragon's Lair II (PC)
Dragon's Lair HD (PC)
Dragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's Castle (Amiga)
Dragon's Lair (Adam Data Pack)
Dragon's Lair II (Atari ST)
Dragon's Lair (Amiga)
Dragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's Castle (Spectrum)
Dragon's Lair II (CD-i)
Dragon's Lair 3D (PC)
Dragon's Lair (PC, Merit version)
Dragon's Lair CD-ROM (Mac)
Dragon's Lair (ReelMagic CD)
Dragon's Lair II (DVD)
Dragon's Lair (NES)
Dragon's Lair (3DO)
Dragon's Lair (Deluxe Pack)
Dragon's Lair (HD-DVD)
Dragon's Lair (Gameboy Color)
Dragon's Lair (Gameboy)
Dragon's Lair III (PC)
Dragon's Lair (Jaguar CD)
Dragon's Lair II (Amiga)
Dragon's Lair (Atari ST)
Dragon's Lair II (Windows 95 CD)
Dragon's Lair (Laserdisc)
Dragon's Lair II (Laserdisc)
Dragon's Lair (iPhone)


Laser Disc Guide - viewtopic.php?p=232140#p232140
Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon's_Lair
Classic Gaming - http://www.classicgaming.cc/classics/dragons-lair/
Dragons Lair project - http://www.dragons-lair-project.com/tech/pages/dl.asp
Dragons Lair Project Images - http://www.dragons-lair-project.com/games/pages/dl.asp
Wii Dragons Lair Trilogy review - http://www.ign.com/articles/2010/10/27/ ... ogy-review

Arcade Manual Links


My Modest Dragons Lair Collection

I have a ways to go compared to the above list but yes that is the original Dragons Lair Laser Disc with the factory Manual in the bottom picture! The factory manual has all the schematics to build the Arcade PCB and Cabinet. You can find PDFs of the manual in the Dragons Lair Project site linked above.


I can watch the complete game play on a regular Laser Disc Player. The resurrection skeleton is repeated multiple times all thru the disc due to needing a quicker tracking access thruout the game. :lol:

Dragons Lair 3d and Dragons Lair Trilogy.jpg
Dragons Lair 3d and Dragons Lair Trilogy.jpg (253.47 KiB) Viewed 14180 times
Dragons Lair Laser Disc and Space Ace DVD.jpg
Dragons Lair Laser Disc and Space Ace DVD.jpg (176.42 KiB) Viewed 14185 times
Last edited by CRTGAMER on Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:15 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: Wii Thread - Game Reviews - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controller

Post by Weekend_Warrior »

I've actually been looking for a good copy of Dragons Lair 3D for awhile.

Would you (or anyone else) happen to know if there are any notable differences between the Gamecube and Xbox versions, or if one version is particularly better than the other?
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Re: Wii Thread - Game Reviews - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controller

Post by CRTGAMER »

Weekend_Warrior wrote:I've actually been looking for a good copy of Dragons Lair 3D for awhile.

Would you (or anyone else) happen to know if there are any notable differences between the Gamecube and Xbox versions, or if one version is particularly better than the other?

I don't have the XBox version, but am happy how well the Gamecube handled the animation. I'm disappointed the PS2 never got a U.S. release, might have to convert the PAL version.
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Re: Wii Thread - Game Reviews - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controll

Post by CRTGAMER »

Metroid Prime Trilogy


I posted an in depth review and comparison of Metroid Prime 3 on the previous page.

Its All in the Control
The previous Review of Metroid covered the differences between Gamecube Metroid games and Wii Metroid 3. Now that I have the Trilogy set, I can confirm the controls for Prime One and Two are definitely better on the Wii. The instant aim and shoot of a "Lightgun" Sensor Remote certainly beats using an Analog stick. :D


Visor Search Scanner
I really like the remote control over the analog stick. Though better then the GC version, the search mode is slightly more cumbersome in 1 and 2 vs Prime 3 Corruption. You click the Search button and have to hold it while aiming to the top of the screen to enable the search mode, then hold Z to scan. Why not make the search an instant on without having to move to the top of the screen? :?

