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Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:36 am
by D.D.D.
Mod_Man_Extreme wrote:(runs out to buy 360......seriously)

Where's the evidence?~ :D

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:48 am
by t0yrobo
HungryGarou wrote:
t0yrobo wrote:Wow, wat to screw up Sega. I'm glad I have it for oxbox already, but I might grab it for 360 anyways while I still can.

Is this game basically an HD outrun 2, or is it completely different?

I'm pretty certain it is, I haven't looked into it in since it came out though. The game looks great on the oxbox throgh component, but I wouldn't mind tossing Sega $10 for bringing out good games.

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:15 pm
by d123456
It's nowhere to be found :shock: not in history of doawloads or cart either, but that probably makes sense.
Not on jp, US, DE, NL or HK either!!!
fuk, why was this not announced, it would have sold lots!
Great strategy. Put content on psn, then after a year launch a campaign on how it will be removed within 2 weeks from PSN. people WILL buy it. I would, now.... I need to buy another second hand ps3 with this rare ps3 downloaded game on it :shock:
I don't blame anyone for not sharing their account btw, I now understand the risks involved :oops:
this sucks. Now I will have to ask everyone I know with a PS3 if they have this, hey I might pull a gun on strangers in the street, gimme your credentials! :lol:
OK, so now I am ready to piratemod my ps3, can I then haz this game?

Check this comment on Kotaku:
Cancel the Captain America game and use the funds to renew your license, Sega. We all know it's (probably) going to suck like Iron Man 2 did.
I feel the same way :lol:

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:21 pm
by ujnhunter
It only included the 15 OutRun2SP tracks. Not the original tracks. So it was sort of inferior anyhow. It's still on Xbox 360 btw.

Anyhow this is exactly the reason why I would never buy a "Games On Demand" game on XBL or a "Full" game from PSN instead of their Disc based counterparts. Not only are you paying more money, but you can potentially lose your ability to play games you payed for in the future. DRM = fail.

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:31 pm
by d123456
ujnhunter wrote:It only included the 15 OutRun2SP tracks. Not the original tracks. So it was sort of inferior anyhow.
Thst's the reason I never got it in the first place I have ps2 outrun2sp (proud owner)

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:11 pm
by Erik_Twice
Well, the only thing that looks odd graphically-wise in the OutRun 2 PC port is that the other cars look boxy and I very much doubt that was improved upon.

So, for now, I'm failing to see why they terminating this is an issue. I may see it harming the OutRun community however.

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:35 pm

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:24 pm
by Breetai
d123456 wrote:
ujnhunter wrote:Thst's the reason I never got it in the first place I have ps2 outrun2sp (proud owner)

Well, then you seem like you're doing fine. Outrun 2 SP is superior to Outrun Online HD in every way except the HD and online parts, which aren't a big deal. The online part is virtually redundant, and the HD part isn't really a huge issue from my point of view.

I used to have both Outrun 2 and 2 SP on X-Box, but that was a few years ago. I bought the PS3 version a few weeks ago because I really wanted some modern Outrun and the PS2 version is a bit pricey. I would be totally content with the PS2 version, to be honest.

The part that really does piss me off is that this is a product that people have legitimately purchased. Now, if their PS3 breaks or whatever and they have to replace it, they can never again have access to this game that they legally bought. It is moral robbery, as far as I'm concerned (not legal, I guess, but this is certainly wrong from a moral standpoint IMO).

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:34 pm
by racketboy
Wow this sucks -- I was planning on getting this soon too...

Re: Sega Outrun Online Arcade TERMINATED

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:50 am
by Weekend_Warrior
*Looks at Sony and gives best Jeff Spicoli impersonation*

.. "Hey bud, what's your problem?"