Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Begin when ready!

Anything that is gaming related that doesn't fit well anywhere else
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by Exhuminator »

alienjesus wrote:The point was to be able to talk about classic games people refer to a lot in forums and are amazed you haven't played, so I don't see why something like Bioshock or Dark Souls shouldn't be included in that - people are surprised when you haven't played those just as much as if you haven't played say, F-Zero or Gradius.

Cool, I get it now. Gonna get me a list going soon.

Also, BIONIC COMMANDO for NES is a must. You really have to beat that one. It's my all time favorite NES game ever.
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Personally speaking, including 7th gen games strays far from the spirit of the challenge and enters the realm of "I was gonna play this anyway" backlog clearing.

I think it'd be preferable to think critically about some challenging and/or overlooked retro classics that y'all have been letting collect dust, rather than shoehorning in modern games you likely would beat within the next year or two whether or not this thread/challenge existed or not.

This is a great opportunity for someone to play their first Master System game, first ColecoVision game, first WRPG, whatever.

Just my two cents.
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by Xeogred »

System Shock
King's Field
Castlevania 2 (last main one I need to beat, might do a floor hack version. Fuck those floors)
Dragon Quest
Viewtiful Joe
Mega Man Legends
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by alienjesus »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Personally speaking, including 7th gen games strays far from the spirit of the challenge and enters the realm of "I was gonna play this anyway" backlog clearing.

I think it'd be preferable to think critically about some challenging and/or overlooked retro classics that y'all have been letting collect dust, rather than shoehorning in modern games you likely would beat within the next year or two whether or not this thread/challenge existed or not.

This is a great opportunity for someone to play their first Master System game, first ColecoVision game, first WRPG, whatever.

Just my two cents.

I mean, I've owned Portal 2 for 6 years and haven't played it yet, so I'm not sure that it really is the case that 'I would likely beat it in the next year or two' any more than any of the unbeaten Retro stuff I own, which I've owned for less time in general. Comparatively, I've owned Final Fantasy 3 for 2 years. Either way, I left Portal 2 off my list anyway.

Xeogred wrote:At the top are your choices that I like a lot. I'm always especially curious about newcomers going into Blaster Master, because I can see how it can be quite challenging and overwhelming in figuring out where to go. I know the game like the back of my hand though and love it. But even so, the final level is so insanely hard I've only beaten it legitimately once or twice in 25 some years of loving it (maybe a few more times on emulators).

Have you not played those others like FF6?

REmake is probably the best remake of a game of all time. It feels like the same classic masterfully and respectfully updated with refinements and tiny additions that feel like they were already there originally. Mikami worked his magic on this one and as I'm a huge fan and continue to replay these games, I'm starting to think REmake is my favorite RE of all time.

Devil May Cry is incredible but I don't see it get much love thesedays. DMC1 is actually very serious and it wasn't until DMC3 that made the TMNT pizza loving jokestar Dante that we all love and know now, cause DmC doesn't exist. DMC1 is clunky, as it has its remnants of being RE4 in there with some of the camera angles and all, but I think it's incredible game with amazing gothic atmosphere, music, good action, etc. You say PSN, but I would highly recommend the HD remaster. The HD trilogy is one of the best I've seen by far. I got a lot of Demon's/Dark Souls vibes with the atmosphere in DMC1.

I can't get very far in Life Force haha.

I don't think I've ever done these challenges. No idea where to start. I mean, you gave me a big list of some stuff here and there recently maybe I can work off of. I am very meticulous about lists and my backlog, keeping it all organized. I could maybe just throw 10 of them in a pool, but a handful of it would be current gen or last which apparently will get me spanked here.

Blaster Master is a game I've actually invested some serious time into before, which is why I opted for some other NES stuff. I've never managed to beat the Crabulus in world 5.

As for whether I've played the others, I basically have little to no time in Bionic Commando, Life Force, Final Fantasy VI, Soleil, Pilotwings 64, Crash 3, MGS Twin Snakes, Sands of Time or Devil May Cry. Mario Golf is the only game I've put time into before, and it's on my list because it's 'unfinished business' from last year that I'd like to complete this time.

The version of DMC I have on PSN is actually the PS3 remaster, so that's the one I would be playing.

REMake I've never played, I'm a total wimp when it comes to horror games. I've never played the original version either. I have to get to it some time though :lol:

The list of games I pulled off as 'considerations' were all from my backlog. That's how I decide my lists, as I don't like adding stuff to my already expansive backlog just for the sake of the challenge. It's also why I sometimes put a cult classic on my list that annoys Dave, because it's something that offers reasonable genre and console balance whilst not causing me to have to add something new to the ol' backlog.

EDIT: And your list so far looks pretty good to me. Expect some critiques from Dave, but don't take them to heart. Normally people get a few 'non-Dsheinem approved' classics on their list anyways :wink:
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by Xeogred »

Maybe we should all attempt Life Force. I actually have a cart of that one.

Crabulus (is that real? lol) is actually very easy but it's essential to have your weapons maxed. When you do you can just stay at the bottom of the screen and spam him to death with his own medicine. I would say level 6 and 7's bosses are extremely tough. The final boss is ironically kind of easy to cheese.

The original RE1 is still a nice gem. It has the most amazing voice acting work ever recorded... just be sure to get the original version and not the Directors Cut Dualshock which changes the OST.
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by Ack »

Old man Ds climbed out from under his bridge to harass the gamer goats on their classic choices! Woo, that's a far more reliable sign of impending summer than some stupid groundhog or something like that.

Anyway, not sure if I will be able to participate or not this year. Of course I have some ideas, but I don't know if I will have time. I may look at a shortlist of five instead of ten this time and go from there.

Also, we using the 10 year rule? I think we should stick to the 10 year rule.
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

My goal is to smash through a ton of nes classic titles and a smattering of other old pc games.

Here are some of the possibilities:

1. Star Tropics
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Super C
4. Double Dragon II
5. Mega Man 2
6. Zelda 2
7. GRadius
8. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat on GameCube
9. Donkey Kong on Gameboy
10. Betrayal at Krondor PC
11. Ravenloft PC
12. I have beaten quest for glory 1-4 But I haven't beaten the 5th so I need to make a character to play through all 5!!!!
13. The Last express
14. Ultima 7
15. Day of the Tentacle
16. Under A Killing Moon
17. sonic adventure 2

some thoughts so far.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

-I am the idiot that likes to have fun and be happy.
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by strangenova »

So last year I made a list and then only beat two of the games, and didn't even update the thread as to my progress. So I'll sit this one out. I'll be happy to discuss what is and isn't a classic though :lol:

Edit: Maybe I'll just update as I play and beat games and not actually make a list. Although making a list was the fun part last year.
Last edited by strangenova on Mon May 01, 2017 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by Exhuminator »

Xeogred wrote:System Shock
King's Field
Castlevania 2 (last main one I need to beat, might do a floor hack version. Fuck those floors)
Dragon Quest
Viewtiful Joe
Mega Man Legends

I've beaten all of these and approve every one of them.

You better beat Viewtiful Joe on Adults difficulty or we can't be friends anymore.


I've already beaten Life Force (eons ago), but I'm working on my list!
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Re: Summer Games Challenge 2017 - Time to decide your games!

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Some good picks here. Interesting to see Life Force pop up a few times.

Also, summer? I have snow on my front yard!
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