2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Anything that is gaming related that doesn't fit well anywhere else
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by Erik_Twice »

BogusMeatFactory wrote:I fully endorse your writing pursuits. I very much enjoy your board/card game commentary and find your analysis very fascinating! Go for it!

Thanks a lot Bogus, it means a lot to me! Here's hoping for the best :)

As for my gaming resolutions for 2019, there is only one. I'm building a paper and pencil rpg system for my own personal use (I am in no way thinking of commercially selling because honestly there is no money in rpg systems). The system is completely built and the players guide is written in a rough draft stage, but I need to write the GMs guide and a campaign setting book.

I am super excited about it because I feel like it is a genuinely good system and can not wait to play test it with friends later this month.

This is really cool man! I think this kind of stuff is great, hope you can work it out! And hey, even if there's no money you can always make a few people happy and pay some costs by publishing it through RPGDrivethrough or something :)
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by Nemoide »

1) Shrink the backlog! Seriously, it needs to get smaller.
2) Get the rank of 6th Dan in singles mode Beatmania IIDX; 1st Dan in doubles mode
3) Clear a level 18 song in singles mode Dance Dance Revolution (I can currecntly clear 15s; this might be more than I can do); clear a level 15 in doubles mode
4) Play through Ultima V on my Apple II
5) Play Undertale at long last
6) Get myself a Japanese Megadrive!
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by Arenegeth »

marurun wrote:If you want a super challenging racing game to grind, Metropolis Street Racer on Dreamcast feels fantastic

Yes! That was one of the games I had in mind, the others being Crash Team Racing on the PS1 and POD Gold on PC. Is not that I'm looking for a grindy racing game in particular though.

I'm looking for games in genres I'm not very prolific in, and racing games were never my thing in the old days, though I later realized, what I really disliked was realistic racing sims like Gran Turismo and could really enjoy the arcade stuff.

With RTS and management sims it was pretty much a PC thing, I didn't have one as a kid (because money) and thus I ended up playing very few of them.

Total Annihilation is the PC RTS I have in mind and Civilization II for sims.
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by laurenhiya21 »

I haven't really thought much about my resolutions, so I might need to think a bit more on them, but here's what I'm thinking so far.

- Beat or retire more games than I buy
- Post review for each game no more than a week after beating it

There are some games that I really want to play this year, some of which I've been avoiding cause they are long, some I just really want to play this year cause I want to. Not sure if this is everything I want to focus on this year but this is what I have so far:

- Beat or retire these games:
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel (PS3)
Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (PS4)
Bravely Default (3DS)
Clannad (PC)
Disgaea 1 (PS4)
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal (Vita)
Golden Sun (GBA)
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (GC)
Legend of the Heroes: Trails in the Sky (Steam)
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale (Steam)
The Witcher 3 (GOG)
Ys: Oath in Felghana (Steam)

Technically I also thought of putting Hotel Dusk: Room 215 on there, but I just beat that today :lol: Anyway, that's what I have for now. Maybe I'll make changes to it or add more resolutions, but not sure yet.
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by Erik_Twice »

Nemoide wrote:1) Shrink the backlog! Seriously, it needs to get smaller.
2) Get the rank of 6th Dan in singles mode Beatmania IIDX; 1st Dan in doubles mode
3) Clear a level 18 song in singles mode Dance Dance Revolution (I can currecntly clear 15s; this might be more than I can do); clear a level 15 in doubles mode
4) Play through Ultima V on my Apple II
5) Play Undertale at long last
6) Get myself a Japanese Megadrive!

I like your goals! I haven't played Beatmania in ages but doubles is a lot of fun. I should get the arcade going but I don't remember how to do it anymore.

Would love to see your thoughts on Ultima V. Have you played IV?
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by Nemoide »

I am thankful every day that I live close to an arcade with a IIDX machine. That game game's difficulty is *brutal* but I love it so much!

I played Ultima IV on SMS back when it was a Together Retro and TOTALLY LOVED IT. So I've got high expectations for the fifth one!
I started playing through the Ultima games in order when I was in high school but... I'm obviously going pretty slowly. I'm looking forward to PROGRESSING and eventually beating the likes of Ultima VII and Ultima Underworld!
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

Okay, so here are my TOTALLY ATTAINABLE AND DEFINITELY NOT A PIPE DREAM GIVEN THAT I'M ME gaming resolutions for 2019.

#1 (for the third year in a row) - MAKE PROGRESS ON MY GAMING RELATED CREDIT CARD DEBT. Seriously I just need to stop fucking buying shit.