Game Saves
Unfortunately Gamecube Metroid saves cannot be transfered over to the Wii Trilogy series. The individual release of Wii Metroid Prime 3 game save also is not transferable to the Wii Metroid Trilogy. A shame considering Prime 3 is the same exact Wii game in both releases. In checking the game save files in the Wii, I have a Metroid Prime 3 save file and a separate Metroid Trilogy save file. :!:


Dual Layer DVD
Metroid Prime Trilogy is a Dual Layer Disc, there are not that many pressed DL discs for the Wii. Wii Smash Brothers is another one, both of these discs can be used to check the reliability of the Wii disc reader. If a Dual Layer disc works, then a good indication that most of the other Single Layer Wii games should read just fine. Dual Layer discs do make the disc reader work a little harder, having to adjust the beam for each layer. :?

The best Metroid in the Trilogy disc
I am leaning toward Metroid Prime Corruption 3. The controls just seem more intuitive especially when using the Visor Search Scanner. All three Metroids basically play the same way with the exception of the Search feature. As far as the levels, I still have to do a lot more exploring. The first Metroid seems a good refresh to start out, with the easy start to learn the controls. Corruption also has the ship cockpit controls to fly to different sections. I love hitting all the buttons in the ship displays! :mrgreen:


coldsteel1212 wrote:http://tombobblender.aforumfree.com/t482-metroid-prime-trilogy-review

The games were great. No doubt. And its a rejoice combo for any Metroid fan. The menu was cool, the new controls were a blast, the extras were awesome (especially the soundtracks from MP 1 and 2 X3), and the games just flowed from one to the next. It was just great fun and lasts for days not to mention you'll want to replay it every now and again. I highly recommend buying it if you loved the games, are a Metroid Fan, are curious of the series, or just want to play a video game. Unique puzzles, decent platforming, great story, awesome music and controls, and much fun to be had.



A Very Limited Five Month Release
Unlike other Wii games that went the Nintendo Selects reprints, Metroid Trilogy had a very limited five month production run. No repress of the set, unfortunately the Wii versions of Metroid 1 and 2 will not be released again.

Metroid Prime 3 Corruption can be purchased as a stand alone Wii game. Metroid 1 and 2 were released individually as part of the Wii Play Control Series in Japan only.

Nintendo Life wrote:http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2010/01/nintendo_no_longer_publishing_metroid_prime_trilogy_in_us

When the game was first announced, Nintendo did say that it would be available on a limited basis, but could not provide a reason why. The other New Play Control titles are not subject to this discontinuation however and Nintendo continues to develop and ship those titles. It's not known if other regions are affected by this as of yet, but we'll certainly let you know if we're able to find out anything on the subject.

The limited availability likely has something to do with the steelbook the US version of this collection comes packaged in. There's no mention of an alternative release nor of more "New Play Control" titles, so if you're hankering for some Wii Metroid action now might be a good time to snap up a copy while you still can!
Gamer Limit wrote:Image


After releasing less than five months ago, MetaCritic’s highest-rated Wii game of 2009, Metroid Prime Trilogy, has stopped being published and shipped.

“Unfortunately, Metroid Prime Trilogy is no longer being shipped. Having said that, you may be able to find what you seek through the secondhand video game market,” says Nintendo, in an email response to Coffee with Games inquiry as to why the game was no longer available on Amazon.

Did you pick up your copy of an actual Collector’s Edition game yet? Better get on that. They’re going, going… gone.

Rarest (and most valuable) current-gen games

Metroid Prime: Trilogy (Wii)
Mint - $201
Used - $75

We love the Metroid Prime series as much as anyone, but even we have to admit that this pricing is ridiculous. This compilation revamped the GameCube’s Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes with some features seen in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, then plopped all three stellar games onto a single Wii disc. Dubbed a “Collector’s Edition” even though it was the only version of its kind, the collection even came in a spiffy tin case. Yet despite the trilogy’s popularity, Nintendo seems to have way under-printed the compilation, evidenced by the fact that even used copies go for some serious moolah.

The beautiful shiny collector case
The Metal Case with the even rarer outer plastic clear sleeve look beautiful! There is also a nice Art book included with very shiny glossy pages. For a game case sized Art Book, you can really see every detail of the prints. 8)


:shock: I paid only $39.99 at PlayNTrade: viewtopic.php?p=513214#p513214 :mrgreen:
Wii Metroid Trilogy 02.jpg
Wii Metroid Trilogy 02.jpg (185.93 KiB) Viewed 13634 times
Wii Metroid Trilogy 03.jpg
Wii Metroid Trilogy 03.jpg (139.75 KiB) Viewed 13633 times
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Re: Wii Thread - Game Reviews - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Controller

Post by k.vlaros »

