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Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 1/25/2014*

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:35 pm
by Michi
I just realized that I've acquired quite a bit and forgot I had a few pictures that I hadn't added yet. Oops. So I've updated the Quilt, NES, SNES, GB/GBC, GBA, 3/DS, PS2 and computer sections.


Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 3/22/2014*

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:49 pm
by kelsoanim
Man, you have an *awesome* PS2 and PS3 collection! A bunch of those games are on my wishlist. You're whole collection is pretty epic actually. Great taste in games! :D I've gotta ask, I haven't played any Grasshopper Manufacture/ Suda 51 games before but it looks like you are big fan. What is your favorite game from the studio? What should I try first? Also, is El Shaddai any good?

Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 3/22/2014*

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:15 am
by Hobie-wan
Lots of nice additions.

Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 3/22/2014*

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:47 pm
by Michi
Thanks, guys :)

kelsoanim wrote:I've gotta ask, I haven't played any Grasshopper Manufacture/ Suda 51 games before but it looks like you are big fan. What is your favorite game from the studio? What should I try first? Also, is El Shaddai any good?

That's kind of a hard question to answer. I'm personally very partial to No More Heroes. But I also love Killer7 and Lollipop Chainsaw. The others are fun too, but those would be my top 3 and I don't think you could go wrong with either of those choices. Unless you don't like on-rail shooters with confusing plots, then I'd stick to the more hacky-slashy Heroes or Chainsaw.

As for El Shaddai, it's all right. I love the art style, but it can be repetitive fight-wise. Of course, a lot of action games lean that way so if thats not something that bothers you it couldn't hurt to give it a shot.

Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 3/22/2014*

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:02 pm
by Michi
An update before I forget and let the photos languish on my laptop for another two months (like last time.)

Wii and PSP


Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 4/12/2014*

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:19 pm
by Hazerd
Love your Wii collection, looks like you have all the essentials.

Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 4/12/2014*

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:23 pm
by Michi
Hazerd wrote:Love your Wii collection, looks like you have all the essentials.

Thanks, Hazerd :)

After that last Gamestop binge I've whittled my Wii want list down considerably. Just a couple more titles to add to it and the Gamecube collection and I'll be a happy gamer.... With a huge backlog.

I'm so close I can almost taste it. Now I just have to say away from prfsnl_gmr's posts in the Wii thread and maybe I won't be tempted to add to it with gems such as Jerry Rice and Nitus' Dog Football :lol:

Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 4/12/2014*

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:40 pm
by Michi
PS3 Update:

Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 5/04/2014*

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:48 am
by darsparx
O_O just noticed the demi kids light version....I have the dark version and it's a great game(albeit it does take a little patience when getting started). I completely forgot about that game....(not to mention summon night on gba is great too i just need to find it again so I can play sn2....I won't play it without playing 1 fully)

Re: Michi's Game Collection - *UPDATE: 5/04/2014*

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:07 pm
by Michi
darsparx wrote:O_O just noticed the demi kids light version....I have the dark version and it's a great game(albeit it does take a little patience when getting started).

I was pretty happy when I found that since it's a Shin Megami Tensei spin off (albeit one aimed at kids.) I think I read that the Light version was easier than the Dark version. It's an interesting game, but I haven't played much of it yet.