What to love about Modern gaming

Anything that is gaming related that doesn't fit well anywhere else
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by Gunstar Green »

You know, I'm sure people are sick of hearing "roguelite" and yeah, there are a lot of mediocre ones out there since it seems like every indie dev and their dog are making these, but I really enjoy this genre and its popularity when done well. I can sit down, do a run or two without wasting much time, feel like I made some progress and do something else. They're usually challenging but have a low level of commitment. Certain genres work better for it than others, but even so there's a lot of variety in stuff that uses the this model these days. It's like taking the "game overs" of the old days and adding an element of, "you accomplished something earning these unlocks," so losing doesn't feel bad. Since it usually pairs with increasing my own knowledge and skill (depending on the game) I tend to like it more than traditional RPG-esque progression.
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by Dikdikvandik »

Tanooki wrote:I'm glad the Capcom Beatem up collection on Switch has a physical release overseas so I can import it as does Okami. Once that brawler package comes out next month I'm looking to import it after that.


I bought it on Swtich digitally totally unaware of this fact.

BUT this is not a perfect collection, No Screen filters, no arcade artwork for borders I feel like more love could have been dumped into it.

The Psikyo shmups also got a physical overseas too.
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by Tanooki »

I don't need that filler crap, just the games and I'm happy. It's kind of like how don't care and never bother with dvd/blu ray extras in the box either.
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by Dikdikvandik »

Sometimes I like scan lines sometimes I don't
I play my Genesis in 720p through my Framemiester just for scanlines when I have a much cleaner super sharp 1080p profile as well.
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by GaryFletcher »

One of the best thing about modern games i like is Graphics
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by Note »

I really like not having to deal with memory cards. I had my PS1 memory cards randomly delete all my data multiple times. Just got a reminder of that era, when I purchased a used memory card at a local game shop, came home, tested it on multiple consoles and card slots, and the thing was not loading up.

Saving straight to a hard drive and not worrying about losing a save file you poured hours into is definitely nice.
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by Tanooki »

Hard drives can fail all too easily too, and more likely considering they have moving parts with the motor and magnetic plates. Memory cards, I had a N64 one that on rare occasion would lose random save data after years which was infuriating, but nothing that consistently croaked unless it was knockoff goods, same with PS1 and PS2 too. I'd put a memory card, sd card, other memory card over a HDD, and beyond all those a nice juicy sadly still too expensive for consoles SSD. I don't really miss memory cards, but without a cloud save in case somethings takes a huge dump and fails you're really screwed as a memory card can outlive a system.
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by Arenegeth »

Hmmm let's see. what does an old curmudgeon like me likes about modern gaming...

I like that we don't have to deal with the old NTSC-PAL divide anymore and that signals and cables (hail HDMI) have standardized across the board.

I like that region locking has mostly be done away with, and even in cases were is not, it can be easily circumvented through soft modding or importing, things which were either impossible or prohibitively expensive in the old days.

I like how Japanese games get localized more than ever and how fast (generally) those localization's come out, and most AAA games release globally simultaneously (or nearly).

I'm sure I'm forgetting something obvious, I'm probably taking for granted, but those are the only things that spring to mind, which is a bit depressing...
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by ayumarcan »

I think what is to really love is availability. You can play anything you want, download it, pay a little sum for a subscription, of find a free server and you can enjou anything. For instance there are quite old games like RF Online. it's literally 10 years old, but the game is still out there and we can play it, as well as other games of all kinds.
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Re: What to love about Modern gaming

Post by SpikeSlania »

One thing I love about modern gaming is that Pizza Hut isn't giving away Demo Discs anymore. Boy did I love having my ps1 memory card wiped for just playing some demos
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