#2 - Play through at least 6 Ys games

#3 - Play through at least 6 Army Men Games

#4 - Finish Fatal Frame series

#5 - Finish Fire Emblem series

Excluding #1 which we all know I'm far too irresponsible to complete, I think the other four a pretty attainable! Despite the fact that 4 and 5 are, like 1, repeats from 2018 and 2017.... :oops:
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by noiseredux »

If it will help, we can all grief you every time you buy a game haha.
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by alienjesus »

I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my goals for the year. Theoretically they're a bit less ambitious than last years, but in practice they might actually be worse :lol:

Beating games:

1. Beat every game I received as gifts in 2018.
As of right now, that list is as follows:
1. Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Switch)
2. Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch)
3. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch)
4. Pokémon Let's Go Eevee (Switch)
5. The Longest 5 Minutes (Switch)
6. Kirby Star Allies (Switch)
7. Musynx (Switch)
8. Mega Man 11 (Switch)
9. WarioWare Gold (Switch)
10. 428 Shibuya Scramble (PS4)
11. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)
12. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
13. Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
14. Yakuza 0 (PS4)
15. Klonoa (Wii)
16. A Shadow's Tale (Wii)
17. Pandora's Tower (Wii)
18. Sega Mega Drive Classics (Switch) - 0/51

This is a big old task all on it's own - there's lots of big games here. The biggest and scariest one to finish is probably the Sega collection on Switch - that's 51 games to beat all on it's own!

2. Beat every game I received as gifts in 2017 and haven't yet beaten.

As of now, this list is as follows:
1. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
2. The Last Guardian (PS4)
3. Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)

This is a carry over goal from last year - to beat the handful on games from the previous Christmas I never quite got to. I already started Xenoblade, which is the biggest of the 3, so this should be easy enough to do if I prioritise it!

3. Replay some games I've purchased in physical format after originally playing digitally, if I haven't played them since buying them.

As of now, potential options include: Blaster Master (NES), Super Probotector (SNES), Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES), F-Zero (SNES), Kid Icarus (NES), Kirby's Fun Pak (SNES), Kirby's Dream Land 3 (SNES), Mega Man 3 (NES), Mega Man 4 (NES), Mega Man X (SNES), Metroid (NES), Shadow Warriors (NES), Bonk's Adventure (PCE), DoReMi Fantasy (SNES), Winds of Thunder (PCE), Ristar (MD), Secret of Mana (SNES), StarTropics (NES), Super Mario RPG (SNES), Super Metroid (SNES), Ufouria (NES), Wonder Boy (SMS), Wonder Boy in Monster Land (SMS), Yoshi's Island (SNES), Zelda II (NES), Final Fantasy V (SNES)

There's no set number goal here, it's just something I'd like to make progress in. When I first got into retro gaming, it was primarily via the Wii's Virtual Console. Over the years I had a desire to physically own some of the classics I first played on the service, and I picked up quite a few over time. However, many of these physical cartridges have gone mostly unplayed since buying them, which feels like a waste - so I'd like to spend some time replaying them and making the most of my investment, and there's some fantastic games to become reacquainted with here too.

Buying games:

1. Focus gaming purchases on my big name wants list, rather than buying stuff just because it's cheap

This is something I've been trying to do more lately - for a while I had kind of a quantity + quality approach where I'd buy any game that was pretty good, if I saw it cheap. But now, with my backlog so big, I want to focus purely on the stuff I most want to play, and not worry about missing out on low prices so much. No-one can play everything!

2. Buy less games than I beat in 2019.

Every year I have a variant of this goal, and each time it's gotten less ambitious. This one should be achieveable though - just reduce the backlog by beating games faster than I buy them.

Mods & upgrades:

1. Get my PC Engine Duo R modded for RGB output

My gaming set up is mostly where I want it to be - I have a high quality way to play most of my consoles. The biggest exception though is the PC Engine, which still outputs in composite. I'd like to fix that so I can enjoy it in RGB and upscale it more nicely with my XRGB-Mini.

2. Learn some electronics & soldering so I can start attempting my own mods.

Having paid quite a lot of money for mods I've already done, I've decided I'd like to get to grips with the basics myself so I can start looking at modding and fixing my consoles myself. I won't be doing the PC Engine one - it's too expensive to replace if something goes wrong - but I might try my hand at some mods on the cheaper systems.
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Re: 2019 Gaming Goals and Resolutions

Post by Forlorn Drifter »

I want to do something, but I have no idea what... I think I've only managed one or two goals in previous years, because I tend to forget about the thread, and I can't work the search correctly to find my own posts in threads, so I don't keep updates, which would help me a lot.
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