This is a neat thread. I like the variety of topics and also how most of the posts mix in photos and links and some background. Cool work, thank you. 8)
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Re: Wii and Gamecube - Reviews - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Control

Post by CRTGAMER »

k.vlaros wrote:This is a neat thread. I like the variety of topics and also how most of the posts mix in photos and links and some background. Cool work, thank you. 8)

Thanks for the Feedback! I like using Google Images and Links, it really adds to the review. :D

Wii Metroid Trilogy - $69.99 $39.99 PlayNTrade

At one time this game was fifty bucks. Has anyone else checked PlayNTrade in their location? Metroid Trilogy will keep getting more rare and go up in collectability value. At the PlayNTrade $39.99 price, too good a deal to pass up! 8)



Metroid Trilogy - $69.99 $53.99 Gamestop
This is cheaper then the insane online prices. Gamestop used to sell the game for $69.99, dropped the price by ten bucks. Throw in a Power rewards card and get even more savings. Even though Gamestop online order is not available, one can still transfer Metroid Trilogy in from another store location. I have done this numerous times myself getting $2.00 games transferred all the way across the country.

One thing I have been discovering in fresh newly opened Gamestop stores are that 90% of the games are pristine and complete. A double edged sword though, most of the games have the refurbish sticker on them, a sign of the disc getting polished.

Lightening does strike twice, as in my previous purchase the game is absolutely pristine as if a repackaged used from new. The manuals are crisp and no fingerprints. Heck, the pages were even stuck together slightly at the edges from when they were printed and cut at the printing press. Even the Club Nintendo Flyer and the Metroid Trilogy brochure advertising other games are inside. This leads to a couple of possibilities.

1. The game might be used, a previous owner never played it or even opened the art book or manual traded it in. This is unlikely considering how much more its worth online. A collector going to that much trouble in keeping it pristine certainly would not sell it for so cheap as a Gamestop buy back.

2. The game might be brand new? The seal was broken and the game got retagged as new. This makes sense since GAMESTOP ONLY SELLS METROID TRILOGY AS USED. This has happened before, I have bought Kirby Epic Yarn and Skycrawlers Innocent Aces, both which are only sold as used. In the case of Kirby THE GAME WAS STILL SEALED, YET SOLD AS USED! The strangest thing is the site shows the game can be bought as new, but only as an online order. Store availability shows Epic Yarn only as used, forcing local stores to sell all copies as used.

Last edited by CRTGAMER on Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:29 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Wii and Gamecube - Reviews - Mayflash Ps2 to Wii Control

Post by CRTGAMER »

Edit Updated with Gamecube Information
Go towards the bottom of this post for unique aspects of the Gamecube. Action Replay and Disc Size.

Gamecube Pikmin

A very addicting strategy game in the same style as Lemmings. Control an army of Pikmin to obtain lost parts of your space ship. Along the way kill creatures before getting eaten, collect bombs and destroy walls, build bridges, collect and take objects back to your base to grow your army of Pikmin. A time management of growing new Pikmin while trying to get enough parts before the day runs out.

I have not have so much fun at Multi Tasking since Command and Conquer on the PC. :lol:


Pikmin Colors
Red - Can stand heat and are aggressive fighters and builders.
Blue - Only Pikmin that can get wet, handy in later water sections.
Yellow - These can pickup and throw bombs, great for demolishing walls.

As your Pikmin eat nectar, they grow flower buds on their heads. A bit strange, but it means for faster Pikmin.


The Controls
Strategy games are traditionally played with a mouse, however the Gamecube controller does work reasonably well.

Control Stick - Move character and cursor
C Stick - Move the Pikmin
A Button - Pull new Pikmin and throw pikmin
B Button - Call pikmin
X Button - Dismiss and separate Pikmin by color
Y Button - View Olimar's monitor
L Button - Rotate the camera
R Button - Zoom camera
Z Button - Change camera angle

There is a Play Control version of Pikmin release on the Wii, perhaps I might pick it up at a later date?


MTV Multiplayer wrote: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/03/ ... pressions/

Pikmin Vs New Play Control Pikmin

With the GameCube, Olimar could call scattered Pikmin to his side with a blow of his whistle, a summoning that would manifest itself as a circle emanating from Olimar. The player would only rope in those wandering Pikmin who stood within the small radius of Olimar's circle (about a quarter of the visible playing field, at most).

