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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game:Toejam & Ea

Post by DeadPark »

PresidentLeever wrote:Well, if that's how you felt about it then that's how you felt about it. I agree that it had some padding, though so do many praised games like Secret of Mana.

I want to say that the funk scan helped with the platforms, but maybe I'm remembering it wrong?

Anyway, to end on something positive I like that your reviews are a bit more fleshed out compared to the older ones I read, there's a better distribution between pics and text now.

thank you again for the feedback, i've gotten so little of it since i started the site.

you are remembering it right, the funk scan did help, but even then there was a lot of blind searching. plus it had semi-limited uses so you couldn't keep using it all the time.
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game:Toejam & Ea

Post by DeadPark »

Explore the world of pokemon like never before in

Pokemon Trading Card Game for Gameboy Color

This article is complete with a more fleshed out grading system than my older articles, and i think it came out really well. definitely getting better at this

check it out, and leave me some feedback to help me keep improving.
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game:Pokemon TCG

Post by DeadPark »

Experience the terrible game, based on the terrible 90's cartoon, based on the terrible 80's B-horror movie.

The Toxic Crusaders (Genesis)

Read the article, weep for humanity, then leave me some feedback.
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game:Toxic Crusa

Post by DeadPark »

Join Beavis and Butt-Head as they try to reclaim their tickets to see GWAR!

Beavis and Butt-Head (Genesis)

Read the article and tell me what you think
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game: Beavis & Butt-

Post by Westane »


Just finished reading through your site and it's nice to see someone else new to the review game. The one biggest piece of advice I can give you is this:

Take a week off from writing and think really REALLY hard about what you want your reviews to actually accomplish, and how you want to accomplish it. Do this while you're just starting, otherwise you'll end up just like me, making radical redesigns to the site structure, changing review ideals and wasting a ton of time making retroactive changes.

When I first started out my whole shtick was that all I wanted to do was play through this huge list of games and chronicle my thoughts as I went along. Pure, 100% opinion. It didn't take long for me to realize that if I wanted to actually database and analyze any data I'd have to start assigning scores to games, so I went with an incredibly (and intentionally) bias scoring system that ultimately bordered on useless. I'd only just recently admit the need for a level of certain level of objectivity in my scoring, so now I'm going back and updating every game I've played so far with the new scoring metric.

I've also had to make several changes to post structures and just a general way of doing things. I didn't even actually set out to become a review site, it just sort of happened, and I'm only just finding my feet, and my biggest regret is that it took nearly nine months for that to happen.

That said, in spite of my new self-imposed objectiveness, I think a level of bias is incredibly important. You're allowed to not like games, even ones every one else loved. I couldn't make it through Dragon Quest III, I found the game amazingly boring. People will tell me otherwise, and that's fine. I understand that by its own merits it's a good game, but I didn't like it, and here's why. I think that way of thinking is very important, and you should stand by your opinions.

That turned into quite a tangent... Anyway I see I'll be playing some of the same games you've reviewed, so it'll be interesting to see how our opinions compare. Keep at it!
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game: Beavis & Butt-

Post by DeadPark »

Thank you for the comments westane.

i actually already have had a few restructures already, and i hear what you're saying. my site was still small enough that it wasn't a huge problem, but i can see it being a real hassle in the future.

to be honest, i'm still not really sure what i want to do with my reviews. writing was always my worst subject in school, so starting a review site is almost a joke in itself. but even content wise, i really want to write basically full play through reviews, but not quite detailed enough to be considered walkthroughs. i'm just not really sure how to balance that to stay entertaining enough for a casual reader without being boring and bogged down with too much detail.

i guess i'm just throwing stuff out there and hoping someone reads it and likes it. i'm not getting a whole lot of feedback yet, so it's hard for me to really know which direction to go just yet.

again, thank you for actually taking the time to read my articles. and i really do appreciate the comments.
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game: Beavis & Butt-

Post by DeadPark »

Help Ren and Stimpy return the Shaven Yak's Hooves and save Yak Shaving Day

Ren and Stimpy: The Quest for the Shaven Yak (Game Gear)

Check it out and tell me what you think

Also give your comments on the newly redesigned layout of the site.
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game: Ren and Stimpy

Post by DeadPark »

It's been a while. Back to back 70 hour weeks at work took a lot out of me. But i'm back with a new article.

Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions (SNES)

Marvin is at it again, and only Duck Dodgers can protect the Earth… We’re Doomed!

Check it out and leave me your thoughts
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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game: Daffy Duck

Post by DeadPark »

This November 26th isn't just thanksgiving, it also happens to be the 150th anniversary of the original publication of Alice in Wonderland.

So, with that in mind, i did some pre-celebrating and played / reviewed

Disney's Alice in Wonderland (GBC)

Check it out and celebrate 150 years in wonderland.

Even if you don't check out the article, you should still watch the movies, or read the books, or just somehow try to incorporate Alice in Wonderland into your thanksgiving this year.

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Re: Visit My Blog | Newest Game:Alice in Wonder

Post by DeadPark »

Come check out the black sheep of the Tetris family

Tetris Attack (SNES)

Come over, read the article, then leave me some feedback.
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