The Wii version of the game lets the player put a cursor anywhere on the screen and blow the whistle there. The Pikmin at your target run back to Olimar. The result: it's easier to summon distant Pikmin to your side. That's an improvement.

The same control changes that improve the summoning of the Pikmin make tossing a Pikmin harder.

The GameCube version of that action forced all Pikmin to land on a purple reticule that always stayed a fixed distance in front of Olimar. This made a Pikmin's jumps predictable, a key quality when trying to get a Pikmin to land on a giant enemy's back for an attack -- rather than into its mouth to serve as a snack.

The Wii version of those controls allows the player to point at any spot where they want the Pikmin to land. This might seem like an improvement, as it gives the player more control, but I found that it made precise attacks more difficult. If I have 100 Pikmin to hurl at a rampaging enemy, I benefit from being able to launch them in a pre-determined arc, rather than worrying that a shake of my hand might cause ruin for half of my group.


Time Limit and Action Replay

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There is only a thirty day window to get all thirty ship parts. The later levels are harder, so its best to try to get at least two ship parts per day when possible. This can be tricky, a lot of reloading an older game save to make a days quota. Break out the Code Junkies Action Replay disc. Now you can lock the day and even move the time back during a game to morning with a simple push left of the direction pad. I know some do not like to cheat, but this allows more time to get all the goodies.


CRTGAMER wrote:The Code Junkies Action Replay is a great tool that is only available on older consoles. An unfortunate lost form of user custom control capability not available in newer consoles.


Beta features hidden in the Gamecube disc
There are extra features on the disc that can be discovered only with use of an Action Reply. It is unclear if these features are only on certain versions or regions of the Gamecube Pikmin disc. On my U.S Region 1.1 version I can only access a debug screen that shows the values of each object during a game. Maybe the 1.0 U.S. version has these features or if an older Action Replay can be coded to unlock the extras.
Unseen64 wrote:http://www.unseen64.net/2008/04/08/pikmin-gc-beta/

Pikmin [GC - Beta / Unused Stuff / Debug]

During the Game Developers Conference 2007, Shigeru Miyamoto mentioned that some of the elements of the Super Mario 128 tech demo were incorporated into Pikmin, as the multiple characters that are able to move on screen and complete different tasks. Probably this game had an interesting development cycle, even if we just saw it when it was almost complete. In fact, in the beta screens available there are just few differences in the HUD, but inside the Pikmin disc, much unused stages, contents and functions have been unused in the game.
Gamecube Pikmin Debug Menu.png
Gamecube Pikmin Debug Menu.png (64.17 KiB) Viewed 13234 times
Pikipedia wrote:http://www.pikminwiki.com/Unused_content

Debug menu

A menu written in Japanese with several debugging features is present in the game. Each option has a value, and pressing the A button will activate the option, with the specified value. The options, in order, display the following:

* Title screen. 0 means the Challenge Mode option won't be visible. 1 means that option is present.
* A set of Voyage Log entries. Set #19 is untranslated for some reason.
* Save game screen. Its value doesn't seem to do anything.
* A weird screen, possibly used to test, sprites, effects and buttons.
* Memory card warnings. 0 and 1 don't do anything, 2 warns that the card cannot be used. 4 warns that it must be formatted.
* Ship log selection screen.
* Unlocked Voyage Logs. Acts weirdly.
* End of day screen.
* Pause menus. 0 is during a regular adventure, 1 is during challenge mode.
* Final statistics.
* Title screen without background.

To access it, use the following Action Replay code on a PAL version of Pikmin:

You can also access by using this code on an NTSC version of Pikmin:

Load Action Replay with the code enabled. Load the game disc, keep holding DPad to the right. At the Title Screen, Start the game which normally would go to load a save slot, instead it goes to the Debug Menu.

Why is the Gamecube disc smaller then a DVD or CD?
lisalover1 maintains a Gamecube blog, good information on Nintendo's first disc based console.
Disc Sizes of UMD GAMECUBE DVD.jpg
Disc Sizes of UMD GAMECUBE DVD.jpg (115.39 KiB) Viewed 13282 times
lisalover1 wrote:http://www.rfgeneration.com/blogs/lisalover1/

Nintendo was eager to rush into the 6th hardware generation with optical media in the forefront of their minds. But, in order to attempt to keep the many advantages of cartridges, such as fast loading times, durability, and a proprietary game format, Nintendo opted for another controversial and unorthodox approach. What was born was the Mini-DVD, a semi-proprietary disc format created by Panasonic. It was significantly smaller and had a much lower capacity than a standard DVD, weighing in at 8 cm (~3 in) and 1.4 GB. Although the Gamecube's disc drive was technically capable of reading standard-sized DVDs, due to the laser's metal reading track, it cannot read past the length of a mini-DVD. Because of the medium's small size, the disc drive could spin at a faster rate, and data could be read off the disc faster without fear of damaging the drive with larger discs. This is why loading times are generally very fast on Gamecube games compared to their PS2 ports. This decision was also made to keep in sync with the overall aesthetic of the system, which was intended to be one of a compact design. In the end, this decision probably caused Nintendo more problems that it solved, as the lack of disc space lost Nintendo some very big 3rd-party games like Grand Theft Auto 3. Thus, the storage medium nightmare of the Nintendo 64 began anew. The medium did have some notable advantages, however. The large, open world of games like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker would have never been possible, or at the very least, severely hampered if not for the fast loading speeds granted by the mini-DVD, continuing Nintendo's long-standing design tradition of lightning-fast loading times for first-party games; we all know the amount of care Nintendo puts into their first-party endeavors.


End of Game
Once the game is over, a short movie followed by two statistics screens appear. Then a mandatory save prompt. I found the save does not really change the previous save, just the update of stats. When you reload the save its right where you left off on the previous save. The game save is the only way to view all the end of game goodies. This means fighting the final boss all over again just to see the ending movie. I found saving the game after killing the final boss and BEFORE retrieving the last item a good way to have the end of game sequence easily accessible. Note that game saves can only be done at the end of a day, be sure you have the extra day to retrieve the final ship part.

The Pikmin characters look similar to Elebits Creatures.

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Game Over Credit Sequence
How many stay and watch the entire cast credits after a movie? Sometimes its worth the wait.
There is additional footage for those who watch after the credits roll by! Note you have to have collected ALL 30 ship parts. You get a sequence of all the enemies and objects that are encountered in the Pikmin game. Video followed by a freeze closeup shot with a description. One of the better reward game endings, reminds me of the PC-PSX game Twinsen Little Big Adventure. All the cast members come out for a curtain call bow. :mrgreen:

Pikmin Wiki wrote:http://pikmin.wikia.com/wiki/Enemy_reel

The enemy reel is a video sequence that plays at the end of Pikmin after the player successfully completes the game. It shows brief clips of each enemy in the game and then pauses to give its name and some details. In this way it is similar to the Piklopedia that appears in Pikmin 2. In the New Play Control Pikmin, the video is exactly the same, but takes up less of the screen, and has a flowered animated background.

Pikimin 3 for the Wii
Unfortunately Pikimin 3 will not make a showing for the Wii, but is now slotted for the Wii U.
http://www.aussie-nintendo.com/news/e3- ... -for-wii-u

E3 2011: Pikmin 3 announced for Wii U

Those developer round tables are causing quite a stir today, and it's only appropriate to end one of the Nintendo's biggest events with an even bigger game announcement, or rather second announcement. First revealed three years ago, all the way back at E3 2008, Shigeru Miyamoto announced Pikmin 3 at the exact same round table conference all those years back, only now we know where the game's fate is finally sealed.

Pikmin 3 is a game that has come and quietly disappeared, despite the many requests from fans for any glimmer of hope as to when or even if the game will be released. Unfortunately Pikmin 3 won't release on the Wii, which means we won't be able to play it for at least another year. Pikmin 3 has been set aside for Nintendo's innovative new console, the Wii U.

Shigeru Miyamoto stated that the Wii U's intuitive controller, accompanied with touch screen technology and high definition video output made the game too irresistible to create on any other console. Shiggy was also confident in announcing that the game's development is very well on it's way, and could even possibly be a launch title for the Wii U. The original Pikmin game debuted alongside the Gamecube release, so it's a great possibility for Pikmin 3 to launch with the Wii U.


Pikmin 1 or 2
Even though there is a time limit in the 1st Pikimin, the game is addicting. Since I really wanted to get every ship part I had to use an Action Replay to make the deadline. But even without the cheat the game can be beat since not every ship part is needed to win the game. I also have Gamecube Pikmin 2 which has no time delay and expands on the collection of other objects. I'll give that a go later and compare the two. Pikmin 1 is fun and less expensive, but both Gamecube Pikmin titles are getting hard to find. If you see either version grab them while you can!


Last edited by CRTGAMER on Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:51 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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